
There was the sound of cutting and breaking the fruit, as Delia distributed the cracked pieces to the others.

Kaiser White Fang took the piece of fruit and put it in his mouth. He felt it was sweet and juicy, and the light fragrance wrapped around Kaiser White Fang's teeth, making him have endless aftertaste.

"This thing deserves to be put into the Harvest Horn of Fenris."

"Oh? Do you rate it so highly?"

Bennett also took off his helmet and put the pulp into his mouth. Like Cather White Fang, he nodded in agreement and threw a broken piece into the mead pot he carried.

These things will add a lot of color to the mead.

The soldiers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment were all so hungry that they had never eaten such delicious food in all their lives. Old Jock regretted a little, how could he eat the dehydrated fruits and vegetables on the ship after eating such things.

After entering the hive, they looked at the scenery on both sides of the street and the people coming and going.

It can be seen that these residents are very surprised by the Space Marines like Kaiser White Fang. After all, their height and appearance of wearing fur and teeth are really rare. This kind of clothing style is not formal, and according to the complicated religious laws of the religious world, it can be regarded as disrespectful to the emperor.

As for the inquisitors and battle sisters, the residents shook their heads and avoided eye contact with them.

Weisi frowned lightly. She could see that the people on this planet were afraid of the Battle Sisters. There had probably been riots before, and the Battle Sisters were the main force in suppressing them.

Maybe you can ask Saint Soap next to find out what is happening in this world.

It can be seen that this hive has just been repaired. Although the rubble and debris on the road have been cleaned up, the exposed internal structures of those buildings and the iron-framed steel frames that stare straight into the sky make the Space Marines Learn about the intensity of war on the planet.

There is nothing attractive about the residents' faces, which is understandable considering the unreasonable level of advanced agriculture outside. But seeing the smiles on these people's faces and the energy with which they worked, Cather White Fang was a little surprised.

There was an old man sitting on the ground on the side of the road, looking like he was recovering his strength and resting. Cather White Fang walked over and put on what he thought was the friendliest smile.

But what to call it? grandfather? child? Tsk, that's the trouble with the Space Marines. They all live too long, but they are not that old in appearance.

Even though Cather White Fang had a thick beard and his face was deeply wrinkled by the wind of war, he did not look older than the old man in front of him.

"Ahem. Hello, Imperial Citizen."

"Oh? Ahhh!" The old man seemed to be frightened by the mountain-like giant in front of him. He was stunned for a while, and then stood up tremblingly, "Hello, sir, do I block your way? I Let’s go.”

"No, no, Imperial Citizen, I have no intention of expelling you, I just want to ask some questions."

The old man raised his head hard to make himself look more sincere.

"You look very happy. Of course, I'm not trying to control your emotions. I'm just curious. Generally speaking, planet residents who have experienced war will not be like you."

Kaiser White Fang told the old man about the survivors he had seen. Fear and sorrow had been stripped from their souls. The cruelty and length of the war made everyone physically and mentally exhausted.

The only thing these people have is numbness, and only the flames of hot water used by these people in their helmets can make their eyes somewhat bright.

After listening to Kaiser White Fang's words, the old man also sighed, "When the war just ended, the people here were pretty much what the adults said. Some people's entire families died, which was still good. That's it. I’m afraid that half of the family will die, the parents will lose their children, and the children will lose their mothers. There are too many such things.”

Pointing to the huge square building structure with only its skeleton left in the distance, the old man said that there was once a 1,500-story building, which was full of residents, and they all had their own lives. The arrival of the war turned the building into a tomb for burying memories, and also caused the residents in it to die cleanly.

"But after a few days, everyone found that it was just like that. Life still had to go on, but it was more difficult. There was no extra food and water, and we had to be careful about what we eat every day. When we woke up, we were busy cleaning up the ruins. , find something usable, and if you’re lucky today, you can find an uncrushed can.”

"Later, a plague broke out here, and many people got sick. No, I should say that I have never seen anyone who was not sick. Everyone's body was bleeding with pus, their body temperature was frighteningly high, and everyone was so confused. I have a lot of I can’t remember things clearly.”

Listening to the old man's description, the Space Marines felt that this was describing the corruption of Nurgle. They stared at the old man with indifferent eyepieces, and at the same time stared at all the pedestrians on the street.

They suddenly felt that these smiling residents were not much different from the demons of Nurgle. Perhaps the foul-smelling pus and blood spurted out after cutting their blood vessels.

Kaiser White Fang put his hand on his waist, and the frost battle ax also shone with a faint light. The representatives of the other Space Marine Chapters did not choose to take action immediately, because they really could not defeat the old wolf in front of them.

"Later, Sage Sauce cured our diseases and gave us the scarce food and drinking water. Later, we started to engage in education and hive planning, and promulgated many benevolent decrees. I can't remember clearly. But the broadcasters say this every day.”

You will get something if you work hard, and you will gain something if you work hard.

At this point the old man became angry again and complained about the bad life before the mercy decree was promulgated.

Those servitors equipped with whips don’t care how much you produce today, they only care whether you produce hard or not. Every day the wheels and axles work like machines, maybe not as good as machines. Those machines also have priests singing and anointing them with holy oil.

These people will only get a compressed block to ensure that they will not starve to death, and a few glasses of water to drink every day, nothing more.

"Those like us who have survived from the factory have our own ways to make ourselves look busy and still have energy left. Many people don't understand this. They panic after being whipped and work hard, but in the end they are not Being exhausted means being beaten to death on the assembly line.”

"But what now? The good times are really here. The more you work, the more food you will be allocated. Many people have enough to eat for the first time, and some people are so full that they die from exhaustion, but they are better than the war. The dead are so much better off."

The height of Titan in this picture is questionable.

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