"Fortifications, artillery, and foreign aid are all meaningless. Unless the ordinary soldier understands that he is defending the country. This sentence was said by Carl Gustav Mannerheim, a master tactician in ancient Terra, Maybe we can replace it here.”

"If ordinary soldiers knew that they were protecting their hometown, their loved ones, and their dreams, I don't think there would be as many traitors in the empire as you said."

Kripman agreed with what Lin Fan said, but he still disagreed with Lin Fan's weakness towards those in contact with chaos.

"So when it comes to the Astra Militarum's contact with the Chaos Rebellion, we can actually put it into their perspective."

"You are John, an ordinary Astra Militarum. You have been selected on the planet. You are the best in the army on your planet. Because only in this way can you be qualified to fight for the Emperor in the stars."

"You followed the fleet that covered the sky, witnessed the power of the empire, and were sent to bloody battles with the enemy on one battlefield after another."

"You've seen all the orcs, aliens, and traitors. Until you were sent to Armageddon, no one dared to tell you what you were dealing with, because those who knew about it were eliminated as Chaos Corruptors."

"You hold a gun in your hand and think this battle is no big deal. There are even the Emperor's Angels of Death standing beside you, as well as angels in shining silver armor that you don't recognize."

"With these superhumans on the battlefield, all the Emperor's enemies will be defeated. That's what you always believed."

"Those supernatural evil spirits appeared on the battlefield. You pulled the trigger and dropped the bomb, but found that it had little effect. More and more horrors appeared in your mind, and you felt the fear emerging from the depths of your soul. You could hardly breathe."

"The god-like warriors were wiped out by a horror you have never seen before, their blood spilled into the sky, and the air was filled with the gasps of the dying."

"You were holding the gun tightly and you were at a loss. How could you possibly be able to deal with that kind of evil spirit?"

"Recalling your past experiences, you have walked through the swamps that swallowed life, and you have seen the forges in the forging world that are higher than the mountains. But these things are not as touching as the little girl you saw on a certain imperial world. Bigger.”

"She handed you a flower to thank you for protecting their world. You stared at the little girl's malnourished face, thin and yellow, but you were still moved by the gratitude in her eyes."

"In violation of military regulations, you secretly accepted this flower, pressed it dry, sealed it in your armor, and kept it as your best medal."

"You suddenly understand the meaning of becoming an Astra Militarum. We fight in the galaxy and fight against terrifying evil spirits to protect those who are worthy of protection."

"You rushed out of the bunker, holding the rifle with the bayonet in your hands. You shed tears and your legs were trembling. You were frightened by the increasingly crazy scenes in front of you. But you were still inspired by a trace of courage in your heart. ”

"Miraculously, you killed an evil demon with a bayonet. You were lucky enough to survive until the end of the battle. Along the way, you saw too much cruelty, too many separations of life and death, but seeing that Armageddon was not ravaged by the evil demon, you still felt in your heart. Have your own pride.”

"But in the end, the Inquisition intervened. They said that everyone on the planet is a corruptor. They want to cleanse everyone, and they also want to cleanse you, a loyal soldier who killed an evil demon on the battlefield."

"You are confused. The people you protect and yourself have become objects of urgent cleansing. You want to ask: Why do we still come here to save the planet?"

"No one answers you, they just give you a bullet and send you on your way."

"You are so sad and angry that you can't tell what evil is. You know from your simple moral concept that these ugly things are not fun, but watching the Inquisition sweeping the entire city with fire and bombs, you suddenly feel that these Inquisitions are also related to There is no difference between demons."

"You feel that you must stop the atrocities of the Inquisition for the sake of the people, and then a voice comes to your ears."

"I will help you and help you realize your wish, but you also need to pay the price."

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes to protect people."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he just spread his hands and watched Kripman's reaction. He hoped that this stubborn judge could understand what he meant.

"Then he became a traitor, and that goes against our theory."

"Are you still consistent? You are really hopeless."

Kripman yelled at Lin Fan, "Everything you said is a story! A complete story! Stories and reality are different!"

Lin Fan looked at Kripman's face. He knew that the inquisitor was a little shaken, but he did not continue and just let Kripman vent his indignation.

"I've seen too many people like this. Too many! You don't know anything at all! People who hold great dreams to change the world! Each of them is like a dazzling torch! So dazzling in this cruel darkness!"

"They were targeted by demons one by one, and they went astray in the intertwining of lies and truth! My teacher, the former demon judge, was like this. He worked to expel demons for hundreds of years, but in the end he became a demon."

"The more you resist the abyss, the more you will become a part of the abyss! Even people who are as pure as the original body will be corrupted by chaos. Who can guarantee that those generous people will not become the spreaders of chaos?"

“Those who do evil but are loyal will have few followers.”

"Those who act righteously and waver will have many followers."

"If they really love the Emperor and humanity, they should choose to commit suicide after finishing the battle with the demons, instead of coercing trillions of people to be corrupted without knowing it in the name of righteousness."

Lin Fan knew Kripman's concerns. If the corruption of chaos was to be cleaned up, there must be someone who would not be corrupted to lead the masses.

A purely selfless person, he will not be tempted by power and wealth, nor will he be involved in all kinds of worldly things.

In the past it was the Emperor and his Primarchs who served in this role, but now they are either missing or, like the Emperor, paralyzed, trapped on his throne and unable to move.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan smiled lightly. He would not be corrupted. He could become the person who walked the world in place of the original body and the emperor.

Moreover, he is a mortal in soul, not as extreme and idealistic as the original body. It is not easy for him to get into the horns of a bull and never climb out again.

"Okay, don't say any more, come down and take a look for yourself. At least take away all the Gray Knights, they are too edible."

You can see the size difference between the Gray Knight and the Inquisitor

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