Lin Fan grabbed the devil's shadow and went to the secret room. He looked at the silent devil with a sullen face, a cold light in his eyes.

The demon was trembling, and the eyes on its body did not dare to look directly at Lin Fan. The mortal in front of him was really terrifying. The auras of Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle, and the Sun were mixed in his body, and there was no conflict.

"Tell me! How long have you been lurking like a demon? What are you going to do lying on Kripman's body?"

"I swear to the warp, I'm not ready to do anything yet. I've only been possessed for three or four months!"

Seeing that Lin Fan still didn't believe it, the demon cried bitterly and held Lin Fan's thigh tightly without letting go.

"God's Choice, please spare me. I finally came out of the Invisible Abyss, and I haven't had time to do bad things."

Looking at the crying demon, Lin Fan was a little confused. Invisible abyss? What is this place?

Lin Fan frowned and thought for a while before he remembered what this name represented.

"You mean the areas in subspace that are not ruled by the four gods?"

"Yes, that's right, it's the home of all demons who are not the Four Gods. A purely random and confusing area, under the crimson sky, the dark tar river flows through the petrified forest. The huge ladder rises into the sky, with endless Connected by loops, they stood beside a fortress of bones and souls. Pillars of fire burned across the land, and every dream, nightmare, and fantasy that any sentient race in the galaxy had ever had was embodied in the Abyss. Hometown!”

The demon began to recite what he was saying. Lin Fan felt amused when he heard the demon's cadence. He loosened his hand holding the demon's ear and said, "Sounds like a good place for a demon. I'll give you a ride." ”

After saying that, he turned his palm into a fist. The demon was shocked when he saw this, "No! If you send me away, Kripman will be penetrated by a more powerful demon. You might as well let me, a novice, hang out."

"How come there is someone like you among the demons who has no ambition?"

"I. Strictly speaking, I am a devil of evil. If I have ambitions, I will disappear."

The subspace is like this, full of surprises. Lin Fan is not too confused about the idea of ​​destroying demons, but is surprised that he is so shameless that he still wants to hide in the real universe.

When the demon saw that Lin Fan's thoughts of killing him had faded away a lot, he lay sprawled on the ground, manipulated the ground to raise a comfortable stone platform, raised his body and sighed happily.

Then he started to tell Lin Fan about the situation of the invisible waste abyss in subspace.

Although the subspace is chaotic and disorderly, the waste abyss is shrinking little by little, just like a leak has appeared in a huge water tank. Water is constantly flowing away, but no one knows where the water has gone.

These little demons with lower emotional and soul levels were affected by the shrinking waste abyss. Powerful demons can rely on their strength to conquer each other, or switch to the command of the four gods. Weak demons can only become cannon fodder for their mutual strife, becoming a torrent of unconsciousness on the soul-grinding battlefield.

The rotten demon fled through randomly appearing rifts, away from his shrunken and blighted home, and fell into Kripman's body.

The shadow behind Lin Fan appeared, it was Slaanesh's gaze. When the demon in ruins saw the ultimate power of Slaanesh, he did not dare to collapse into the mud, but sat peacefully on the ground.

"Is there something wrong with the Intangible Waste Abyss recently? I have never seen the situation there. My dear, are you curious?"

Lin Fan shook his head. To him, the withering and shrinking of subspace didn't mean much. Probably a certain planet suddenly exploded, and the creatures that provided soul projections for the subspace died instantly, so there was a missing piece of land in the subspace.

"Let's put a brand on him. Since he can occupy the pit and prevent other demons from shitting in Kripman's body, this is also a good thing."


The shadow of Slaanesh shoots a needle into the eye of the wretched demon, and whenever Slaanesh sets his mind, the wretched demon's soul becomes part of her wailling lens.

After handling all this, Lin Fan asked the demon to be transformed into an animal so that he could disguise himself.

The demon who defeated him lived up to his name and turned into a black and shiny turtle lying on Lin Fan's hand.

Returning to the hall from the secret room, Lin Fan saw that Kripman had woken up and all his weapons had been taken away. He was tied up and leaning against the corner, with a Gray Knight guarding him in front of him.

Looking at his posture, Lin Fan knew that Kripman must have found a way to commit suicide after he woke up, but the Gray Knight's hands were obviously faster than his.

Holding the little turtle, he squatted in front of Kripman and told him to take this thing.

"What is this? Are you going to humiliate me again?"

"This is the demon possessing you, isn't it cute? I helped you train it. Now you can safely take him to work."

Kripman looked at the little turtle in Lin Fan's hands in despair. The animal actually nodded in agreement with Lin Fan's statement.

Taking the little turtle with trembling hands, Kripman passed out again. He lay on the ground unconscious. The Gray Knights thought it was the influence of the demon turtle, but Lin Fan just waved his hand and told them to disperse. Kripman Pullman just suffered a severe mental blow today.

"In a few days, please give Kripman some guidance. Don't kill the turtle. Anyway, there are so many demons in your Demon Court, and there are no less than these one or two."

The Gray Knight wanted to refute something, but Grand Master Yima, who knew more, quickly agreed to Lin Fan. In the past few days of getting along with him, he knew that this guy knew too much dark history, and he was really afraid of Lin Fan. Any casual remarks reveal some dark history.

It's okay if he knows, but what about the other personnel? The fewer people who know the secret, the better.

After everyone finished eating, Lin Fan asked Colonel Erica to organize a group of people to visit the hive. After all, these people could tell whether there was corrosion or not. Lin Fan himself wanted to get along well with the people of the Thirty-seventh Regiment.

He was also curious about what the Thirty-seventh Regiment looked like now. Everyone sat on the ground, forming a hollow circle, and Priest Delia naturally sat together with Lin Fan. Old Jock looked at Priest Delia's wagging mechanical tail and knew that she was very happy now.

"By the way, what time is it now?"

"It is now 950.M41. Counting your disappearance on Armageddon, it has been 9 years."

Delia's voice sounded less mechanical and more lively in Lin Fan's ears.

It turns out that I have disappeared for so long. In my perception, I only disappeared for a few months. The flow of time in the subspace is too chaotic.

The Invisible Waste Abyss can actually also be called the Chaos Waste Land. There are creatures born in the subspace, as well as sleepers as ancient as the Four Gods.

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