Trazin no longer cares about the bad things in the subspace. Their soulless machines are the best thing to fight against the evil demons in the subspace.

As the astrologer Orikan said, to them there is no danger in the galaxy. The only remaining danger is the possibility of dynastic civil war after awakening, or the subjective awakening of Lin Fan's potential, and he finally chooses to move towards nihilism.

Like Bai Huan, she realized in the void that this was her dream, and then let herself go.

But later on, Bai Huan became more normal. The life of collecting and adventuring really made that crazy girl become dignified and intellectual.

Trazin told the technicians to work hard, and he returned to the bedroom. Recording Lin Fan's story with his own hands, using the laser engraver in his hand to carve on the indestructible metal plate, these hieroglyphs used by the Necrontyr dynasty have rich meanings and are also good codes.

At least humans with primitive brains really can't understand it. The random graffiti that Trazin left on the earth was learned by an Egyptian regional civilization.

However, they only learned a little bit and failed to master this profound way of expressing words.

"Oh, are you hungry?"

A smooth tentacle stretched out from a jar and intimately attached to the back engine of Trazin, the great sage of Kaos.

Trazin stroked the tentacles with his own hands, stood up and looked at the open jar. Inside is an expanded space, far beyond the size of this jar.

After thinking for a while, Trazin decided to throw the fruit that Lin Fan had harvested to it. It can be seen that this little cutie, who was born in the ocean world, loves these nutritious foods.

"Who is here again?" Trazin had just finished feeding halfway when she felt that the time in the space she was in was stretched infinitely.

++This is an over-control agreement, and any court noble who receives this agreement has no right to refuse! Anyone who disobeys the King of Silence will be killed without mercy! ++

++This is an override agreement. Those who receive this agreement will immediately go to the Odysseus Quadrant-15 space dimension gap! Those who are late will be deemed as disrespecting the authority of the Silent King and will be killed without mercy! ++

An order from the Three Holy Guards? Trazin did not dare to delay, he did not want to be targeted by these law enforcers.

We have to slip through time and space again. How long will it take this time? It's really annoying. Trazin silently adjusted the logical behavior board of Kaos Sage and told him to maintain a friendly relationship with Lin Fan's 37th Regiment. He also called out to his tomb technicians and asked them to keep an eye on him while he was out. Lin Fan and his friends.

Trazin's consciousness disappeared again, leaving only the body and logical consciousness of Sage Kaos.

++Detect identity: Sage of Kaos. Mission: Expedition to Damocles Bay to collect alien technology products. Behavior mode: Friendly attitude. Output power 15%++

A few days later, Lin Fan finally handed over the work at hand, and also went to visit Marian and Shasi on their honeymoon.

When he opened the door, Lin Fan was thinking of Maria's frail face and weak legs. After all, his wife was a Slaanesh demon. Unexpectedly, Marian was still full of energy and healthy with a rosy complexion.

Instead, Sha Si lay on the bed and asked Marian to rub her waist. In the words of Sha Si, when you choose passivity and pure love, the impact on your soul is really scary.

Several times, Maria just put her hand on Shachi's face, and she felt like she melted into the bed immediately. If it weren't for his amazing control and willpower, Sha Si's soul self-destruction in the past few days might have blown this house apart.

Seeing the pain and happiness, Sha Zi leaned on Marian's arms with a submissive expression. Lin Fan was relieved. When he walked out of the door, a pure black puppy barked at him twice.

"Why is this dog barking so strangely? It's like it's about to vomit."

Lin Fan frowned, looking at the dog barking with all its strength, and shook his head. It is probably a biochemical dog created by some kind of genetic engineering. As long as they are happy.

He now has a lot of documents in his hands. As soon as he saw the sweet life of the married couple, he returned to the office to review these documents. Most of them are from the Expeditionary Fleet Military Affairs Department, regarding Lin Fan's appointment as the original post of the 37th Regiment.

++This document specifically reorganizes the 37th Special Forces Regiment of the Kasare Corps. While retaining the original Kamakran 1st Company and Valhalla 2nd Company, it is incorporated into the Krieg Reorganized Corps into the Krieg Regiment. The Third Company; incorporated into the remnants of the Randers World Atonement Army as the Randers Fourth Company.

The Thirty-seventh Regiment's first company had 20,000 men, its second company had 20,000 men, its third company had 30,000 men, and its fourth company had 15,000 men. The total number of the regiment is 85,000. The first batch of equipment supplies was borne by the Kaos sage on his own initiative.

Integrating the orders of the Supreme Military Ministry of Terra and the establishment outline of the Imperial Legion, the 1993 Expeditionary Fleet, the Military Branch, the Interior Branch, the Ecclesiastical Branch, the Space Marine Chapter, the Sisters of Battle, the Ordo Heretics and the Ordo Daemons jointly reviewed and Confirmed and established. ++

Lin Fan looked at the document and closed his eyes. The Kriegs are now led by Colonel Erica, but where are the remnants of the Atonement Army? Maybe I should go see what's going on with the Atonement Army.

"Colonel Erica, call Priest Delia and the others. Let's go to the Atonement Army's station."

"Yes, sir."

Soon, several Centaur transport vehicles loaded Lin Fan and his party to the military garrison outside the nest capital. Now in order to facilitate the transportation of the fleet's departure, most of the troops have been mobilized into the field.

As for the security in the hive, Erica and the others have trained enough militia in the past few days, and the legal department of the expedition fleet has also established a fortress in the city.

However, the Ministry of Justice's fortress was not built brick by brick, but an entire fortress shot down from the fleet. Lin Fan didn't see any protective measures, and he didn't see any rocket boosters or parachutes at all.

That thing was as neat as Teacher Lin Fan throwing his Nokia directly from the third floor.

I originally thought that this thing would be like a kinetic cannonball from a space-based weapon, smashing through the strata of the hive city.

He didn't see any signs of fragmentation in the surrounding land until he landed. When he asked Delia, Lin Fan learned that this Ministry of Justice fortress was equipped with a strange kinetic energy converter. It probably collects the huge kinetic energy from the universe to the ground, and instantly reduces it to 0.

This huge power is then fed into the converter, so that the Ministry of Justice Fortress can supply itself with electricity for a long period of time.

After all, the power generation on this planet can be said to be insufficient, and it is not enough to support the full operation of a huge Ministry of Justice fortress.

Lin Fan could only say about this: when it comes to imperial soil, it is really soil, and when it comes to black technology, it is really black.

Although the Ministry of Justice is the police according to the division of labor, these people, like other departments in the empire, have fleets and armored forces.

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