It seemed that this dark golden item that Walu couldn't study affected her mood. Yingyang's face looked a little ugly, but she still showed a confident smile.

"At least we have learned new knowledge. Let's leave it to the research institute. If it really can't be done, send it to Tu-Pinwak."

Waru and the Fire Warriors greeted Yingyang, and they exited the meditation room, while Yingyang also took off his disguise.

There was only deep confusion in his eyes, "Teacher Qingxi, please guide me."

Either win or die.

The rise and fall of the Titanium Nation will be fought here!

A few months later, Yingyang's fleet was ready. She stood among the Overseer battleships, battleships huge enough to block the light of stars and leave huge shadows on the surface of the planet.

This shadow like an artificial solar eclipse is the origin of the title Shadow Sun. When facing the attack of the orcs, she cleverly used the shadows covered by the battleships to create sudden darkness.

The orcs panicked, and she led the infiltration team to attack Huanglong under the cover of darkness. The leaderless orcs quickly collapsed under Shadow Sun's attack.

When the sun returns to the earth, the smoke has dispersed, and only the name of Shadow Sun rises in the hearts of the Tau warriors.

The main warships are in front of the huge fleet, like the fine steel spearhead of a spear. They only account for a small proportion, but they are powerful and extremely strong.

The remaining ships are of various models, ranging from transport ships of different sizes to trading ships and colonial ships.

They are the main components of the fleet. Although they are not large in size, they are powerful in thousands and overwhelming.

The fleet is arranged into three-dimensional squares in the void, leaving sufficient gaps between the ships. If you look up from the surface of the planet, you can see the dazzling square star array formed by the lights on the bottom of the ships.

Countless people poured into the streets or stood on balconies to pay tribute to the fleet that was about to dispatch.

They are about to cross the Gulf of Damocles, which frightens the Tau, away from their homeland, and spread the word of the higher good in the vast and bright universe.

"Let's move forward!"

Following Yingyang's order, all the ships sailed out of the star area, their engine nozzles flashing beautiful blue light, and sailed into the dark void.

The new generation of jump engines was not used. These unproven engines were only used in the most urgent situations. The current voyage did not require them to take such risks.

As energy gathers, the jump engine accumulates energy. The Tau warship pressed into the membrane between reality and the warp, and the space around it twisted under the pressure.

This driving method is like pressing a ball into the water and waiting for the huge elasticity when you let go.

But after all, there are only a few ships that can move forward like this. Earth caste technicians have racked their brains and cannot install the huge jump engine into small ships.

Therefore, many small ships need to enter the gravity sheath of large ships to ensure super-light speed.

Therefore, the number of ships that the first batch of main battleships can carry is limited, and the remaining ships need gravity thrusters to move forward slowly until the main battleships carried in front complete the next jump and recharge, and are transported to the front in batches.

The invasion of the Tau Empire actually started very early, and planets near the Gulf of Damocles have been infiltrated by Tau caravans and diplomatic groups. Even though there was originally a destructive wall of fire, the Tau's ambition to expand their empire still led them to develop a shield to resist the burning of the wall of fire. Although the failure rate was quite high, 80% of the ships were reduced to ruins in the wall of fire.

But the remaining Tau fleets, with the great ideal of promoting the Greater Good, are busy in the unfamiliar star region.

Their caravans have enriched many planets, and the chain of interests has tied up many powerful and wealthy businessmen for them. Any human who makes a fortune by reselling Tau products will desperately praise the amiability of the Tau people around the governor. .

The richer you are, the harder it is to escape from the needs of the Tau Caravan, and the richer you are, the more you can influence the governor's decisions.

After all, not all planets are wealthy garden worlds, and not all planetary governors are fanatical loyalists who will serve the Empire until death.

For these human worlds on the edge of the Light of the Emperor's Great Star, their understanding of the Empire is already quite vague.

All that remains are blurred statues baptized by acid rain, and records on old parchments that no one can tell whether they are myths or truth.

The Tau diplomatic corps are also good at propaganda. For the people living in hell, equality and decent life are indeed very attractive.

What? Are you saying aliens can't be trusted?

But they said they would give us an 8-hour work system, two weekends a week, and overtime pay. Grandpa, I would be so fucking exhausted on the assembly line, whoever makes my life easier is simply my big daddy.

Whether it’s an alien or not, I was the first to stand up and shout: Mr. Titanium, come this way!

Many planets have already made preparations to rebel against the empire, and they are waiting for the arrival of the powerful expedition fleet that the Tau diplomacy and caravans said.

It can be said that the defense line on the planet collapsed instantly after the Tau fleet appeared, and only a few people would choose to resist for the Emperor.

They may be cold-faced soldiers of the Advocate, they may be Ecclesiarchs who preach the true will of the Emperor every day, and they may also be some loyal veterans of the Imperial Guard, but unfortunately, they are more important than the more people who want to join the Tau Empire. Still too little.

Falling into the crowd, they couldn't even make a splash.

Shadow Sun's troops can be said to be unstoppable. The planet has no resistance to the cultural offensive, and they have not even been able to see the so-called Imperial Sector Fleet.

Beyond the Gulf of Damocles, more than a hundred planets have become the temporary territory of the Tau Empire.

As the Earth clan technicians in the fleet are formulating good development plans for one planet after another, countless engineering drones are rapidly constructing.

Housing for the planet's inhabitants, facilities to restore the atmosphere and natural environment are part of the construction.

The more important projects are the clan headquarters buried deep underground, and the plasma turrets placed against the mountains and rock formations. Since the Tau Empire's fleet is slower than the human fleet, once a planet suffers a counterattack from the Human Empire, they must hold on until the Tau fleet is assembled.

During the last expansion war, Yingyang discovered that human fleets could always suddenly appear from some strange places, as if they had mastered a technology that could tear apart space and suddenly appear somewhere.

The current Tu clan technicians don't have any clue yet.

But this time Shadow Sun was well prepared, and the fortified defenses on the ground were enough to withstand the human attack and prepare for the assembly of their superior fleet.

But this time, the fleet coming from humans seemed to be too much.

The Tau Army has melee weapons, but most of them are ceremonial weapons, such as the Blade of Unity. Few people will go into battle with a knife.

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