Lin Fan knew that he would not stay on this planet for a long time, so he could let others supervise and manage it for him, and Sha Si was the best candidate.

After calling Sha Si and Ma Ruian to his office, Lin Fan looked at them happily and asked a question that surprised them.

"Do you want to get married?"

Marian's face suddenly turned red, and he lowered his head not knowing what to say. Sha Zi jumped up in surprise and looked at Marian expectantly.

"I will leave this planet soon to join the expedition fleet, so while I can still talk, I hope to arrange the lives of the two of you."


Marian looked at Shasi. He really liked the feeling of staying with Shasi. He liked to see Shasi's smile and listen to Shasi singing for the orphans. Every move and every smile she made made Marian intoxicated.

But when it came to marriage, for the two to become partners under the Emperor's watchful eye, Marian was not ready yet.

He said with some self-blame, "I...I don't know."

"Don't you love me? Ma Ruian?" Sha Si was a little disappointed, and his eyes were filled with mist. This heartbroken look made the guilt in Ma Ruian's heart even heavier.

"Of course I love you. But my duty to the Emperor does not allow me to devote my energy to the love of my children."

"Oh!" Sha Si stood up angrily and looked at Marian with disappointment, "Emperor! Emperor! Live your whole life with your damned emperor!"

Seeing Sha Si slamming out of the door, Marian was confused. As a bishop, he subconsciously felt unhappy with Sha Si's disrespectful words, but he also thought that Sha Si was a saint personally chosen by the emperor, and the emperor did not object. , as a bishop, does he want to overstep his bounds?

"Ahem. Bishop Marian, I know you are loyal to the emperor."

Lin Fan stood up, stood beside Marian, and held his shoulders with his hands. He could tell that the boy liked sauce. The only problem was that Marian had to know that marriage meant serving the Emperor.

She was a resentful woman who was dumped, and she was also a Slaanesh demon. Lin Fan was really afraid that the idiot Marian would reveal his identity as a Slaanesh demon. A lovelorn yandere could do anything.

"Remember what the Empire often said? Life is the Emperor's currency, and we must make good use of it."

"I always remember, Mr. Soap."

"So, the marriage between you two will not affect your service to the Emperor. A new life will be born between you, adding a shining coin to the Emperor's great cause. Are you right?"

"This...seems like this."

"So." Lin Fan pushed Ma Ruian out of the room and pointed him in the direction, "Go now and pursue your love for the emperor. The residents of the hive have been talking about your relationship for a long time."

Marian had a reason that could convince him, and the thought of serving the emperor for the rest of his life was immediately replaced by Sha Shi's smile. He took a step forward and rushed out quickly, looking for traces of Sauce on the street.

"Hey! Hello, Lord Marian, may the Emperor bless you."

An old man tipped his hat to him, and Marian asked him if he had seen the sauce.

After learning the direction of Sauce, Marian pursued it all the way. He could tell from the faint fragrance left in the air that he was getting closer to Sauce.

Finally, in a dark tunnel, he finally found Sauce squatting on the ground and crying.

Marian knelt down in front of Sha Zi excitedly, held Sha Zi's drooping head, and kissed Sha Zi amidst his tears.

After a long time, Marian let go of Sha Zi. He looked at Sha Zi with concern and apologized to her, but in fact he didn't even know what to apologize for. Apologize that his desire to serve the Emperor made it difficult for him to choose to marry Sha Si?

He could only rely on what he had learned while living in the hive city, and like all young boys who had never been in love, he hesitated and spoke nonsense.

Sha Zi's face was red and she was leaning against the wall, a little at a loss. This was the first time that Marian took the initiative to confide in her, and she suddenly felt her flesh and blood trembling, her smooth back splitting inch by inch, and inexplicable flowers blooming under Sha Si's dress.

Madam, please come on. I can't stand it any longer.

After Ma Ruian finished speaking, he looked at Sha Si blankly, and Sha Si looked at him blankly. For a moment, no one made any extra moves.

A straight man has no idea how to deal with this situation, and a big devil is afraid that he will explode in the next second.

The two people sat facing each other in the dark tunnel. They just looked at each other's faces and recalled the time they spent together.

Sha Si smiled, and the tears on her face coupled with her smile captured Marian's eyes. She fell forward, and Marian also opened his hands to wrap around Sha Si's soft body. The two of them just leaned on each other without saying a word.

Slaanesh and Lin Fan were still in the secret room, watching their intimate interaction with the Wailing Lens. Slaanesh asked Lin Fan when they could have such a wedding.

"A wedding. Maybe if the universe is at peace, I can relax and be with you."

"With me? That's boring. Bring Delia with you. I once wanted to possess her and stick with you."

"Have you ever possessed Delia? When?"

"Ah. It was probably when you went to Armageddon. That little girl was so simple-minded that you didn't even know what you looked like in her dream. Her whole body was made of steel."

Lin Fan sighed and stroked Slaanesh's hair without saying anything for a while. He respected Delia, and he respected everyone in this world who lived seriously. But when it came to marrying Slaanesh, Delia and the others, Lin Fan was unprepared. He was more panicked and fearful than Marian.

Ma Ruian didn't know that Sha Si was a demon, but Lin Fan did know that he didn't belong to this world.

Falling in love with a character in a book? Will everything he loves in the end be a passage in a book?

"Maybe all I can give you is spiritual love."

"That's enough. It's better to have something and then lose it than not to have it at all."

Slaanesh was also surprisingly sober at this time, and it seemed that she was more or less aware of the difference between Lin Fan and this world. She didn't want to think about what the future would be like, she just wanted to cherish every minute she spent with Lin Fan.

"When I calmed down, I appreciated everything created in human history, including the love between immortals and mortals. They spent a happy life, but in the end they were separated because of their longevity. At that time, I I'm afraid that I won't be able to see you again. Your existence must be longer than mine."

Imperial battleship size

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