Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 303: One-day Tour of the Nest City

After boarding the transport plane, Priest Delia discovered that there were a few people heading to Landers' world this time.

Veterans and officers of the Thirty-seventh Legion, three warriors of the Space Wolves, Inquisitor Vesth and her Battle Sisters, and representatives from other Space Marine Chapters.

Priest Delia said hello to Kaiser White Fang. They had a good relationship because of Lin Fan as a link. During the days when Lin Fan disappeared at Armageddon, Delia was in a state of confusion every day. It was Cather White Fang and Wodehouse who came together to comfort her, which finally restored Delia's depression.

The aircraft departed from the ship and flew towards the world of Landers.

The void is getting farther and farther away from them, and only the red planet in front of them is constantly enlarging. Priest Delia leaned her head against the window and used her electronic eyes to analyze the planet's atmospheric data and determine what kind of planet it was.

She always felt that when she said hello to Cather White Fang just now, these old and crooked Space Wolves had unexplained smiles on their faces.

She originally thought that the Emperor's angels were a group of ruthless warriors, a group of demigods walking on the edge of hell, but during Delia's interactions with the Space Wolves, she discovered that these people did not have the otherworldly desires she thought.

These angels also eat and talk about how today's food supplies taste. They would do their own activities in their spare time, carving huge tusks. Or brew your own Fenrisian mead.

During the days when Delia was heartbroken, Cather White Fang gave her a taste. Delia only felt that her mouth was extremely spicy, and her stomach felt like it was on fire after she swallowed it.

Later, she passed out and fell unconscious. When she woke up, she could only see Cather White Fang being slapped on the face by Wolf Priest Bennett.

"Maybe the wild wolves remembered some dirty joke again."

The cabin door opened and everyone walked down the telescopic ladder. You can see the excitement of the soldiers of the 37th Regiment. They have not been able to step on the solid and wide land for a long time.

Although the empire's void ships are also huge, the decks made of adamantine and ceramic steel are extremely strong, and they can stop any destructive blow that can shake the ground and break the rock formations.

The artificial gravity of the gravity generator has been adjusted to the most suitable parameters for humans, and the air circulation system is continuously adjusting the oxygen balance of the ship.

Although the soldiers did not dislike these environments that had been carefully adjusted by the Mechanic Priests, they still missed the natural environment even more. The void is too lonely and the ship is too depressing. There is nothing better than breathing a breath of fresh air on a planet with a good environment.

"Huh! The air here is really good. It feels so refreshing to take a breath."

Old Jock took a deep breath. In his perception, the air quality in this place was much better than that in the agricultural world of Kamaklan.

Delia was shocked by the data from the electronic eye. According to her calculations and reasoning, this planet should not have such oxygen content.

Everyone walked towards the nest city, and all they saw along the way were huge plants that were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and farmers preparing to harvest and operating machinery.

Delia could tell at a glance that these devices were not recorded in any manuals of the Mechanicus. Although the obvious traces of modification and re-splicing were tried to be covered up, they were still a bit naive in front of a transformation master like her.

No one came to greet them. The people on the planet just looked at them curiously and then went about their business. They are busy, and harvesting these huge fruits is no easy task.

A red fruit grew on a plant dozens of meters high. It fell off amidst the vibration of the vehicle and hit the walking team directly.

"Be careful!" A figure jumped out from the dense leaves. She held a huge shovel in her hand. The edges were engraved with serrations. It was obvious that this shovel was multi-functional.

The woman wearing simple clothes flew up and kicked the falling red fruit. The strong thighs shattered the tough pants. With the sound of the fruit breaking, the thing that fell on their heads flew into the black field.

"Uh, hello adults, I surprised you."

The woman looked a little embarrassed, holding her sleeves with her hands and a towel hanging around her neck.

"You. With your skills and temperament, you are a battle nun, right?"

Cather White Fang put his hands down from his waist, and he would have cut the fruit open just now if no one had come forward to do it. But looking at the height and build of the woman in front of him, her iconic pure white hair, and her energetic way of kicking, he knew she was a member of the Sisters.

"Is this planet already so rich? Even the battle sisters can use it to farm?"

He doesn't mean any harm, that's just the temper of the Space Wolves. He says whatever comes to his mind and doesn't care about offending anyone. For them, there is no acquaintance without fighting. If there is any minor conflict, just give it a hug, drink a sip of mead, and sing Fenris songs, and everyone will become buddies.

The nuns dressed as ordinary citizens were stimulated by Cather White Fang's words. After all, they were responsible for many tragedies on this planet.

"I'm very sorry."

The nun covered her face and disappeared into the dense leaves, while Cather White Fang scratched his head, looking a little embarrassed. Wolf Priest Bennett touched him with his arm and told him not to be so rash.

Priest Delia used a mechanical arm to cut the fruit that was open and dripping with juice. The unique fresh aroma of the fruit made the soldiers from the world of Kamaklan drool.

They were old farmers before they became soldiers, and they could tell by smelling the fruit that the fruit must have an unusual taste.

"Why is this? Generally speaking, something of this size cannot taste like this. It is simply too sweet and fragrant, just like the Crystal Tears produced for the masters of Garden World."

"Oh? Do you seem to understand?"

"Hi, sir, before I joined the army, I was a famous appraiser in our eight villages. If anyone's fruit is delicious, I have to be invited over to try it."

"Then why wouldn't something so big taste sweet?"

Soldiers from the world of Kamaklan explained to Kaiser White Fang the characteristics of the agricultural products they grew.

There are two types of plants grown on their planet, one is the ordinary level and the other is the special level.

Ordinary-level agricultural products have been genetically modified by the Mechanicus Priests, sacrificing taste and taste to increase yield and survivability. Ensure that the wide fields can produce the most food to feed the people of the empire.

The other type is specialty food specially grown by the people on the planet in specific gardens. While providing more unique food for planet residents, it can also become a luxury product exported to the imperial nobles.

The comic shows a Khorne harvester crushing shacks in an agricultural area.

A more extreme and terrifying agricultural world

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