Shadowsun's men have a fleet of 50 Overseer battleships, 240 Protector cruisers, 200 Ambassador-class cruisers, 24 Kroot War Balls, and 20 Nicasa Clippers.

What's left are transport ships with insufficient combat power and various auxiliary ships. In the last war, civilian ships with insufficient defense and firepower were simply unable to penetrate the ugly and huge ship defenses of the Human Empire.

The supervisor can be used as both an aircraft carrier and a battleship.

Any troops that break through through transport torpedoes will be quickly killed in just a few seconds. It seems like there are terrifying monsters inside the human ship.

Her fleet is the most powerful of the 12 expeditionary fleets, and is also the largest fleet the Tau Empire has ever had in its history of expansion.

But she still had no idea, as more and more declassified documents revealed to her a crazy and powerful empire that had existed even longer than the Tau themselves.

God knows what the Human Empire will look like outside the Gulf of Damocles. Maybe they can approach the heart of the Human Empire? Will they be subject to the most violent counterattack and attack?

Just like they were clinging to their home world of Lai-an under the craze of the orcs.

"Hehehe." Governor Clark lowered his head and did not rush to answer Yingyang's question. Instead, he said something else, "You idiot, let me do the math for you."

"The Empire's Sentori star sector is a sphere with a diameter of about 200 light-years, and there are about 10 usable planets. The Empire does not care about the problem of habitability, a nest will solve all problems."

"The population of the empire's hive worlds ranges from 100 billion to 500 billion. Even if we have more, there are only 100 hive worlds on this planet, and each hive world has only 100 billion people. Tithe tax Only one-tenth of the local PDFs are collected to join the army, and we collect them once every Terran century."

Yingyang quickly calculated the figures provided by Governor Clark. If Governor Clark's words were not wrong or misleading. A star sector of the Human Empire can produce nearly 100 billion troops every hundred years, which has already caught up with the total expedition fleet led by Yingyang, and there are more.

After all, her fleet not only contains soldiers, but also people for recolonization and construction.

"But how many star sectors can you have? According to our calculations, you are only five to six times larger than our empire."

"Five to six times? Five to six times? Hahahahaha!" Governor Clark laughed so hard that he couldn't even stand up straight and lay on the ground holding his stomach.

"Please, don't make me laugh anymore." Wiping the physiological tears from the corner of his eyes with his hand, Governor Clark sighed in a voice that sympathized with the ignorant.

"If you put your empire on our star map, we don't know how many times we have to enlarge it to find it. But you treat us as ants that are slightly bigger than you."

Governor Clark's words struck Yingyang's heart like a heavy hammer. She felt that the Governor showed no signs of lying, and his contempt was so pure.

Is he telling the truth? Is the Human Empire a giant elephant, and the Tau Empire just ants fighting against the elephant's skin?

".Tell me the strength of the human fleet, and I won't tell you a second time."

"Why do you always ask these questions? Are you the commander?"

"I am the supreme commander of the Mgululas Bay Fleet, Shadow Sun."

"Very well. Perhaps the Emperor will forgive me."

Seeing Governor Clark reveal a relieved smile, Yingyang felt the throbbing of approaching death prompting her to stay away from the Governor in front of her.

"Activate the shield! Now!"

A shield rose up and wrapped around Yingyang's body. The governor also exploded violently, and the scorching flames and shock waves caused the shield to flash at high frequency.

Yingyang relied on his warrior-like reaction speed to rush out of the door and escape before the shield was overloaded.

"Commander Yingyang!" The guards hurriedly protected Yingyang as she flew out, and raised a shield in front of her to block the scorching flames coming out of the door.

"How could the technicians of the Tu clan make such a mistake! They actually allowed humans to possess such dangerous goods! They must be brought to court!"

The Tau people from the Fire Clan are the best warriors, but they are as fierce as fire. How could they not be angry now that the respected Commander Shadowyang was almost killed.

Yingyang took a few breaths to calm down. She grabbed the Fire Blade officer's arm and said, "Wait a minute and investigate. I believe that the technicians of the Earth clan will not make such a big mistake. We can't do it because of anger." , and ruined your sanity.”

The soldiers paid attention to Yingyang's instructors and called in the security drones to quickly extinguish the flames in the room.

A few days later, Walu, the Tu clan technician in charge of the secret prison, came to Yingyang's meditation room, followed by two Fire clan warriors with unkind expressions.

"Did you find out anything about the explosion?" Yingyang smiled at Walu and told him not to be too nervous.

Walu unfolded the holographic panel and showed Yingyang the room after the flames were extinguished. The walls became scorched black, and the ground showed obvious signs of melting and cooling again.

"The explosion created by humans is reported to be a highly unstable plasma reactor."

"How was he brought in? Is there something wrong with the scanning facility?"

"This." Walu pursed his lips tightly and took out a fist-sized dark golden ball from a square drone cabin with some small holes on it.

"That was the only item we recovered from the explosion scene and from the information provided by the scanning facility, it was his heart."


"Yes, we discovered this thing during the first scan, but at that time we only regarded it as a heart to maintain body functions. But now it seems that it also has the ability to self-destruct when overloaded. Human equipment It’s always dangerous and unstable.”

Yingyang sighed. The plasma pistols used by humans on the battlefield showed this characteristic. It is powerful, but extremely unstable. After some fire warriors captured human plasma pistols, they were blown to ashes because they were not familiar with the characteristics of the weapon.

"Then how did this thing stay? It looks very clean. Have you cleaned it?"

"No." Walu wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling a little ashamed, "In fact, we didn't do anything. There was no damage to this dark golden shell, and its temperature didn't even change at all in the molten metal."

"Oh? Is it so powerful?" Yingyang weighed it with interest. It felt heavy in the hand and cold all over.

"At least our weapons can't leave a mark on it. If the empire's equipment were all made of this kind of thing, there would be no need to fight this battle."

In the original plot, the Imperial Expeditionary Force underestimated the size of the Tau Empire and thought it was just an empire based on galaxies. As a result, there were too few people and the Tau Empire was suppressed and beaten.

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