Upon hearing this, Trazin immediately became alert and placed his hand on his chin.

"Very well, I am a gentleman and will not be too harsh on you, but uninvited intruders will still be punished."

"No, I beg you, punish me if you want!"

Zhan Wu knelt down and took a few steps, hoping to exchange his own life for the survival of his other brothers and sisters.

"Oh, what's the use of my taking your life? Come here and be an extra for me. I haven't recovered many scenes from the War in Heaven. Come here and work for me for a thousand years, and I'll let you go back."

"Okay, I'm willing to accept it."

"Very good." Trazin was very happy, and a hologram page appeared with the tool. "Read this carefully and then sign."

"Can't you sign it directly?"

"Read it carefully!" Trazin's low voice made all the spirits tremble, and they had no choice but to gather around and read the holographic document carefully.

Really, these Ada people have no contract spirit at all. It's still so annoying from the past to this day. Trazin's mind separated from this body, and his data code was transmitted into the ocean of the Black Stone Array, and spanned the entire universe through ghost tachyon signals.

After the data stream transmission on Trazin's behalf was completed, he emerged from a hibernating warrior within a blackstone tomb.

The combination of living metals all over his body quickly changed, from an ordinary undead warrior to the appearance of Trazin, and even the weapons on his body were transformed. He knocked on the tomb's hatch, and a green light lit up, revealing a fleet of maintenance scarabs to free Overlord Trazyn.

Looking at the magnificent tomb in front of me, tens of thousands of tomb chambers are stacked on top of each other and neatly built together. Make full use of all the space and nothing is wasted. The cold rationality was vividly displayed in this tomb. Trazin was in a daze for a while, lamenting the demise of their civilization.

"All the palaces and palaces have been turned into dust."

These smooth, uncluttered walls of black stone, these hard-working and loyal scarabs, a vast complex of anti-geometry. Not only the grave of these sleepers, but also the grave of their civilization.

Smiling to himself, the echoes spread throughout the tomb, and Trazin strolled down the wide, cold corridor. From time to time you can see damaged scarabs and some tomb areas that have lost power.

Based on his memory and understanding of his old enemy, he found the most critical points in the complex complex of buildings. An inconspicuous low obelisk wrapped in overlapping space traps.

Briskly bypassing the space trap, the scepter in his hand was inserted into the low obelisk, and the true path was revealed to him.

A magnificent palace, flashing with dazzling light with sufficient energy, can illuminate the area even if it is underground without seeing the sun. The dome, which was supposed to be made of inorganic matter, showed the entire Milky Way under the green light.

The stars are in the void, but they are also contained in the dome.

This is a glorious display of their civilization. Even if Trazin has seen it several times, he will not be stingy with words of praise.

He stepped into the real area when his feet landed on Blackstone Square. Centered on his feet, a circle of invisible and imperceptible fields was spread.

".Damn it!"

Several Gauss turrets appeared out of thin air from the torn space. They quickly turned their flashing muzzles and aimed at Trazin.


Trazin hurriedly activated the rift shield, but found that nothing was activated. He took a closer look and discovered that there was a powerful jammer operating in the center of the palace. It was this thing that affected the activation of his entire body of equipment.

The destructive Gaussian beam was shot from the muzzle, and all the space particles in the path of the beam were annihilated, hitting Trazin's living metal body in an instant.

The green decomposition effect unfolded on Trazin's body, quickly spreading and turning him into nothingness.

But the Gauss turret has not yet lifted its alert, because they sense that Trazin's data flow is rapidly switching, switching back and forth between bodies and escaping.

The guards in the entire palace were mobilized. Wearing heavy armor, they scanned every corner with their cold mechanical eyes. All the scarabs shuttled through the gaps and darkness, cooperating with the sensors in the building complex, looking for Trazin's figure.

A one-eyed Necron noble, he sat in the heart of the palace, flanked by an unstoppable and powerful guard.

"You can't let this damn bastard in."

"Yes, my lord."

"Every time he comes, he's bound to be up to no good."

"Yes, my lord."

"You have to be on your guard and be wary of that damn thief."

"What? Are you thinking about me?"

When the one-eyed noble heard this, he covered his face and sighed deeply. A series of commands were passed quickly, with almost no delay.

The alert status of the entire palace was terminated, and the elite guards holding phase weapons also stood back at their posts.

But only one guard did not obey the one-eyed noble's order, and this guard now gradually changed into the appearance of Trazin.

"Hey! Orikan, you look like you are still energetic! I thought you were suffering from Alzheimer's disease." Trazin greeted the Necron named Orikan without paying any attention to the battle just now.

Orikan's huge one eye glanced at Trazin impatiently, and responded to Trazin's greetings in a calm and indifferent tone.

"As long as you, you bastard, die, I won't fall into Alzheimer's disease!"

"Haha. I came here this time to ask you something, something important."

"If you want me to provide an alibi for the Dynasty Law lawsuit, I suggest you go to the Gauss turret and get a decomposition beam."

"No, no, no." Trazin waved his hand. He has been very honest in the past few years. He has not yet stolen the treasures of other dynasties. "If you really need to prove your alibi, you have to trust me. I can pull you over without you knowing."

The sound of angry friction came, and Orikan became more and more impatient. The peaceful mind cultivated by thousands of years of supervising the stars was completely destroyed by Trazin.

Next time, the defense must be strengthened and the network in the tomb must be disinfected. This bastard must have infected the bodies of many samurai and used them as backup bodies for his resurrection protocol.

"Have you observed the stars these past few days? Made predictions."

"I look at the stars every day, that's my job."

"Then have you observed this place?" Trazin connected to Orikan's data sea and pointed out to him the location of Landers' world on the star map.

"How about calculating the location and prophecy here? Those naive children of the Eldar tribe have different views on the future of the galaxy."

Orikan the Astrologer, the magic stick who fell in love with and killed Trazin. But their spells are still technology, they just look like magic.

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