Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 309 Political Commissar of the Regiment

During the conversation, Lin Fan also learned about the current situation of the Thirty-seventh Regiment. The entire Casare Corps was reorganized as a corps to make up the numbers, and became a regular corps that met the standards of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

General Westad was also commended by the Ministry of Military Affairs for his meritorious service in suppressing the invasion of Armageddon's orcs, and adjusted the legion's resource allocation standards.

The 37th Regiment also received great attention from General Westad because of the outstanding performance of Lin Fan's third company.

If Lin Fan had not disappeared, based on his outrageous record, he could have taken over as colonel of the 37th Regiment, allowing Colonel Mark and Political Commissar Oude to retire in peace. After all, these two people had been loyal to the empire for too long.

"Then the Thirty-seventh Regiment can be said to be under my command now? Shouldn't someone new be in charge during the nine years I've been missing?"

Lin Fan asked, but no one answered him. Old Jock just raised his eyebrows and looked at Delia, suggesting that Lin Fan should ask the mechanical priest what he had done.

"I disabled the colonels who came over to succeed them, and installed new biochemical limbs on them without anesthesia."

Listening to Delia's calm voice, Lin Fan only felt that Nizi, who had violent tendencies, had not changed. In order to leave him the position of colonel, he also used the simplest method.

If you scare away your successors, no one will dare to come.

"Yeah, I was there when Delia beat up the first colonel. It was so scary."

Domian shook his head. Looking at the captain's logo on his body, Lin Fan knew that Domian had adapted to military life in the past few years and was no longer a fool on an agricultural planet.

"So the actual controller of our regiment is Priest Delia? It's really surprising. Doesn't the Ministry of Military Affairs have any objections?"

"That's true. The Casare Military Department and Headquarters warned Priest Delia many times, but in the end, for some unknown reason, they suddenly stopped mentioning it."

"It was the help of the Sage of Kaos. He sponsored two regiments of Leman Russ tanks for the Kasare Legion."

After hearing this, Lin Fan knew that Trazin was really good and knew how to take care of his brother's friends, which was interesting.

"How many people are there in the 37th Regiment now? Is it still the same five companies as before, about 8,000 to 10,000 people?"

The veterans of the Thirty-seventh Regiment laughed one by one, with proud smiles on their faces, and described to Lin Fan how wealthy the Thirty-seventh Regiment was today.

The third company that once fought against Lin Fan has now become a special elite unit, enjoying the same treatment as the Stormtroopers. It can be said that each person has a set of hell gun and full-body carapace, and there is also a finely crafted power sword issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

That thing should have been left to the colonel, but Lin Fan had something better in his hands, those broken holy swords and holy hammers.

Grand Master Imma gave these things to Lin Fan with tears in his eyes as an apology for disrespecting the emperor's chosen one. Although the effectiveness of these things is no longer as powerful as before, they are still far more powerful than the power weapons mass-produced by the Mechanic Priests.

Excluding the elite third company, the Thirty-seventh Regiment now has two large companies, each with 20,000 men.

"Dalian? Why Dalian?"

"Well. The Ministry of Military Affairs merged us with another regiment in 948.M41, and assigned us a political commissar. After that, the organizational structure of our regiment became Dalian, and members of the original 37th regiment and those who subsequently joined the regiment Each member of the team occupies a company."

"Oh, it's a good thing that we have a political commissar. You idiots, I remember you still bet on when I would fight my way out of the alien sea! I haven't forgotten these things. I thought about it then. Find a political commissar and deal with you guys hard."

Seeing Lin Fan's strange smile, the soldiers also grinned in embarrassment, but they did not have that kind of fear towards Lin Fan, but more of admiration and respect. This way of getting along was the characteristic of their regiment.

"What about the new political commissar? A poker face according to the imperial standards? He doesn't like anything. Today he shouts to shoot this one, and tomorrow he shouts to shoot that one? I remember that your marching kettles are all filled with home-brewed wine. This is not allowed for anyone. Received 20 lashes.”

"The new political commissar is quite good. He is a good person. And I always feel that his personality is very similar to yours, sir?"

"Like me?"

Lin Fan was happy. As long as the political commissar who came in had a little more humanity, that would be a good thing. He didn't want to conflict with the army's political commissar because of ideological conflicts.

"Did he come down? I didn't see the political commissar's clothes."

"He is still on the ship. These days he is busy delivering babies to the soldiers of the Second Company."

Seeing Lin Fan's solemn expression, Old Jock hurriedly explained to their political commissar that the newly formed company was a mixed company, with both men and women. Love between them was very common in the imperial army, but how did he know? , Lin Fan was not worried about the problem of the political commissar delivering babies to soldiers.

"Is that political commissar named Kaifas Cain? Is the newly formed regiment the 597th Valhalla regiment?"

Looking at the faces of everyone, Lin Fan knew that he was right. The political commissar who was in short supply in the regiment was finally appointed by Caifas Kane, a living treasure.

Silently sighing for Caifas Kane, Lin Fan only felt that the emperor's sense of humor was really unique.

The things he experienced around him were more terrifying than the last, and more thrilling and legendary than Kane's life. Now that Kane, a life-loving political commissar, and Lin Fan met together, it was probably not every day that they would be depressed by the extremely bad battlefield.

Everyone ended today's gathering with laughter, and Lin Fan also gave Priest Delia a book. This thing was specially kept in Xiaoyi's pocket space.

"It's a bit drool-worthy, but it's a really good book."

Shaking the book "From Playing with Mud to Owning an Anti-Sun Engine" in his hand, Lin Fan handed Delia the book that can create a shining shield. For these mechanical priests, their favorite thing is the new one. Knowledge.

But Delia took the book without flipping through it, and she didn't look happy. Lin Fan thought it was because she didn't like it, so he rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"If you don't feel good about it, let me see if I can find you something else."


Delia took a step forward, hugged Lin Fan, and kissed him gently. Blocking Lin Fan's mouth with her fingers, Delia used a gentle voice to tell Lin Fan what she really wanted.

"Next time, please take me with you. Okay?"

Seeing Delia's serious look, Lin Fan didn't even have time to feel the amazing softness from his lips. He could see only his own reflection in Delia's black eyes.

Nodding, Lin Fan swore, "I will never leave you alone."


The people in the Thirty-seventh Regiment made inexplicable noises, with smiles on their faces. Delia just transformed one limb into a heavy machine gun and fired at the people of the 37th Regiment. The men of the Thirty-seventh Regiment shouted, "Priest Delia is so shy! So shy!"

"I'll go take care of them."

Commissar Kane and his Valhalla regiment

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