After listening to the story of Reese and Lorne's people coming here, Lin Fan and Khan looked at each other, "Are you thinking the same as me?"

Then they said in unison, "It's Alpharius!"

"But it could be Omega? After all, that name is Aurora? But it's also possible that he deliberately led others to think in this direction?" Khan frowned, trying hard to think about the character and qualities of his mysterious brother, so that he could I can analyze what this strange guy is going to do.

No one knows the difference between Alpharius and Omega, not even the Primarchs, and perhaps even the Emperor.

And most of the time, except for a very few people, it is extremely rare for the entire universe to know that there are two Primarchs of the Alpha Legion.

The simplest description of the Alpha Legion and their Primarch is that if you don't know who is Alpharius or Omega, then you are probably Alpharius or Omega, or both! Or neither!

These guys were mysterious during the Great Expedition. No one knew how many people they had, and no one knew what kind of organizational structure they had.

There may be some of these disguised men in every legion. During the rebellion, no one could tell whether they were loyal or rebel.

They blocked White Scar's fleet, leaving White Scar helpless and returned to Terra to continue the defense. The poison gas canister next door, Mokallian, was dumbfounded. This kind of curved loyalty almost made Lao Mo count Alpha as one of the top 25 in the rebel army. young.

There was more to follow, encircling and suppressing the Space Wolves; rescuing the Crow King Corax, and then turning around and destroying the Raven Guard's plan to form a legion.

The result of such jumping back and forth was that the rebels failed to complete their dumpling-making goal of annihilation. The Loyalists' plan to launch a counterattack also failed.

They are just like the Asasi male protagonist in your love game, coaxing everyone to like him, but they are unwilling to go further, whet everyone's appetite, and then turn around and play the next game.

Maybe the Alpha Legion themselves don't know what they are doing, maybe Tzeentch knows?

Khan thought for a long time, and his brain began to hurt. He sighed, "I don't know what they want to do. Do you have an idea?"

"Haha, if I can figure out what they are going to do, I will be the president of the university."

"What principal?"

"You'll know when you take a spin deep into the subspace."

Lin Fan replied to Khan casually, then turned to look at Reese, "Then what is in the complete collection of hymns in your hand?"

Reese tilted her head, looking a little confused. She opened the book, pointed it at Lin Fan, and flipped through the pages.

"There is nothing inside. Aurora said that it will appear when you are most critical. I thought the previous situation was critical, but when I saw you coming, I realized that this was just the beginning."

So Alpharius expected Lin Fan and Khan to come here? How did he do that? Lin Fan thought about it, including those secret sects that had been talked about in the past, but still had no clue. So he shook his head and turned his attention to the wall of flesh and blood surrounding them.

"Can these people still move when they are like this?"


"Then can you get them to get up and move?"

"If that's your wish, everyone, get up."

As Reese shouted, Khan and Lin Fan felt the ground beneath their feet begin to squirm, and the surrounding walls began to twist like balloons filled with water.

Thousands of hands gently held Reese to the center of this flesh-and-blood polymer, hugging her like a mother caring for her child.

Lin Fan looked at the flesh-and-blood aggregation transformed from Lorne's crowd, and felt that this thing really looked like a giant earthworm, like the armor-less version of Rokas' Magnetic Devourer.

"So what do we do next?"

"Do you want revenge?"

"I wish for it." Reese smiled softly, and the face on the flesh and blood polymer also showed obvious desire.


The old iron head and the orcs stood at the place where they were supposed to meet for a long time. If he hadn't known that there was Elafren among them, the old iron head would not have bothered to wait for so long.

"I'm telling you, can Waaagh! get up together with those shrimps? The stone ball we put together went up and turned around, and now there is no movement at all."

Another big tech master came over, scratched his butt with his hand, and then put it on Lao Tietou's nose.

"Hey! I'm so stupid, you little brat!" Old Tietou slapped the big tech tyrant's hand away in disgust, and then gave him a firm kick on the butt with his own boots.

The big tech master was not angry after being kicked. He just took a few steps back to regain his balance, and then complained, "I know you have been hanging out with that black bean sprout for a long time and have acquired a lot of bad habits! Where did you have it before?" You love being clean so much, you want to stick your hammer with Scrooge’s shit and smash other people’s heads in!”

"Okay! Okay, old iron leg, stop grinding and whining. It will be over soon. I trust that little bean sprout."

"Okay, okay." Old Iron Legs walked away, shouting to the boys who were following them, "Just wait! You bastards! If anyone can't wait any longer, just go home!"


"If you keep complaining, stop Waaagh! Go back and drink green water for the rest of your life! Aren't you tired of drinking that stuff?"

"I'm tired of drinking. My tongue is now green."

"Me too"

Seeing that the orcs became quiet again, Old Iron Legs also sat down cross-legged, took out a bottle of green leather juice from the backpack behind him, and poured it into the bottle.

This thing tastes good at first, but after drinking it for a long time, it smells like rotten mushrooms. Even green skinned people can't stand drinking this kind of thing all year round, but they don't know how to squeeze shrimp juice, and eating it roasted is not good. Not enough points.

Think about it, they were following the boss on a rampage, and then they were caught by an ugly-looking Nutmeg. The boss was immediately crushed, and the only ones left were the two giants, Lao Tie Leg and Lao Tietou. There are mechanic boys in their hands.

Those black bean sprouts are also cowards. They never attack the front, but stab them secretly, and even play with dirty things like poison.

The cars and planes we built are also very girly, and they don’t even make a fart sound when they run!

Everyone here is eager for a Waaagh! A hearty Waaagh that can smash the head of black bean sprouts!

Instead of rushing up and having everyone die inexplicably, without even seeing a single person, that would be too boring.

This picture is a good introduction to Angron’s dreams and current situation.

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