Hmm. How long has it been? A month? One week? one day? Still shorter.

Trazin, who had the data flow back again, estimated how much time and energy this inter-galactic flow cost him. His electronic eyes had already calculated the results, but in order to have a sense of life, he ignored the feedback from his electronic eyes.

Trazin took out a void clock from his pocket space and observed the data.

It's really good. Orikan understands his eagerness very well. Even the spells used to manipulate time are reflected in him. The relativity of time is displayed vividly and exquisitely.

"875? You damn bastard. What good will it do you to waste my time."

I glanced at another data, 875 seconds. Judging from the Eldar tribe in front of them who have not yet finished reading the contract, the time Trazin really experienced should be the latter. Orikan must have learned about the subspace problem and contracted the extended stretch time without Trazin paying attention.

What were you thinking about at that time? Thinking about his own collection and museum, and about the subject Bai Huan and his adventurous past.

Tsk. The fragments are starting to break again, this damn protection mechanism that simulates biological memory.

Maybe that's why, he needed to build a lot of museums. In order to leave a trace in my memory, so as not to become a shadow of the past that has lost its identity and meaning of survival.

The Necrontyr once slaughtered the true gods, and when the true gods disappeared, they were left with only a broken universe and dynastic buildings buried in dust, as well as an eternal emptiness tortured by endless lifespans.

Maybe like those sleepy relatives, becoming Alzheimer's is also a kind of happiness?

Trazin was frightened by his sudden thoughts. He suddenly thought of those meaningless relatives who were trapped in the void. Each one was wandering in the wilderness and ruins, harvesting the souls of the living, like greedy star gods. Harvested them all.

Not to mention the infamous Curse of the Skinner.

"Just think it's for me and don't destroy it anymore."

Bai Huan's voice suddenly sounded from Trazin's data core, awakening him from deep thought. For a moment, he recalled the splendid, vibrant and colorful universe in the past, and also recalled the exploration vow he and Bai Huan had made.

Trazin's energy-deprived body ignited again, and the eyes with a faint green light activated. He looked at the trembling Eldar team, swaying here and there, and knew that they were trying to attack him after he lost consciousness.

It's just that they failed to defeat the self-protection system, and Tie Yong's things can still be used reluctantly. The products exchanged with Devil's Forge are also reasonably priced, which saves Trazin from having to complain.

"Looks like you finished reading the contract and got a little naughty in the middle."

"We. We're done reading."

The war wizard did not answer the naughty question that followed, but respectfully returned the holographic page to Trazin.

"So you have to have a spirit of contract. You were too out of touch in the past and did not abide by any covenants and agreements. That's why you were defeated by the human coalition in the Second Nebula War. How does it feel to be stabbed in the back by a servant?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, that's it." Trazin suddenly felt a little bored. His vocalizer became a little restless and impatient as the virtual mood became unstable. He breathed out a suppressed and threatening breath, but this was still imitated. How could he need it? What about breathing?

Orikan's words were led out by the ignorance of the Eldar war wizards. Who can appreciate the past with him? Who can remember it except himself? Invite Lin Fan to visit?

No. He shouldn't be in front of the queue. It's not his turn to appreciate the exhibition that Bai Huan didn't even witness.

Looking at Trazin's motionless appearance, the Eldar team thought that he had entered into the self-protection mechanism just now. For a moment, no one dared to move for fear of being knocked away by this extremely powerful and unusually strong metal skeleton. .

The suffocating and oppressive silence lasted for an unknown amount of time before Trazin recovered again. He casually erased the holographic page without even signing his name on it.

He turned around and looked at the Eldar team with his faint green eyes, "Get out."

Seeing that these Ada idiots didn't understand, Trazin repeated it again and activated the Empathy Annihilation Staff.

Seeing Trazin's sudden increase in killing intent, the Eldar team was frightened to the point of peeing, and they quickly fled out of the hall of the Black Stone Array. Whether they escape through the webway or some hidden vehicle next is none of Trazin's business.

When the obelisk is fully activated, those little brats playing with psychic powers will not be able to find this planet at all. Although the things witnessed by the eyes do not represent the truth, it cannot be observed without using the eyes at all.

The human empire believed too much in what they saw with their primitive naked eyes and primitive brains, and therefore lacked planning for the future and learning from the past. They never learn the lesson and walk in a dead circle again and again.

The Eldar believe too much in the torrent of subspace, and even they themselves can't express what they want to say.


Trazin sighed. He did not see the future that Orikan saw. How amazing would it be? Do you want to tell the subject Lin Fan?

After carefully thinking about the characteristics of a subject, Trazin felt that it was better not to tell Lin Fan such a thing. He didn't know the ending, but he only knew that there would be changes, telling Lin Fan that he might not know how many weird endings his characteristics would create.

Maybe it can accelerate the universe to its final end?

These subjective people never want to stop fantasizing, and so do I.

As Trazyn walked out of the Blackstone Array, the area was completely activated and closed. He tore through the space and disappeared, and returned to the space anchor point he left on the mechanical ark.

"My Lord."

Several prepared technicians greeted Trazyn. They were busy entering and writing everything that happened at the wedding just now, and recording it with all known equipment.

From the initial work to fulfill the order, it became a measure to solve the emptiness of their own meaning. The technicians under Trazyn also gradually fell in love with collecting and recording valuable artifacts. After all, the biggest enemy they need to face now is boredom.

"How many years are left before our dynasty fully awakens? Of course, I mean all dynasties?"

"Sir, the 60 million years of slumber is coming to an end. There is only a small error of one or two centuries. The moment set by the Last King is coming."

"Is that so? I hope this universe can really hold on until then."

"What happened?"

"A lot, but it's not what you should ask."

The Canned Emperor ()

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