A group of abandoned people, a group of self-abandoned people, a group of numb people.

This was Lin Fan's first reaction when he saw the current Atonement Army.

The group was in rags, but that was not because there was a current shortage of clothing in the hive. You must know that the Kriegs have always done a good job in the collection work, and the Empire also has its equipment to clean the clothes of the deceased.

Lin Fan looked at the almost masochistic attire of these people, with iron wires wrapped around their arms and a flail wrapped with thorns in their hands. Judging from the darkened bloodstains and the scars on the backs of these people, Lin Fan believed that these were tools used by the Atonement Army to spur him on.

These people still inherited the customary fanaticism and even ignorance of the State Atonement Army. But Lin Fan couldn't criticize them. After all, there are indeed gods in this world, and their beliefs are indeed strong and tenacious.

"Oh, Ms. Serena, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hello, Chief Soap." Sister Selina still looked simple. There were some scriptures and even wood chips with words engraved on her clothes.

"Are you in charge of the situation here?"

"Well. In fact, we have no control. We don't think we have the ability to manage ourselves. There is no room for salvation for the Atonement Army here."

"Why do you say that?"

".We lost everything when we fell into lies."

Selina slowly told Lin Fan the stories of these people. Compared with the Atonement Army who returned to normal life, the Atonement Army here killed all their family and friends. After all, when you're trapped in a hallucination, your sweet children and gentle family turn into twisted monsters.

How can you, who served the Emperor to death, tell this? Of course, kill them all and ask them to atone for the emperor's sins.

The betrayal of the Atonement Army hurt them the most. These fanatics who have lost their families have fallen into doubt and abandonment of their own meaning, and living is torture for them.

The remaining 15,000 people are the living corpses of this hive city. It is difficult for residents who know what they have done to look at them with normal eyes.

".This is really sad."

Lin Fan made an eagle salute and prayed to these poor people. But seeing Serena's hesitation, Lin Fan asked again.

"What about you? The current Sisters."

"The Sisters are now organized by Saint Sauce. My sisters have long since died in the Tribunal's fortress. Please take me with you. I hope to let me die on the battlefield during the expedition."

Seeing Serena's serious look, Lin Fan had no choice but to agree to her and asked her to temporarily serve as the commander of the Atonement Army.

But judging from the description of the Fourth Company in the documents, the expedition fleet has no favorable impression of the Atonement Army. This group of people were deceived by the devil and killed many citizens of the empire. If it weren't for Lin Fan's sake, the state religion itself would personally come forward and kill all these trash who had tarnished the emperor's faith.

"Your equipment may only be based on the minimum standards, you know. Maybe the equipment of the PDF and the Punishment Legion are better than yours."

"I know that as a sinner, the opportunity to atone is already forgiveness. How can I plead for more."

"Ah. That's what I said, but I still don't like the empire treating soldiers as cheap consumables. I can find the Sage of Kaos to provide you with some equipment, at least to the average of the Astra Militarum. The standard is. Even if you die, you must die with value."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Lin Fan looked at Serena bending down to salute him, and felt that the pride of the nun in front of him was really interrupted, and now only humility and fear remained on her face.

He still has the weapons of the Gray Knights, maybe he can throw them to these people for use. After all, their faith strengthens weapons, and the Grand Sister herself is a master of both ranged and melee combat.

"I will hand over the Broken Holy Sword to you in a few days. If you can select a few with acceptable strength from the Atonement Army, I can allocate more weapons to you."


Seeing Serena's panic and unwillingness to accept it, Lin Fan issued an order and forcefully told Serena to accept the fact that she could use Gray Knight weapons.

So should his regiment be like this? A group of soldiers with no communication at all? According to different companies, they live in different areas of the ship. The only thing that maintains them as comrades is the special organization of the so-called 37th Regiment?

Maybe he can go a step further and integrate the Dalian within the regiment. The soldiers of Kamaklan, listening to the descriptions of Delia and Old Jock, they are now good at fire strikes, and everyone has made great efforts in long-range shooting.

Moreover, Lin Fan telling them stories every night has also evolved into a night study session. Their group's literacy rate and mastery of mechanical equipment can be said to be the best.

After all, Priest Delia will really break your arm if you make her angry. No one wants to be sent to the infirmary for missing a bunch of mechanical operating procedures.

Kane's Valhalla regiment is good at fighting in ice and snow. The colder the place, the more comfortable it is for this group of people to feel at home.

Colonel Erica's Krieger Corps is good at trench warfare and positional warfare, and its infantry and artillery can be used together like a flower.

The only thing that the Last Atonement Group could use was their devout faith, and a former Grand Sister of the Order of Fighting Sisters of the State Church. Maybe the experience of growing up in the hive city will add to them - an entry that is good at complex regional operations?

Lin Fan was not sure about this. Maybe Serena could rejuvenate the Atonement Group in future training.

Combat experience and exchanges should be organized to allow these regiments to share their experiences, learn from each other, and develop in an all-round way.

After all, the empire's specialized combat system is too restrictive. Infantry often cannot help tanks, and tanks cannot help infantry. The navy even thinks that the army is a weakling. If it weren't for the importance of the empire's navy, there would have to be a fight between the sea and the land in order to seize the supplies of the Ministry of Military Affairs.

"Priest Delia, how many communication equipment does our regiment have now?"

"Our communication equipment is only distributed among officers to ensure communication between the company and officers. There are no communicators within the team."

"Okay, great." Lin Fan said several good words in a row, but Lin Fan could only feel sarcastic. The huge empire that spans the sea of ​​​​stars can't even guarantee that everyone has a communicator. No wonder they can be beaten by the Tau Empire.

"I hope our group can ensure that there are enough communicators, not just one per person, but at least every class can send their information to me."

Capture Tieyong Building (bushi)

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