Lin Fan was filled with emotion when he heard the words of Slaanesh. He thought that Slaanesh was supposed to be more willful, but now it seems that the god Slaanesh also showed his artistic and literary side when he was awake.

"But then I thought about it, does true love require eternal companionship? The history of the Eldar tells me a very good truth."

The shadow of Slaanesh reached out and slowly touched Lin Fan's cheek. "Their lives have become empty because of the lack of death, and their empires seem absurd and meaningless because of the lack of an end."

"Maybe we should have death as the end of all stories. I didn't like Nurgle's immortality before, and I don't like it even more now."

"Eternal life makes life lose the meaning of struggle. All lives live so hard, and the bizarre deaths in the world make limited life seem more worthwhile. Maybe the same is true for your and my love. An end will add some regrets to love. , but it makes it even more worthy of being remembered.”

"When you disappear, I will disintegrate myself and turn into an unconscious tide in the subspace. I will leave this regret and pain to you."

"Slaanesh. You." Lin Fan was a little moved. Tears shone in the corners of his eyes, falling on Slaanesh's shadow.

"Woohoo! My dear, I'm crying! That's great!" Slaanesh changed into a serious and intellectual look, and began to cheer heartlessly, collecting Lin Fan's tears and pouring them into his mouth to taste.

"Oh. What an intoxicating taste. Sauce is indeed right. A drop of emotional tears is worth indulging the devil."

Seeing the way Slaanesh was making jokes, Lin Fan also knew that their relationship did not need to be so heavy, and that the time they had now was worth cherishing.

"So let's hold a wedding for them. The Emperor and I will both show up. That cold guy is very interested in the positive communication between mortals and demons."

After a few days, everyone in the nest knew about the wedding of Sha Si and Ma Ruian, and the whole nest became restless. They had always been aware of the work of Ma Ruan and Sha Si. Who among men, women and children would not be grateful to these two respectable men.

You can see that the broad streets are full of blessing signs made by the people voluntarily, carved with beautiful patterns and hung on the streets. Farmers working in the fields carefully select the most beautiful flowers and put them in baskets made of branches and leaves for the wedding.

Even the Krieg soldiers, who felt fearful and silent, were affected by the atmosphere. They held the flowers they carefully cared for in their arms, placed them in front of the church, and pieced together a pattern that looked impressive from a high altitude. It is the double-headed eagle of the empire.

The workers worked overtime to smelt a large amount of molten iron and iron parts. They hoped to shape the statues of Sha Si and Marian before the wedding, in the form of lovers embracing each other.

Many nuns were also drawn into the preparation team. Only they in this hive knew how to implement a religious wedding. The nuns also devoted themselves to their work gently and carefully, and taught the children to sing the wedding hymns of the state church.

The expedition fleet did not want to participate in this kind of event, it was just a wedding of a bishop and a nun. Lin Fan felt that it would be better for the wedding to be more lively. This planet would leave a deep enough impression on the expedition fleet and make it easier to ask for help in the future.

When Cather White Fang and Bennett heard that Lin Fan said that the emperor was going to consecrate the wedding, they were so happy that they almost howled in Lin Fan's office. They covered their mouths, as excited as children who had learned a great secret.

Kaiser White Fang believes that all Space Marines should pay homage to the Holy Light of the Emperor. You must know that many small warbands here have never even been to Terra. They have shed blood and sweat for the Empire throughout their lives and should be recognized by the Emperor. Watched with majestic eyes.

So Kaiser White Fang used the simplest method and asked all Space Marine Chapters to send representatives to participate in the wedding.

That's one challenge after another.

It was probably Kaiser White Fang standing at the gate, calling the war group to attend the wedding on the planet. The Space Marines found this activity meaningless and might as well squat in the ship's prayer room and recite the Loyalty Prayer several times.

Kaiser White Fang rushed in and laid out generous prizes. You must know that as a primitive war group, they are extremely rich compared to those small war groups that are short of heavy weapons and ammunition. You can get rewards by defeating Kaiser White Fang, and those who haven't defeated him have to accompany him to the wedding on the planet.

As an old wolf, his melee prowess was unquestionable, and the repaired Frost Battle Ax defeated challengers one after another. Looking at these disgruntled Space Marines, Kaiser White Fang curled his lips. When you see the Emperor's Light, you will know that it is time to come to the door of my ship and thank me.

As for the national religious forces, such as the Crusaders and the Battle Sisters, they showed no resistance. They sent representatives and sent blessings to the planet.

The Tribunal was still as suspicious as ever. Except for Judge Weisi and Judge Omar, most of the people had serious faces and examined everyone who was beaming with suspicion.

The wedding day came soon, and Sha Si was wearing a white wedding dress. It seemed that the empire had retained the tradition of Western-style weddings for tens of thousands of years from ancient times to the present.

But Marian's clothes were even more distinctive. The bishop's robes were decorated with golden patterns, making him look more like a priest presiding over a wedding.

But now it was not the priest who presided over them, but Lin Fan, who was wearing a black suit. This made him feel that he was the one who should stand down and marry Sha Si.

Although the church used for weddings is large, there are still too few people who want to attend the wedding. Only a few people can enter the magnificent church and directly participate in the wedding of Sha Si and Marian. Lin Fan simply held the event in the Pilgrimage Square at the entrance of the church, dividing it into different areas so that those who had made outstanding contributions in the hive city should be placed closer to the front of their area.

For example, model workers, technical models, heroes, etc.

There were far fewer people coming to the expedition fleet. They were sorted according to different positions, with the more respected people standing at the front of the team.

The Gray Knights are inconvenient to show up, they are a secret to many Space Marines. So they still pretended to be the Silver Hand Chapter.

The venue was filled with video recordings of servo skulls. When he learned about the wedding between the Ecclesiastical Bishop and the Great Demon of Slaanesh, Trazin took over the recording of the wedding scene and sponsored many display screens and announcers for Lin Fan.

In this way, people who were not able to enter the wedding scene could also see the wedding moment on Tarasin's huge screen that was higher definition than reality.

Seeing everyone taking their seats, Lin Fan also cleared his throat. This was his first time hosting someone else's wedding. Flipping through the thick book in his hand, Lin Fan read the words on it while looking up at Sha Si and Marian's reactions.

The empire's warships have specialized functions. There are very few ships that can be put into battle and have good firepower and shields. The remaining ships are used by the civilians, and the war is wasted.

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