Lin Fan and Kane quickly rushed to the central divine calculation tower. This thing was smashed from the mechanical ark of the Kaos sage.

While able to accommodate a large number of troops, it can also maintain tens of thousands of high-power auspicious devices.

Underground in the God's Calculation Tower is a high-energy reactor that maintains the energy of the entire planet's shield. The tradition of the Mechanicum is to pile good things together, without any consideration of how they can reduce offensive losses after being separated.

But considering that their Skitarii are really strong, and their weapons and equipment are much better than those of the Astra Militarum, they may not be able to break into the reactor group buried deep underground if they gather together.

Their weapons also consume a lot of energy. A single volley from a Skitarii can last a hive city for several years.

Maybe it would be better if they stayed near the generator, so at least no one would have to worry about charging their energy backpacks.

On some planets that are short of energy, the poor lower class people will use the radioactive wasteland to extract homogeneous crystal fuel rods to maintain the operation of air and water purifiers.

Even poorer ones use fluorescent cloth strips for lighting, or use dim promethium lamps to dig for mineral deposits under dangerous mines.

Vitrilian Prime uses furnace reconstruction instead of common water washing. The value of items always depends on the issue of abundance and shortage.

But the God's Calculation Tower is not the place where they hold meetings. The people of the Mechanicus have always been disgusted with the ignorant generals of the Astra Militarum stepping into the Holy Land of Science and Technology, so they would rather spend more resources to build a field headquarters around the God's Calculation Tower than let them They were meeting inside the Divine Calculation Tower.

"Hello, Sir Qi Zeke."

Stepping into the conference room, I found that everyone had been waiting here for a while. They held data tablets in their hands and carefully watched the situation coming from the Void Fleet.

Žižek stood up and greeted Commissar Kane and Lin Fan who walked in. In fact, he respected Commissar Kane even more. After all, he really didn't know what kind of achievements Lin Fan had.

"Currently, our fleet stationed here is engaged in a firefight with the alien fleet, and judging from the fighting situation, it is not optimistic."

"But that's not a problem. We stay here to attract the enemy. If we delay them long enough, our troops ambushing on the outside will be able to surround them well."

"We'll overload the shields and make the aliens think they can break through the defenses with their blasphemous cannons, and then the Mechanicus of the Calculation Tower will activate the gravity capture fields. It's a hunt, so enjoy it."

After the commander of Planet Zizek finished speaking, he slapped the table with his hand, "Any questions? Ask them quickly."

"If it counts as a hunt, how long do we have to delay?"

Commissar Kane still held a cup of Tanner tea in his hand. God knows how he got such a hot drink.

"It depends on when the surrounding empire's hunting fleets arrive. In order to let the alien fleets lower their vigilance, we disperse the hunting fleets to other galaxies. Although we have set stable anchor points in advance, there will still be a difference in time."

"It's best if they come later so I can kill a few more ugly aliens."

Everyone looked at Kane's smile and applauded in response. Only Lin Fan curled his lips in private and did not expose Commissar Kane's forced smile.

The sound of violent bombing of the planet's shield came from outside. This slightly dull sound made everyone realize that the Tau fleet had taken the bait. They are now preparing to land on this planet and destroy all the materials on it. If possible, they will try to plunder it.

After all, Tau warships usually leave a lot of spare cabins for storing supplies. The alien warships the Imperial Navy encountered during the Second Expansion War were simply modified merchant ships. Maybe they will make some improvements now.

The troops below are distributed all over the world through the tunnel system buried deep underground, while Lin Fan's Thirty-Seventh Regiment and other friendly troops guard around the Divine Calculation Tower.

The Cult of Mechanicus built a huge position for them, with a radius of thousands of miles surrounding the Divine Calculation Tower.

This huge spot on the ground can be seen even in the void, and Yingyang is leading four-fifths of her fleet in the void to observe the planet's defense. Including the auxiliary ships, their number is thousands. Article, they have successfully driven away the ships stationed on the planet here.

It seemed that the human fleet would still choose to give in when faced with a large number of enemies. With a wave of his hand, Yingyang ordered 15 supervisor battleships and 60 protector cruisers to drive away the enemies and guard the surrounding areas.

If the message from the Void Detection Station was correct, the empire's fleets patrolling in other galaxies were far away from them. At least Shadow Solar would have the planet's 300 rotation cycles to complete the raid.

"The shields are not flashing. The humans have built high-powered shields at their supply centers."

Yingyang slowly stroked the ceremonial knife with her hand. She focused on the ugly huge spot. Judging from the scale of the position, it was too big and too conspicuous. The human army would place important power generating units carelessly. In front of their eyes?

It is very likely that, according to the style of the human army, the more sparkly and eye-catching the patterns and decorations on their bodies are, the higher their status in the army is.

In short, in the current situation where there is no clue, tentative attack on this point is the only way.

The order was quickly passed on, and the Air Clan's fighters would carry a large number of Fire Clan warriors to the vicinity of the giant tower position. They did not dare to just hover over the position. Everyone knows that the human armies in full swing have great firepower, and the only way to easily defeat them is to rely on surprise attacks.

Barracuda fighter jets hover in the air, providing cover for the killer whale transport. When they broke through the atmosphere and fell, several killer whale transport ships were hit by missiles launched by humans.

An entire ship of soldiers fell to the ground along with the burning transport ship. May the light of the Greater Good illuminate their way forward.

"Comrades, I don't need to say more about the importance of this battle. We can only win, not lose! For the sake of the Greater Good!"

A Burning Blade Captain addressed the troop before the transport ship's doors opened. As an experienced Fire Clan veteran, Yan Ou is used to shining as a Fire Clan warrior.

He did not choose to go a step further and pilot a glorious battle suit, but instead fought with his fellow warriors with rifles and daggers.

As a field commander, he needs to be responsible for planning firepower points. Although he will never become a full commander in his life, his willingness to dedicate everything to the battlefield and the higher good is highly respected.

Yan Ou held the captain's specialized pulse gun and observed the surrounding situation.

Many Tu clan technicians also came down, and they were directing the builder drones to quickly build a temporary headquarters.

A pulse gun, this thing is more powerful than explosive bombs. The reason why the Tau plasma doesn't heat up is because of the Motonium alloy.

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