The mysterious armored man steps forward and the slaughter begins.

The nuns' unstoppable abuse was fragile and weak in his hands. Reese didn't even see him take out any weapons, but just used his fists to smash the solid body of abuse into pieces.

The flowing clouds and flowing water are unstoppable.

Such power is beyond the reach of even Sister Lucia.

"Who is he?" Reese watched the massacre of the mysterious man intently, and her mind quickly searched for all the logos of the Space Marine Chapter that she knew, but none of them matched the person in front of her.

Hesa Hall, who was leisurely, lazy and boring in the distance, saw that he had suppressed the abuse one-sidedly and was slaughtered one-sidedly, and he suddenly felt ridiculous.

Then the fast mysterious man killed all the abusers and stood in front of him. He even took out his hand to catch up with the two bone shields. The abuser also easily killed them. There was a little blood on the mysterious power armor. There was no flesh and blood, and the gorgeous and arrogant posture made Hesahor, who regarded himself as an art master, feel a little bit ashamed.


Without too much nonsense, Hesahor's head was smashed, but the mysterious man seemed to know how to kill a blood pity man and did not relax because of smashing his head.

Instead, he used his feet to crush the spine on his back, and beat all the intact parts that could be touched into soft mince inch by inch.

"Lord Angel." Reese trotted over with the box in hand. He looked a little reserved at the mysterious man, but his face showed the joy of witnessing a demigod slaughtering people on the battlefield.

".Call me Aurora."

"Uh, Lady Aurora."



"very good."

The mysterious man seemed to hate the honorific title given to him by others. He just swung the cloak behind him and passed over the bodies of the nun and the Blood Mercy Apprentice.

"Did you see anything?"

"Uh. I saw it, Aurora."

"Take out that grenade."


Reese didn't understand what Aurora meant, and stood there not knowing what to do.

"Alas." Aurora sighed, took the box in Reese's hand, took out the sacred golden ball, and shook it in Reese's face, "Did you see it? This is a grenade. A divine looking grenade.”

"Huh?" Reese stared blankly at the holy object, unable to accept the fact that it was a grenade for a moment.

Not paying much attention to Reese's surprise, Aurora grabbed Reese's hand and taught him step by step how to activate the grenade.

"Later, you will do this first, then this, and then this. Do you understand?"


"very good."

Reese held the sacred grenade and watched Aurora take out the complete collection of hymns again. He flipped through it casually and found one of the pages. He gently pulled the footer of the page with his hand, seemingly wanting to remove the page. Just tear the paper off.

Aurora looked at the book, then at Reese, and then at the three eyes that were saving her compatriots in the distance and sighed.

"Perhaps this leaves you more in line with your destiny."

Throwing the book in her hand to Reese, Aurora touched her head, "Wherever you blow up with a grenade, you will escape. I have already calculated it. You will be fine."

"What about you?"

"Shh. I still have my mission."

Reese only felt her eyes blink normally, and Aurora disappeared in front of her, as if the huge mysterious person had never existed.


No, it's true. At least the dead aliens and sisters are real.

Where to create a rift? Can everyone really survive? Reese began to doubt herself. She was just a little nun in the hymn department, how could she shoulder such an important responsibility.

Reese hugged the book tightly, as if this was the only way to make her feel at ease. She heard noisy footsteps among the corpses, as well as cries suppressed by fear.

"Sir, we have rescued all the living people, and there are more people following us."


"My lord? My lord? What should we do next?"

"Ah." Reese looked at those eyes full of hope and expectation, nervousness gripped her heart. She tried to find someone who could talk, but found that her sisters were already dead.

She took a deep breath, hugged the complete collection of hymns and the sacred grenades tightly, and shouted to the people who escaped from death, "Follow me! Let's escape from this hell!"

The voice was trembling, but no one noticed the problem.

Reese stood where Aurora had guided him, recalling how to use the sacred grenade that Aurora taught her. She held the grenade high above her head and chanted.

"Merciful Lord, bless this grenade!"

"Blow your enemies to pieces!"

"Forgive them, God promised, and people offered sacrifices of lambs, sloths, carps, anchovies, orangutans, millet, and fruit bats."

Then Reese changed his tone, making his voice sound older and more mature, "Omit some, parishioner."

This strange dialogue-like prayer made Reiss tremble a little. She even thought it was Aurora's way of teasing her, but she had no choice but to continue chanting in the complicated and rapping language of Gothic.

Most of the people were not well educated and did not know much about this Gothic language. The fear in their hearts occupied their hearts, and no one cared about Reese's embarrassment.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"God says, first take off the bolt! Then count to three neither more nor more, you should count to three, the number you count is three, you count to three, neither count to four nor two."

"Five is too many. Once three is counted and becomes the third number counted, throw the Holy Grenade of Antioch at the enemy."


Although Rhys didn't know who God was, maybe another name for the Emperor? But she still pulled off the tether of the sacred grenade, counted silently for three seconds, and then threw it under a wall.

Golden holy light appeared from inside the grenade, and a sacred voice came out of thin air. Reese had never heard it before, and no one present had ever heard such words.


The violent explosion completely engulfed the wall, and the subsequent dimensional barriers and dimensional blocking nails were all destroyed by the explosion of the sacred grenade. The damage hole transmitted light, illuminating everyone's faces.

A sacred, magnificent door, it exudes golden light, shining on the face of every living person, and warmth returns to Reese's body.

Lady Aurora did not deceive me.

Reese felt his body disintegrate into light and float toward the door. The survivors of the factory also turned into light and shined into it.

When they regained consciousness, they found that the noisy and bloody factory was gone, and there were only buildings of an indistinguishable style around them, as well as a line of low Gothic on the wall.

"Welcome to the ranch, survive and avenge us."

Sanyan came over and knelt in front of Reese, "Sir, what should we do."

Reese looked at the big words on the wall, at the frightened crowd, and at the complete collection of hymns in his hand.

She held up the shimmering book and shouted loudly: "Try to survive! For us! For them! Revenge!"

The crowd fell to their knees and prayed for the saint of Reis who saved them

But Reese knows that she is not the one who saves all sentient beings.

The ultimate old joke

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