Listening to the old man's complaints, Cather White Fang couldn't help but ask how old he was this year.

"Me? I'm about 30 years old? Who knows, there is no sun and no clock. We all calculate the time based on the sound of the factory whistle. When the tallest and largest cooling tower stops spewing white mist, we will Knowing that a year has passed, the next round of production is about to begin. ”

The whistle sounded, and the old man was a little nervous. He pointed to the workers waiting for him on the roadside, and showed an apologetic smile to Kaiser White Fang.

Cather White Fang waved his hand, indicating that he would not care about such a trivial matter. He just looked at the old man's retreating back and rubbed his bearded chin.

"Although this place is not as beautiful as the Garden World, there are no tall and magnificent buildings, and there is no colorful literary and artistic life."

"But they're better off than they were before, and that's the best part."

"Yes, Bennett, that's the best part."

Walking on the wide roads of the hive city, they finally saw the team coming to greet them.

A group of silent Krieg soldiers, distinguished by their black coats and their gas masks.

"Sir, this is Krieger's reorganized regiment. I am Colonel Erica. The commander ordered us to greet you."

"Why doesn't he do it himself?"


Although Cather White Fang couldn't see what Erica looked like under the mask, he could also hear the hesitation.

"Answer the question, soldier."

"The chief is entertaining the people of the Inquisition. It's very chaotic right now."


Everyone quickly moved forward with the Krieg soldiers, and only discovered what the so-called chaos meant when they walked outside the church.

A group of Stormtroopers with the Ordo Demonic logo clashed with people wearing clerical robes, and Judge Kripman was yelling at a woman wearing a white dress.

Among them was Lin Fan, who was trying to prevent the group from breaking out into a conflict.

"I'm telling you, don't start fighting like this. Listen to me first."

"My demon-hunting runes have become hot because of her appearance! I must destroy her for the Emperor!"

"Haha! For the Emperor? Maybe I have seen the Emperor more times than you!"

The three of them were arguing, but no one took the lead. The gray knights in the shadows folded their arms and looked like it was none of their business.

But Cather White Fang's attention at this time was only on the Thirty-Seventh Regiment and Priest Delia.

"Is this true?" Delia stared blankly at the embarrassed Lin Fan in the distance, using her electronic eyes to analyze his body covered by Krieger's uniform, and sniffing the pheromones in the air with her nose.

The excitement of witnessing the power of the God of Machines was not as exciting as this encounter. She thought she would never see the incarnation of the God of Machines again in her life, but on this planet, without any reason or foreshadowing, she saw Lin Fan's figure arrived.

Turning to look at Kaiser White Fang, I found that he still had a subtle smile on his face. This guy must have known it for a long time. Delia was not angry when she thought of this, but showed a relieved smile.

He just wanted to surprise himself, and he did it.

Lin Fan was already anxious at this time. Kripman would shoot Shasi no matter what, and the big devil Shasi had conflicted with Kripman before.

The two guys were like sticks touching a fire. Fortunately, Bishop Marian went to learn children's songs, otherwise today's incident would be really difficult to explain.

What should I say to Marian? Tell this honest man who devoutly believes in the Emperor that the sauce he likes is a Slaanesh demon? It would be better if only a few people knew about this kind of thing.

Fortunately, both the Inquisitor and Sha Si still had brains, and the problem did not expand. In the eyes of the Inquisition soldiers and church personnel, this was just a daily conflict between the State Church and the Inquisition.

After all, everyone in the Inquisition is a heretic in the eyes of these guys, even the bishops of the state religion.

Even speaking secretly, some inquisitors believe that living saints are heretics and are manifestations of the consecration of warp demons.

Lin Fan was ready to give Kripman a slap in the face and tell him to get the high-quality sleep like a baby, when a red shadow rushed towards him.


This sound? Lin Fan always felt that it sounded familiar. When he looked carefully, he saw a priest with four mechanical limbs extending from his back and taking off the metal mask on his face.

Subconsciously he opened his arms and saw Delia hugging him tightly. Lin Fan listened to Delia's familiar sound of overheating and saw bursts of steam starting to come out from under her red robe, and his heart felt warm.

"Sorry, I've been very busy these days and haven't had time to find you yet."

"Of course I know you're busy."

Delia raised her head from Lin Fan's chest and showed a bright smile. Taking off the hood, Delia's golden and smooth hair was floating in front of Lin Fan's eyes. Lin Fan was also used to touching Slaanesh's hair, so he went up and touched it.

Sha Si had a playful expression on her face. This kind of relationship seemed wrong no matter how she looked at it. Lin Fan touched Delia's hair in the same way that she touched the puppy that the laughing shadow turned into.

Could it be said that the master and his wife are usually good at this?

Tsk tsk tsk, it’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

"Hey, I knew you would be fine. What did you do this time? Do you have any interesting stories to tell your brothers?"

"Yes, of course."

Lin Fan looked at Kaiser White Fang walking over and nodded with a smile. It seemed that the people who mentioned the Moon of Shame were these wild wolves.

The conflict between Sha Si and Kripman was interrupted. Seeing the entry of the wild wolves and the onlooker attitude of the Gray Knights, Kripman did not want to be too arrogant in Lin Fan's territory, so he had to swallow his anger and tremble. He took off his cloak and said nothing.

Lin Fan was still in the joy of meeting an acquaintance and did not care about Kripman's mood. He called Colonel Erica and Judge Omar to put these people in place.

The veteran officers of the Thirty-seventh Regiment were also very knowledgeable when they saw the big guys in the scene. Old Jock and Domian did not gather together. Lin Fan saw them and there was still time to talk about their future lives.

In a cleared space, everyone gathered around a huge table. On the plate were fresh fruits and vegetables that had just been picked and chopped. These green, high-quality ingredients are what grows next to Lin Fan's toilet.

The seeds could not be harvested and would not rot, so Lin Fan kept these things. Use it as a reward for over-allocation of labor, or distribute it to seriously ill patients in the hospital.

It is said that these things also have medical effects and can bring people back from the edge of death.

From time to time, unexploded artillery shells and landmines are dug up on battlefields that have not been cleared. Many people who were injured in the bombing and had only one breath left were able to recover by relying on these nameless fruits and vegetables.

If Lin Fan found all the original bodies in the future, he would look like this standing in a crowd. Jump up and chop someone's knee.

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