Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 329 How Can My Soldiers Be Idiots?

A month has passed since the match between Lin Fan and Lieutenant Sura. Their fleet has passed Mandeville Point and entered the crisis-ridden subspace.

The subspace has been very stable in the past few years. According to the report from Kadian who guards the Eye of Terror, it is said: The light of evil things representing bloody wars and evil things that indulge in immorality has dimmed a lot.

No matter what dangerous plan the evil god of subspace is preparing, the soldiers of the empire are always ready.

But the inexplicably stable subspace really needs to be put to good use. Many merchant fleets have quickly become rich in the past few years.

In the past, these fleets would suffer some losses when traveling through subspace. It was a trivial matter for the personnel to mutate into monsters. They were afraid of being lost in the torrent, either traveling hundreds of years ago, or traveling hundreds of years later.

In the past few years, there has been no such thing that disrupts time, and the chance of demons possessing the ship has been greatly reduced.

The other regiments are on the ship, training on a 24-hour schedule according to the standards set by Holy Terra. After all, some planets have different revolutions and autobiographical cycles. Considering that Terra is the most sacred place in the human empire, most planets maintain regional time characteristics and also divide time according to Terra standards.

But they don't need to, this is more like a way to deal with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After the training, the soldiers dispersed in twos and threes, considering that war might break out in the subspace at any time. The training plan formulated in the ship is light. After all, you can't expect a group of soldiers who have practiced to the point of muscle soreness to hold their position.

"Let's go to the bar for a drink? Recently, they have been recycling the residue from the promethium fuel tank to make new spirits. One sip is definitely enough."

"No, no, I have something else to do, so I won't go with you."

"Hey! Hey! Why is it like this again?"

The soldiers of Valhalla's 311th Regiment watched the soldiers of Casare's 37th Regiment leave. They had many friends and comrades in that regiment. After all, Commissar Kane was indeed famous, and many Imperial Astra Militarum fought alongside his troops. Pass.

"I haven't seen them in the bar in the past few weeks. How can the people of Valhalla do it without drinking strong alcohol? If not, they can just drink ice wine!"

A man from Valhalla with a thick beard complained, "Do you know what Labut and the others are busy with these days?"

"They seem to be studying? I could hear them muttering something in their mouths during the melee training just now."

"What did they say?"

"The experience of digging trenches, how to lie down on the ground and dig a bunker for yourself as quickly as possible. Also determine where there are hidden mines in the area, and how to destroy bunkers with ceramic powder concrete structures."

"This" the bearded soldier frowned, these things sounded quite useful.

"I remember when I was chatting with them before, they said: We have to go to class every night, and I am almost worried to death."

"Then can we go and listen?"

"You don't drink anymore?"

"Drink! Drink as much as you want. These things must be imparting battlefield experience! Listen more and you might be able to use them!"

The bearded soldier pushed another soldier and asked him to take him to observe the night course of the 37th Casare Regiment.

They only have a pamphlet distributed by the Ministry of Military Affairs, and its usefulness is questionable. Many veterans would secretly ridicule that the tactics manual issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs is a piece of shit, even if it is written by Oglin, it is more useful than this thing.

The Astra Militarum has maintained a battlefield elimination mechanism for a long time. Few people bother to tell you how to survive the battlefield. Everything depends on your own efforts and luck.

Probably in the eyes of the general, they Astra Militarum are nothing more than cannon fodder. Unlucky cannon fodder are not even qualified to serve the Emperor.

Veterans are very strong, but who can guarantee that they will be so lucky to survive the battlefield? There may be thousands of people in a regiment, but only two or three veterans will survive in the end.

The two soldiers came to the door of the 37th Casare Regiment's station. The thick metal hatch opened, and a beautiful communications soldier was looking at them curiously.

"I. I, I, I." Maybe it was because he had never seen such a beautiful female soldier, and the bearded man was so blushing that he didn't know what to say, or the soldier behind him helped him out in time.

"We are here to observe. We heard that there are courses here where you can learn."

"Oh! There are people who take the initiative to learn! It's really good!" Rebecca was very happy when she saw the two soldiers from the foreign regiment wanting to come to the class, and jumped down from the platform that controlled the activation of the gate.

The bearded man found that this beautiful and lovely female soldier was a bit short, maybe only 1.5 meters tall. He wondered whether a soldier of this size could be strong. But looking at her signal corps logo, maybe she doesn’t need to fight with a bayonet on the front line?

The area affected by such a small body is indeed very small, perhaps this is her advantage.

"You guys go sit somewhere and hold this card. Just show it when you want to attend class next time."


"You're welcome~"

The bearded man and the soldiers behind him received the playing cards. The cards were hard in texture and should have been designed to be waterproof. They seemed to be made from a pamphlet issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs.


Looking at the bearded man, the soldier accompanying him smiled and said, "Are you tempted?"

"What do you know? Do you know how often you see cute and kind female soldiers like that? All of them are tough female soldiers who can play strip poker with you and laugh at you because your breasts are not as strong as hers!"

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Staring at the bearded man with strange eyes, he always felt that the bearded man said something outrageous, "Have you ever played poker with female soldiers?"

"Stop talking." The bearded man shook his head. He thought he was entering the Kingdom of Women, but he never thought he was entering the Amazon Valkyrie venue. He was almost squeezed to death by the strong muscles of the female soldiers.

They sat at the designated seats, and the soldiers next to them didn't look at them much. They all held the books in their hands and concentrated on them. It seemed that they were just in time for a teaching class.

A colonel with obvious Valhallan facial features was writing and drawing on a huge data pad. In front of her was a microphone, connected to the huge speaker in the cabin, so that her voice could be heard in every corner.

"In the last class, we talked about how to ensure that the heat of the laser rifle magazine does not escape in extremely cold environments. Soldiers are asked to repeat the operation process."

When it came to asking people to answer questions, all the soldiers lowered their heads, leaving only the bearded man who didn't understand the situation and the soldiers around him who raised their heads.

"Very well, the two soldiers at the back. Yes, it's you! Those two looking around! What are you looking at! Stand up and answer the question!"

The origins of the Astra Militarum's arms are quite complicated. Maybe the primitive people who used sticks to fight with their front legs were incorporated into the corps to play with laser guns.

Because the sources of arms are complex and their quality is generally low, the weapons prepared by the Adeptus Mechanicus for the Astra Militarum are extremely simplified versions (similar to the fool-proof design of computers)

Therefore, the status of technical arms in the Astra Militarum is quite high. For the Ministry of Military Affairs, it is not easy for a group of soldiers who have just been recruited from the wild world and the medieval world to be integrated into a regiment and be able to pull the trigger and load the bullet.

The World War I and World War II-style decisive battles with large armies save time and effort. There are very few troops that can carry out blitzkrieg, let alone joint operations with multiple arms.

As for the famous members of the Astra Militarum, it is obvious that they are still too few compared to this universe.

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