Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 330 My school life cannot be so tough

The bearded man and the people next to him stood up tremblingly. They felt that the eyes of the whole audience were focused on them. The soldiers of the Thirty-Seventh Regiment of Casare were secretly glad that the person calling them was not them, and cast grateful glances at them.

This unprecedented experience made Big Beard extremely nervous. He even felt that huddled in the trenches on the front line was not as scary and helpless as he was now.

"Answer the question? Didn't you listen to the last class? Huh?"

The colonel's face became increasingly ugly, and she stared seriously at the bearded man and the person next to him. "Say! Your number! I will record this bad answer in your file!"

The bearded man swallowed his saliva and couldn't utter a single word. Only large beads of sweat kept sliding down his forehead.

"We are soldiers of the 17th Squadron of the 5th Company of the 311th Regiment of Valhalla! I am Private Tukuv! He is Private Valedi!"

"Huh?" The colonel shook the pointer in his hand doubtfully, picked up a telescope, and looked carefully at the emblems on the two of them.

"Okay, you are here to listen, so I won't ask you any questions. Call your names randomly!"

The colonel pressed a red button, and a random combination of names appeared on the data board. The venue fell into great silence. The bearded Vallette sat on the chair, looking at the soldier next to him with his hands clasped together, and he felt panic.

A name was revealed and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Only the unlucky guy stood up tremblingly, trying his best to recall the content of the previous class, glancing at the notes in his hand from time to time.

"Use a single-molecule dagger to pry open the lower shell of the energy cartridge, remove the bottom safety, and then reroute the energy line to the third interface. This will overload the energy cartridge and maximize the temperature rise in a short period of time. to reduce energy loss.”

"Very good, then how to ensure that the energy magazine will not be overloaded to the edge of explosion?"

"I forgot."


The colonel banged the data pad with his pointer several times, "I'll say it again! Why are you people so stupid? The students in the Kriging class next door have no idea how much harder and more diligent they are than you! That's why we will roll the paper next time Decided to let Krigban give it to you!"

"Kriegs? Oh! No! They never consider the difficulty of the questions! And how do you learn with their teaching methods? If you don't learn it, shoot them in the leg! The medical room is not a good place to study!"

"Quiet!" The colonel slapped the table with her hand, making a loud noise. She glanced at the whole place coldly, "If you still can't learn, I think the experience of the next class can be used as a reference!"

Everyone fell silent and wrote furiously, for fear that they would miss some important points.

Above them, Commissar Kane and Lin Fan were sitting in the officer's cabin, opening the window to observe the soldiers' study status.

Lin Fan also had a stack of reports in his hand, which were about the learning status of different soldiers this month.

Among them, the Kriegs have the most effective learning results. They are silent and serious, with almost no personal activities. Perhaps this kind of knowledge-based learning is more like entertainment for them. From Colonel Erica's enthusiasm for learning about fighting in the ice and snow from Colonel Castine, we can see how much they like war knowledge.

Of course, they also like flower planting and plant classification. Maybe Lin Fan can find them a Catachan veteran in the future and teach them how to fight in the dangerous jungle.

Next are the soldiers from Kamaklan. These people were trained well by Delia. Although they are a little more free-spirited than the Kriegs, their biggest advantage is that all members are literate. After all, Delia had a particularly bad temper in the years after Lin Fan disappeared. When any soldier reports, if you don't recognize a word, you will most likely have your legs removed by Delia.

Because the Atonement Army has been educated in the religious stories of the state religion, their acceptance of knowledge is a bit slow, but at least they listen to Colonel Selina and Lin Fan without any complaints. At present, it can only be said that they are growing steadily.

Not so with the Valhallans, who are good warriors but not very good students. Considering that their planet is a glacier world, life is very difficult, let alone systematic learning.

The experience of these people comes from oral teaching, or relies on their understanding and survival time on the battlefield.

But at least they could understand that the courses Lin Fan gave them were useful and could help them survive longer on the dangerous battlefield. Even though they are fearless and loyal to the Emperor until death, if they have a chance to survive, most of them choose to live to witness the day when peace comes.

Lin Fan not only formulated the knowledge on the battlefield for them, but also discussed with Rebecca the contents of other subjects. For example, the customs and customs on different planets, and how to distinguish the types of aliens.

Of course, some personal items can also be mixed in, such as military ideas from the old era and equipment control operations. Lin Fan didn't want his troops to remain at the level of World War I and World War II. If he continued to do this when facing the Tau Empire, he didn't know how many of his men would die under the long-range firepower of the Tau Army.

Commissar Kane silently took a sip of Tanner tea. He had always liked this strange-tasting drink. He also recommended it to his soldiers, but no one except the people of Valhalla seemed to like the tea.

Old Jock said it tasted worse than dishwater.

"Is there really nothing wrong with our teaching of soldiers? You must know that the Inquisition has always been wary of this kind of thing."

"It's okay. The Inquisition doesn't dare to control me. Even if they dare to control me, they will be stopped by their own people."

"I hope so." Political Commissar Kane curled his lips and shook the documents in his hand, "But do you think it's really useful for us to educate the soldiers? In a sense, we are just cannon fodder, and we are the firewood that prevents the Emperor's Angels from wasting meaninglessly."

"Ah, whether it is useful or not is one thing, but whether these soldiers are educated is another." Lin Fan put down the documents and looked at Political Commissar Kane, "We teach the soldiers, at least we can leave them with an impression that we care about their life and death, which is conducive to stimulating their combat capabilities."

".But mobile warfare and blitzkrieg. Excuse me, our regiment does not have the strength to fight this kind of battle, and the Empire does not have this kind of combat environment."

"Why not? How did you fight along the way?"

Political Commissar Kane pinched his broad chin, "Before, there was a planet that tried to be independent. They established defense lines and pocket positions, trying to drag down the Empire through the mobile warfare and deep defense you mentioned."

A navigator, who guides the fleet in the subspace

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