Lin Fan hung up the call, and Kripman sat on a chair, covering his face with his hands and stopped talking.

Everyone in the Expedition Fleet conference room was also silent. Kaiser White Fang had already finished drinking the mead. He pinched the jar and sighed.

"Okay, let's go and go down and take a look. Kripman, don't be too suspicious. I swear on Fenris, that person will never betray the empire. Even if you don't believe me, you have to believe Judge Weisi. "

Kripman looked at Weiss who nodded, and reluctantly accepted Kaiser White Fang's suggestion. After all, he had no choice.

They prepare to leave for Landers World to select personnel and transport aircraft.

As for the purpose, Kaiser White Fang felt that he could hide it for a while and just asked Westad, the general of the Casare Corps, not to tell anyone what happened at the meeting.

General Westad wanted to sneak out of the conference room. After all, he had heard too many secrets that he shouldn't have heard today. That soap was definitely not an ordinary person.

At first, he thought that Soap was just a magical boy who was favored by the emperor, but now it seemed that this guy knew so much about the dark history.

Westad was beginning to wonder if Soap was an old monster that had been alive since the days of the Great Crusade.

Looking at Kaiser White Fang walking towards him with a subtle expression on his face, Westad's expression was uglier than crying, so he could only say hello with a trembling hand in the aquila salute.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't kill you. Only the Inquisition can do this kind of purge."

"It's an adult"

A big hand gently squeezed General Westad's shoulder, and Kaiser's white teeth moved his lips slightly, telling him to call his acquaintances from Soap and go down together.

As soon as he heard this, Westad felt relieved. As long as he didn't want to silence him, it would be easy to say anything.

Although he seemed to have unlimited glory as a legion general, facing the two giants, the Space Marines and the Inquisition, squeezing them to death was no more difficult than squeezing an ant to death.

An order was quickly drafted by Westad and passed down.


A group of soldiers came to the 37th Regiment's station on the ship, which can be said to be the strongest unit in the Expeditionary Fleet Astra Militarum.

Those shining achievements and beautifully sewn military flags make it impossible for anyone to be jealous.

These soldiers fought tenaciously on the most difficult and desperate battlefields, using their weapons to illustrate what loyalty is.

The young soldier looked at the emblem of the 37th Regiment painted on the gate and swallowed. He was excited that he was lucky enough to join the heroic regiment. This experience was enough for him to return to his hometown and play a good game in that tavern.

The metal hatch opened, and inside were the soldiers of the 37th Regiment who were training, all sweating profusely and with strong bodies.

A bald man noticed the soldiers standing at the door, saluted them and asked them their purpose.

"We are here to deliver General Westad's orders, which can only be passed on to the Colonel."


Hearing such words, the bald man seemed a little embarrassed. There has never been a colonel in their regiment, and this position will always be vacant.

"Our regiment does not have a colonel, but I can take you to meet the regiment's political commissar."


One soldier shouted excitedly, "I think we can give this document to the legendary 'Butcher's Saw'!"

"Really? Is the rumor outside so outrageous?"

The bald head wiped his face helplessly, sighed, and motioned for the soldiers to follow his pace, although he wondered why communication equipment was not used to convey orders.

The soldiers followed the bald man, and the excitement in their hearts could not be suppressed. There were smiles on their faces that could not be concealed, and their eyes were shining brightly.

Everyone knows that there is a legendary warrior in the 37th Regiment, a Mechanicum monk, wearing a red robe, and behind him are four limbs with electromagnetic circular saws.

The power ax in his hand was used so superbly that countless aliens fell in front of this man.

Not to mention this person's special method of repairing the machine soul, no matter how violent and stubborn the machine soul is, it will tremble in her hands and become as docile as a milk dog.

The monks in other regiments tried their best to learn from her, but this person was so mysterious that he left quietly after leaving broken limbs and broken arms on the ground. The method of repairing the machine soul has also been unknown.

As the hatches opened one after another, the bald head pressed his hand on the scanner, and the mechanical skull eyes on the door shed blue light waves. The bald man and the soldiers knew that this was the glance of Wan Jishen.

They knelt on the ground, waiting for the approval of the God of All Machines.


The cold mechanical sound came along with the sound of the hatch sliding, and the sound of hammering machinery came from inside the room.

The lights suddenly turned on, and a legendary figure that haunted the soldiers' hearts appeared.

A red robe, four retractable limbs equipped with an electromagnetic saw behind him, and a huge and rough power axe. The soldiers could not imagine how many dead souls were under this axe.

"Priest Delia, here is the warrant General Westad gave you!"


With a faint response, Priest Delia turned her head and showed her skeleton-like metal face to everyone.

The mechanical limbs stretched over, grabbed the warrant with pliers, and after scanning it with their electronic eyes, they understood what was written on it.

"All the officers and soldiers of the 37th Regiment boarded the transport ship parked at the A1 cabin entrance. We are going to Landers World."

The bald man was about to lead the soldiers away, but one of them did not leave. Instead, he carefully asked the back of Priest Delia: "Can I ask for your autograph?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

""Priest Delia ignored him and was still busy with the work at hand. From time to time, he would weld and forge the parts beside him.

"I don't want your autograph to show off. Do you remember the Andelli Mining Base 14? If you hadn't crushed those aliens like a cannonball, all of our regiment might have been killed. We admire you very much. and thank you.”

These words touched Priest Delia. She nodded slightly and adjusted the records in the data core. Her life is full and busy, and it is impossible to remember everything.

"Ah, I remembered, Mining Base No. 14. I had no intention of saving you, those invisible aliens just happened to block my way."

"Understand? I didn't save you, it was luck that saved you."

Delia turned back and looked at the soldier with her red-light electronic eyes. This indifference made him a little discouraged, and his mood dropped when he saw his savior.

The soldiers left, and the bald man came closer to Priest Delia.

"Are you just being stubborn? I remember... ahem, someone said that this is a sign of arrogance."

"Shut up old Jock. There's no tsundere here."

"So you saved them? Or didn't you save them?"

"I had no intention of saving them. I was looking for something."

"So you're like an unstoppable armored car that smashes everything on the road?"

"You know they're invisible, I can't see a thing, old Jock."

Old Jock shrugged. He could already think of these poor aliens who were smashed into pieces by Priest Delia. Just as he turned to greet the soldiers to gather, he had an iron plate in his hand.

When I walked out the door and took a closer look, I saw Delia's name written on this piece of scrap metal.

"Haha, isn't this just tsundere?"

One gun is pointed at the enemy, and the other gun is pointed at yourself. Who can guarantee that he will not be corrupted?

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