"Marian, are you willing to marry Sha Si as your wife, live with her according to the precepts of the Empire's laws, become one with her under the supervision of the Emperor, love her, comfort her, respect her, and protect her, like You love the Emperor's loyal heart, but you must love Sauce even more weakly until your soul returns to the throne."

"I do."

"Shasi, are you willing to marry Marian?"

The two of them were asked the same questions. These things were really strange to Lin Fan. Asking Sauce to pay tribute to the Emperor is simply unimaginable. Perhaps in the warp, the Emperor also feels helpless about this.

Shasi and Marian held hands, put rings on each other, hugged and kissed in front of everyone.

Cheers were heard and the crowd threw flowers in the air. Lin Fan raised his eyes and looked at the hazy sky. Today's weather was actually not suitable for getting married, but considering that the emperor wanted to show his holiness, a cloudy day would make this miracle even more dazzling.

The clouds surged and opened a gap, casting a magnificent golden light, which just illuminated Marian and Sha Si who were hugging each other.

No one doubted the divine meaning of the light, not even Kripman could deny the Emperor's miraculous manifestations. Everyone fell to their knees when the golden light fell, and the people's hands were compared to eagles. The Space Marines knelt on one knee and placed their hands on their power breastplates engraved with golden eagles.

The people in the hive city have already seen the emperor's miracle once, the huge golden flower, so for them, the golden light in front of them is still a little less perceptive. He was not so excited that he burst into tears and cut his blood vessels with a dagger to greet the emperor feverishly.

But for others who have never seen the Emperor's Holy Relics, or even visited Terra very often, the scene in front of them is so shocking. Thousands of years of bloody battles and perseverance suddenly took on meaning at this time.

The eyes of those Space Marines shed tears under their helmets. They did not blink, vowing to witness everything completely with their own eyes and remember it with their superhuman brains.

The Space Marines left behind on the ship were watching the wedding scene with boredom, but when they saw the Emperor's light, they all felt remorseful and pounded the deck with their fists, hating why they did not go to the wedding to witness the Emperor's supremacy. majesty.

Marian looked devoutly at the end of the shining golden light. He seemed to see the overlapping thrones in the sky, and there was a pair of eyes staring at him.

Sha Si pretended to be pious. After all, all she could see was her wife's palace. Slaanesh was whispering to her, telling Sha Si not to go too far and drain Marian dry.

"Emperor, do you think we did a good job?"

The quiet and solemn scene was ruined by Lin Fan's question, and many Space Marines glared away. Such a question was simply disrespectful to the Emperor. They all clenched their fists tightly, ready to tear the blasphemer into pieces if the Emperor showed impatience.

The golden light gradually dissipated, leaving only a hole that broke through the clouds. The moment the light disappeared, everyone heard the message brought by the howling wind.


This sentence can be said to be the best recognition. Everyone loyal to the throne hopes that the Emperor will respond to their loyalty and recognize their achievements.

The space warriors responded in unison, "Burn the emperor's will and destroy the monsters!"

The wedding was a success, and the emperor's move could be said to have confirmed Sha Si's status as a saint. The Ecclesiarchy forces in the expedition fleet have gone crazy. They will quickly collect Sha Si's deeds and compile them into the saint's classics.

Although Sha Si's achievements are still a bit inferior compared to other saints, the advantage is that Sha Si is recognized by the emperor and is the voice of the emperor.

On the throne, the bishops of the state religion have never heard the true voice of the emperor in all their lives. The sight of a bit of inexplicable golden light is enough to make their hearts stop beating with excitement.

The end of the wedding ceremony means the beginning of celebrations. Everyone is sharing gifts and food. They describe how they will spend their future and how they will have a happy marriage.

The members of the Thirty-seventh Regiment were not beaten up by Delia, and they were still able to cheer for the wedding of Priest Delia and Lin Fan.

At that time, we must carry forward the military tradition, with artillery as fireworks and tanks as flower girls. Behind him is the mecha of the Knight family, with a flower basket hanging on it. The Void Fleet further in the sky pieced together a love heart, no matter how grand the ostentation was!

Delia also smiled softly while listening to the crazy boasts and fantasies of the thirty-seventh group.


She thought about what her wedding should be like, but she always felt that it was a bit ridiculous for her to talk about marriage with the incarnation of the God of All Machines.

But what if you really fantasized about it? Delia closed her eyes and turned off the receiver. Now she could neither see nor hear. Only the quiet darkness accompanies her, and she relies on the placed display device to quickly construct the picture. A string of data was modified and entered by Delia.

High-rise buildings? A spire that breaks through the sky? No, too depressing and heavy. It doesn't seem suitable for a cheerful occasion like a wedding.

A giant furnace? Endless running water of molten iron? Or is it like the people of the 37th Regiment said, battleships, tanks, big scenes?

Delia built and deleted again and again, but she could never find the scene she liked. She had a purpose but no clue. This feeling of powerlessness made her a little anxious and her brows furrowed slightly.

She decided to collect memories from the database to find inspiration.

The first record was of her in the world of Kamaklan, which was the scene where she and Lin Fan met for the first time.

Maybe it's here. She smiled, constructing the details of the world of Cammarklan. Farmland and sky, and the huge agricultural harvester.

Delia stood in the huge basin, imagining her future. Maybe if possible, she and Lin Fan could go back to the starting point of everything and complete their wedding there.

Really good, will he reject me?

I remember that Commissar Caifas Kane has a girlfriend who is a mechanical priest. What's her name?

It seems to be Felicia Tiber. Maybe I can ask Commissar Kane what kind of woman men like.

But is Lin Fan really a man? As the incarnation of the God of All Machines, does he really love me? But he didn't reject my kiss, did he?

Delia stood there blankly, thinking about it, completely unaware that the wedding had entered the middle of the night and everyone was going home. The members of the 37th Regiment couldn't move Delia, so they could only call a crane to send Delia back to the base.

Watching Shasi and Marian enter their wedding room, there was nothing worth recording for Trazyn in the field. Should I choose to record the wedding night of Marian and the Great Demon Shasi?

Can a pious mortal withstand the baptism of the Great Demon?

Trazyn is very curious about this kind of thing.

Ah. Forget it. The Emperor and Slaanesh are watching. It’s good to collect. But these two powerful people will definitely bring trouble to themselves.

However. You uninvited guests, I don’t remember inviting you to the wedding.

The gods who are relatively well-known in the warp and the real universe

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