In the ship's command room, Yingyang is observing the war situation in the entire star region.

The deeper she goes deeper into the areas controlled by the Human Empire, the harder it becomes for her fleet to stay together. They often rely on sublight speed ships to garrison the planet. Although the redevelopment of the planet allows them to ensure logistics, who can guarantee that the human empire's battle to destroy everything will not cause them to fall into a serious shortage of logistics?

The planet that was occupied first was very cooperative and the buildings on the planet were intact. Therefore, they became the supply base for the Shadow Sun Fleet, and a large amount of equipment was produced from them.

As for the planet that was later occupied, she did not have that much time to transform it, so she could only hastily build detectors and warning arrays to detect traces of the human empire fleet.

The troops stationed above are all dead. Everyone knows that they will not survive the onslaught of the human fleet, but each of them is willing to devote his life to the greater good.

This is the key to the Tau Empire's ability to survive and thrive in such a dangerous universe, and everyone will fight tooth and nail for the Greater Good.

"May the light of goodness illuminate your long road." Shadow Sun paid tribute to the soldiers on the frontline planet. They have the honor of life and no shame of death. In order to expand all the Tau people and all the alliance people in the fleet, she must win.

Yingyang observed the planet that had been attacked by the human empire. Just as they judged, the fleet sent by the human empire far exceeded her fleet, but as Governor Clark said, it was still far from enough to cover the sky. , and relies heavily on the stable Mandeville Point to travel faster than light.

This is why the red dots on the star map all revolve around a galaxy, so Shadow Sun can accurately calculate the next attack target of the human fleet through the intelligence exchanged with blood and sacrifice.

So they would eventually attack here. Shadow Sun stretched out his hand and lit up a galaxy on the holographic star map.

"Talahod Harbor Area."

This galaxy is the junction of the warning line and the rear. It is almost the most stable galaxy in the nearby space for thousands of light years.

This galaxy has long been a transit point for prosperity and development, but it has also become the most popular star system for publicity and penetration by Tau caravans.

The merchants among them have established close ties with the Tau, and they all recognize the fact that they have no chance of survival. They know that the Empire will not tolerate any traitors.

They will defend it against the forces of the Tau Empire until the end of the world.

But Yingyang had other plans. While talking to businessmen in the Talahod Port area, she learned that the rules of human beings' cleaning of the planet were not traceless.

They will preserve planets with high value instead of resorting to naval gun attacks that destroy everything.

There is only one planet in the Talahod Port area that is the most important, and that is Contract Harbor. This planet integrates a large amount of materials and has a complete production and industrial system, not only to meet the needs of the planet, but also to provide a place for the fleets coming and going.

Although the empire's current offensive on the periphery can be said to be overwhelming, how long can their fleet sustain without supplies? Her men have all explored the world controlled by humans, and their production efficiency is extremely low.

Their cruel and indifferent mechanical priests can accurately calculate the minimum nutritional standards for a person, but they cannot calculate how many miracles the workers and builder drones can create when they are liberated to produce passion.

Yingyang can't forget the way the Mechanicus Priests pointed at the Drones and cursed heretics. They are obviously scientists and pioneers, but they are all stuck in their own ways. They only have greed in their eyes but awe, and regard science and technology as the products of gods. How ironic. .

With so much intel, Shadowsun can wage a beautiful war of hunger around the Talahod port area. Although their ship speed is only one-third of the speed of the imperial ship, and some old ships are even one-fifth, the advantage is that their demand for the so-called Mandeville Point is not high, and they can completely bypass Tara. A surprise attack on the Imperial fleet's logistics line in Hodport.

And as long as they create a strong enough position in the contract harbor, it will be difficult for the empire to break this bone for a while.

Even if the human empire gets angry and blows the entire planet into rubble, they will still have to bear the consequences of losing their logistics center. Shadow Yang is very curious about how humans can attack planets beyond the Talahod port area when there is a lack of supplies and extremely dangerous transportation lines.

"Xiao Kan! To what extent have we developed the fortress of Contract Harbor?"

As soon as Yingyang's inquiry ended, a technical officer quickly called up the information and responded to Yingyang's question.

"The alert planet on the front line bought us a lot of time. The wealthy businessmen and enlightened people in the Contract Harbor cooperated with our work. They eliminated all the members of the so-called Ministry of Justice and the State Church. Moreover, the human auxiliary army we recruited also helped the Harbor. The people demonstrate the superiority of the Greater Good.”

"We have built 125 Fire Caste headquarters, 480 Earth Caste headquarters, and 1,453 Alliance headquarters throughout the harbor. There are also underground military camps used to house people for retraining, all of which are buried 5 kilometers under the earth's crust. , If all the tunnels collapse, we still have a large number of bumblebee excavators.”

"In the airport and factory areas, we have buried thousands of 180 million titanium watt plasma cannons. If the human fleet chooses planetary bombing, we can completely shoot them down."

"The 10 billion Fire Caste warriors in Contract Harbor and the 35 billion Alliance auxiliary troops are determined to defend the planet until the end of the world! For the Greater Good!"

In the distant void, an advanced Tau detection station is continuously recording the situation in the starry sky and sending valuable information to the Tau Empire fleet.

Zhan'an and his Tu clan technicians are on the planet near the detection station, relying on a huge data center for monitoring.

The station is so sophisticated that it slowly rotates in the void, maintaining its orientation with periodic bursts of stabilizing jets.

They are now so far away from home that even the nearby Port of Tallahord is nothing more than a bright spot on the screen.

Being so far away from home makes many people feel uncomfortable. But they overcame their attachment to their homeland and chose, like thousands of Tau people, to dedicate everything they had to the Greater Good.

This is why Zhan An and his men control the detection station on this desolate and barren planet.

It's not because there is a problem with the Sentinel AI, but because they know that this battle is too important. They were unwilling to let the Tau Empire miss a good opportunity because of the one in a billion chance of damage.

In the background, it was written that Ether was captured into the Gomo Arena and started killing people. It can only be said that every race has cheaters.

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