Demonic Inquisitors actually know that they are prone to corruption. They are a group of carefully selected mortals or selectors with highly qualified psychic powers.

These poor people wandering on the edge of darkness can only rely on their loyal souls to walk on the road of destruction to expel Chaos. They will eventually lead to the temptation of Chaos.

When the Inquisitors realize that they are in a desperate situation, they will explain themselves to the Inquisition, accept the interrogation, and welcome their death calmly.

But in most cases, Inquisitors are unaware of their corruption.

After all, chaos represents the projection of emotions and souls, and almost every thought in your heart will become a breeding ground for chaos.

Today, you relied on your eloquence, which is as brilliant as a lotus flower, to successfully buy ingredients at a price of one or two yuan from a vendor in the vegetable market.

On the way home, you saw a tattooed villain bullying the weak. Your sense of justice burst out in your chest and you kicked the villain away.

After a satisfying meal, you lie on the bed, feeling extremely comfortable and comfortable. Finally, you and your lover embrace each other, happily and proudly describing your heroic deeds today. You say to your lover, I really want to be with you for the rest of my life.

When you were half asleep, you suddenly heard four different voices of appreciation coming from your ears. You saw the hawker giving you a thumbs up; you saw the villain folding his arms and nodding at you in approval; you saw your lover lying charmingly on the bed; you saw yourself and your wife living a long life, and your grandfather didn’t even Even if I die, I can happily make soup for you.

Who can guarantee that you will not continue on the road where the evil god seduces you?

From a small citizen who loved bargaining, he eventually turned into a bastard who played with the stock market, causing a big economic crisis, and only you made a lot of money.

From a passionate young man who carried out justice, he eventually became a police officer who emptied his magazine when he saw a criminal, even if he just threw garbage everywhere.

From a primary school student who could only do simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, he became a top mathematician who calculated calculus and verified God's formula every day.

From an ordinary person who longed for longevity, he turned into a living corpse that can still walk after the world is destroyed.

Ordinary people are like this, so the problems the inquisitors have to face are even worse.

They do train problems every day, and their heavy responsibilities don't allow them to pass by carrying the toilet pusher.

Sacrifice 100 million people today to save 10 billion people. Tomorrow we will sacrifice 10 billion people to save 100 billion people. Sacrifice a sector the day after tomorrow to save the entire empire.

This cruel sacrifice tortures the conscience of the inquisitors, and issuing an extermination order will make them uneasy and even torture them to commit suicide.

Facing those traitors who believed in evil, various inhumane interrogation methods were used and their hands were stained with the blood of torture. But you can't help it. Someone will always do this kind of dirty work, even if no one understands you.

Every outspoken hero looks at the universe through black and white eyes. As he grows older and becomes more knowledgeable, the decadent and numb old man has to realize that the shades of gray between black and white are the laws of the damn universe.

In the end, they compromised and changed from just fledgling righteous men to passers-by who indifferently changed the trajectory of the train.

They have remained loyal to the Imperium, but their actions have increasingly led to Chaos. Until one day, a new inquisitor interrogated him, and the old inquisitor could only silently accept the reality. He would either give himself a dignified death, or be taken advantage of by evil spirits while being hunted.

It was precisely because Lin Fan knew this that he did not let the Gray Knights destroy Kripman. Instead, he tried to reason with him and make him understand that he was not a bad person and that he could not be corrupted.

"Inquisitor Kripmann, look at this magical double-headed eagle ornament."

As soon as Lin Fan took out the double-headed eagle statue from his neck, he saw Kripman twitching and falling to the ground.

"This! Why are you blackmailing someone? I didn't touch you, Kripman!"

Seeing Kripman lying on the ground, twitching and foaming at the mouth, Lin Fan jumped away in shock. This ancient killer weapon suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was caught off guard.

The Gray Knights ignored Lin Fan's nonsense. They drew their war blades and stood ready. They could feel a majestic demonic shadow emerging from Kripman's body.

"Destroy the evil!"

"Wait! I've got them all!"

With a shout, the shadow fell to the ground before the Gray Knight took action, begging everyone for mercy in the most sincere manner.

"You evil devil! Now you still want to confuse all living beings! Die!"

Bullets rained down from the sky towards the demon kneeling on the ground, but Lin Fan was one step ahead of them, blocking in front of the demon in advance. He caught the double-explosion bombs with his own hands and showed a confident smile.

Kaiser White Fang was secretly amazed when he saw Lin Fan's skill. This kid's melee strength had greatly increased after disappearing for so long. Even he couldn't catch so many explosive bombs with his hands. Of course, he wouldn't be able to catch explosive bombs, after all, the dual detonation fuses built into these things are no joke.

"Everyone, please let me."

Before Lin Fan could finish speaking, the explosive bomb in his hand exploded. The shattered shrapnel and smoke made Lin Fan become embarrassed.

Erica burst out laughing at the way she deflated after just pretending, but she noticed that she was the only one in the room laughing, and everyone was looking at her in surprise. All Erica could think about was using the shovel in her belt to dig a trench deep enough to bury herself.

"Ahem" Lin Fan patted the cigarette ashes on his hand, "Leave this demon to me. You put some food in Kripman's mouth, and I will interrogate him on behalf of the Emperor."

Seeing Lin Fan grabbing the demon's ears and quickly disappearing, Kaiser White Fang felt that it was a bit funny and absurd. He couldn't help but grabbed a piece of fruit, opened the unconscious Kripman's mouth and stuffed it into him.

The atmosphere on the court was a bit awkward. People who knew Lin Fan's strength were sitting at the table eating and drinking without any worries. Those Space Marines who had never seen Lin Fan's strength were worried. They wanted to stand up several times, but then sat back down.

After all, the Space Wolves and the Silver Hand aren't in a hurry yet, so why are you in a hurry?

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry. Let me be in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry, so don't be in a hurry. Go ahead and eat. Even Holy Terra won't be able to see this thing."

Kaiser White Fang's words silenced the restless Space Marines, and they continued to taste the food in front of them. This thing is really good. Many veterans are slowly recovering from their hidden injuries, and the muscles all over their bodies feel extremely comfortable.

This is much more delicious than nutrient solution mixed with ceramic powder.

Oh, shut up! She only uses it for research.

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