Looking at the delicacies on these plates, the Space Wolf didn't show any restraint. He grabbed them and threw them into his mouth. After chewing for a while, I was conquered by these fruits and vegetables.

Wodehouse looked at the terrible eating looks of Cather White Fang and Bennett, and didn't know what to say. But the disguised Gray Knights on the other side of the table looked even more ugly when they ate, almost holding their plates and licking them.

"Is it really so delicious?"

Wodehouse picked up a piece with his hand and examined it with his psychic eye. The magnificent and pure power of life was displayed before his eyes. Just looking at this fruit, he felt that his body had quickly become several years younger.

"How amazing! This thing!"

Lin Fan looked at the surprised Wodehouse and nodded secretly. After his father's old soup was purified by his intestines and stomach, it became the most nourishing spring of life in the world. As long as you are still alive, you can be purified by the power of life. Save it.

Maybe in the future, Lin Fan could hold down his throat and spit out a little bit urgently to save others.

"How many of these things are there? Did you do them all?"

"Ah, I produced them all. I learned a lot while traveling."

"Um. Tell me quickly! Tell me quickly!"

With his mouth full of food, Kaiser White Fang forced himself to swallow what was in his mouth, and Lin Fan could see his throat suddenly expanding. Cather White Fang swallowed the moist food without much difficulty and let out a satisfied roar.

Lin Fan looked at the people around the table and told the story of his disappearance.

Of course, he had to omit some content. It was better not to talk about meeting the original body of White Scar Khan. It was best to tell this thing to a few Space Marines. Who knows what the Inquisition will think.

Everyone was surprised when they heard that Lin Fan disappeared from Armageddon and went to Gomo, the capital of the Webway.

The wild wolves cheered for Lin Fan's thrilling participation in the bottom line competition. They liked this kind of challenging activity the most, and being able to kill a few aliens was the icing on the cake.

The transformed Lorne crowd also caused sighs, and the battle sisters also expressed their condolences.

The Inquisitor was curious about the union between mutants and orcs. When he mentioned this, Lin Fan remembered that Xiaoyi still had a video of Lorne and orcs dancing together.

Later, Lin Fan crawled out of hell with the human-animal coalition, and the story of making a big fuss in Gemo City made the battle nuns' blood boil with excitement. Their faces were flushed with excitement, and they twitched their fingers, as if they themselves were on the verge of annihilating the aliens. battlefield.

The terrifying void bombs, the overwhelming looting group, and the armored Lorne crowd were vividly described by Lin Fan.

When Lin Fan mentioned the name Emperor Mao, everyone frowned in surprise, but they didn't question the strange name.

When they heard that Master Xue Lianren had destroyed the human-animal alliance, the battle nuns also smashed their thighs with their hands angrily. The Space Marines nodded in agreement. They knew that the Dark Eldar Master Blood Mercy was difficult to deal with.

When Lin Fan said that he had beaten Master Xue Lianren into pieces, many Space Marines tilted their heads and looked at Lin Fan. It was obvious that they did not believe it. But Cather White Fang and the others knew that this boy could indeed do this.

The disguised Gray Knights across the table who suffered a big loss did not deny Lin Fan's statement, which made the Space Marines from other chapters temporarily put aside their thoughts on the challenge.

Lin Fan only briefly described the part about bravely entering the arena, and omitted the part about falling in love with Slaanesh in the subspace. If such things were mentioned, the people on the field would start a civil war.

"Then, I came here. I temporarily became the 'Governor' of this planet. So do you have any questions?"

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Judge Kripman stood up and stared at him with an evil expression, "It's full of nonsense! These stories you told! Even a Space Marine can't do it. Why are you a mortal? I No matter what you are, if you do this, it only proves that you are a devil!"

Lin Fan looked at Kripman helplessly. He had the worst reaction when telling the story just now. He looked so gloomy throughout the whole process that he looked almost like a dead person.

The battle nuns were like excited little girls, their emotions rising and falling as Lin Fan's story was told. The Space Marines wrote hurriedly. They were constantly studying the armaments and weaknesses of the aliens, and considering what options they would have in a desperate battlefield.

Where is Delia?

She doesn't care what the incarnation of the God of Wanji has done, she just wants to accompany the incarnation of the God of Wanji, that's all.

Colonel Erica and Judge Omar were shocked by Lin Fan's great achievements. The way they looked at Lin Fan really couldn't connect the ruthless man in the story.

After all, there was no war on the planet these days. Lin Fan stayed in the office and looked at the documents submitted by Judge Omar. He went out to eat and went inside to poop. Erica would sometimes listen to Lin Fan tell her some jokes, but she couldn't quite understand them and could only stand there and laugh at a loss.

The longer they stayed together, the harder it became for Erica to regard Lin Fan as a saint and a hero. He was too gentle and ordinary, and it was difficult to find him even if he was lost in the crowd.

In the evening, she would see Lin Fan squatting on the street, holding a bowl of noodles and sucking on it.

Really. How could a saint be like this?

Seeing Lin Fan and Kripman starting to curse again, Erica shook her head slightly, with a helpless smile on her face under the mask.

"Alright Kripman! Stop making trouble unreasonably! All members of the Gray and Silver Hands can prove that Lord Saint Soap is loyal to the empire! What you do is heresy!"

"Captain of Ima!"

Kripman looked at the serious face of Grand Master Imma, closed his eyes and sighed, fell down on the chair, hugged his head, and muttered. "You are all heretics. You will regret it."

Grand Master Imma looked at Kripman with a dangerous light in his eyes. Although they had fought side by side, this did not mean that Judge Kripman could question the Gray Knight's loyalty.

Pulling out the sword in his hand, he could already see Kripman's head falling to the ground.

But Lin Fan took a few steps forward and pressed Master Yima's hand, telling him not to do so.

Lin Fan knew that every inquisitor was a hero worthy of respect. The Inquisitor's story is full of bitterness, when the Imperial forces in an area are too weak and the demons that appear are too powerful.

The helpless Inquisitor could not wait for support to arrive, so he could only take risks and play the tactic of driving the tiger away and swallowing the wolf.

Such as summoning a demon to defeat a Chaos Titan. After all, Chaos is not united. As the embodiment of madness, they only live for themselves.


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