Orikan looked at Trazin strangely. According to the logical calculation, Trazin's interest in the position of the stars was pitiful.

When he thought of this, Orikan activated the weapon array, the star-shaped scepter in his hand shone, and the boiling time force field cut through the space, chopping Trazin's metal head almost instantly.

"What did you do, you bastard? The positions of the stars are not allowed to be changed!"

"Oh! Come on! Don't think that I don't know about you. After your prediction doesn't come true, you will correct the prediction yourself!"

"The prophecy is correct, I just traveled back in time to make the result more consistent with the arrangement of the stars!"

"This is why none of your relatives like you after your biological transformation! You son of a bitch!"

Trazin's data stream danced across the bodies of Orikan's guards. He should be grateful for the evil design of the Star God. Although it was just pure calculation and reasoning, it could give birth to the so-called "sixth sense" in his cold data core, which was the inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations that occur when living beings face danger.

The vigilant data will be filled in the operation command, and it will become a logical and rigorous authority in an instant. Trazin also evaded several attacks from the time weapon because of this.

Perhaps the reason that would allow the bastard in front of him to have a serious discussion with him is that Trazin's Empathy Annihilation Staff slashed into his chest, destroyed Orikan's nerve center, and paralyzed him for a microsecond or two.

The Star Staff and the Annihilation Staff collided fiercely. If they had been in their lifetime, they would have been just a struggle between two bad old men wrapped in the smell of twilight and incense. But now they have become undead, a group of cold machines whose bodies are shaped by living metal.

The two screamed and struggled together. It was obvious that for the "Archaeologist" and "Astrologer", they were not suitable for serious battles. What was originally a fierce, life-and-death battle turned into a childish display of two children tearing their faces apart and tearing off their clothes.

The guards on the side were still watching the battle between their master and the uninvited guest indifferently. Although their consciousness was somewhat lacking, they could still tell from the data network that this was a duel between nobles.

Although funny, they also have no ability to laugh.

"Damn it! That's the bracelet I got from the Imas kind! Do you know how long it takes these magical creatures to make a bracelet that big?"

"What's the point? You thief! Collector of eccentricities! No one can appreciate your collection!"

"No! Yes, my collection can be seen by others!"

Trazin was stimulated by Orikan's words. No one can speak loudly about his museum and his collection! He collects not only to satisfy his desire for collecting, but also to preserve the evidence of the existence of this universe.

Even the history of the Necrontyr's existence, the pottery and bone vessels older than him, the stone slabs and caves with ancient childish myths written on them, are all evidence of their existence.

The Necrontyrs after biological transformation are just a group of warehouse goods that are constantly damaged and missing under the wash of time. They have no ability to create new things and can only pull out some paper ashes and bricks from the clouds and smoke of the glorious past. Blow off the dust on it, clean it with water, and then put it into use.

"Do you remember the Subjector! During the War in Heaven!"

Orikan was stunned by Trazin's roar. He loosened his grip on Trazin's neck and his one eye flashed, quickly collecting ancient information and thinking about the reason for Trazin's words.

"That guy who is not affected by time and space spells. I remember that you and her often left the post. Maybe your collecting habit is because of her influence."

"Probably." Trazin muttered in response and punched Orikan in the face. The sound of metal colliding made Trazin feel comfortable. He had calculated the punch more than 200 times just now, just to hit it perfectly and disfigure Orikan's irritating face.

Orikan felt the distortion and damage on his face, and his alarm system was counting the damage and proposing the best solution.

But as an astrologer, he always had a better way to repair the damage.

The particles in space reversed, and the coolant and plasma acid pool flowing from the gap returned along the original path. His living metal also bulged inch by inch and returned to its original appearance. Parts and fragments scattered on the ground during the battle also flew back to Orikan's body.

"You and I have been fighting for tens of thousands of years. If we hadn't fallen asleep, we might have been fighting for tens of millions of years. Aren't you tired of it yet?"

"When you, the offending thief, die, I will truly be ascetic."

"Ha!" Trazin's eyes swept over Olican's body. He was now thinking about whether to call Lin Fan over and smash the head of this bastard who was playing with time and space magic.

"So your friend, the Subject, shows up again?"

"No, this time it's a new subject."

"The second one? Damn it. The original parliament had already identified their ethnic group, but I didn't expect that they were not tired of our low-dimensional universe."

“So my museum is something that someone can appreciate.”

Orikan snorted disdainfully, which caused Trazin's cooling system to fail, and his body, as cold as the dark universe, quickly heated up.

"So the arrangement of the stars has changed due to the appearance of the Subject, right, just like the first Subject." Orican hammered his waist with his hand. As an undead, of course he would not have back pain, this is just The data stream is just an imitation of the original soul's habits.

He looked up at the dazzling star map projected on the dome, decently calculating the language of the stars and the future of the universe. But Trazin could see that the huge and glorious star map on the dome was just an illusion he used to fool himself.

"You almost got it! Do you really think I'm a fool?"

"Alas." Orikan sighed, feeling sorry that Trazin's thinking and logic were not slow yet.

A series of obscure spells were uttered by Orikan. Only he could recite these spells, and no Necrontyr who overestimated his abilities could hear or see even a fragment of this spell.

Any low-class Necrontyr will pay the price for their ignorance and offense, and death is only the lightest punishment.

As the spell ended, Orikan and Trazin disappeared into the grand stargazing palace. Trazin was also able to see the real brilliant star map. It was no longer a pitiful dome that housed the stars, but a much tinier device.

This device used to display the position of the stars looks like a computer from before the War in Heaven, with a simple mouse and host, and a display that is more than a billion or more years behind Trazin's electronic eye.

A Gauss rifle. According to the principle, this thing does not shoot you, but is pulled to the muzzle at the subatomic level. It is considered that it hits the muzzle on its own.

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