A scream pierced the sky, which was the sound of incoming human artillery shells.

I don’t know why the Human Empire prefers energy weapons for light weapons, but prefers live ammunition weapons for heavy weapons.

The completed turret houses a pulse gun with an extremely high rate of fire. The metal cylinder in the bullet chain changes within the gun and turns into plasma, which is shot out through an electromagnetic accelerated track.

A series of scorching plasma, aimed at the AI, blocked the incoming shells very well, and exploded into fireballs spewing black smoke in mid-air.

Several fragments hit Yan Ou's helmet, wiping off some of the paint on it.

"Captain Yanou, it seems that the artillery attack this time is not as fierce as the battle on Yi Desi Planet."

"I agree, Comrade Wu Run, I still remember the dark cloud of artillery shells created by the human army on the planet Yi De."

At this point, Yan Ou touched the shoulder armor with his hand, as if there was a huge crack on it.

"I hope this attack will be easier than the easy-to-get-like planet."

"Fire warriors do not have an easy attack." Yan Ou retorted seriously and ordered the soldiers to move forward quickly. They could not waste too much time in the landing zone.

As the Fire Caste warriors advanced, more and more troops were sent to the planet, quickly joining them in the battle.

The Manta Ray armored personnel carrier suspended on the ground is opening the side door of the cabin and releasing a whole team of Fire Caste warriors onto the battlefield.

The rapid-fire pulse cannon attached to it and the drones on both sides were shooting at the enemy's position. A series of bullets rained into the position, and when they fell on the steel plate, they made hot holes.

Yan Ou used the eyepiece built into his helmet to analyze the enemy's position. As the outermost line of defense of the mysterious giant tower, it could be said that there were only dug trenches and various bunkers to block their attack.

He didn't see any heavy armored troops along the way, only the fearless human troops fighting back against them, and not a single coward who chose to retreat.

They are also brave.

Yan Ou thought like this, with respect for human warriors in his heart, but he would not relax his determination to attack because of this admiration.

"We advance from this trench. I will send the advance route to your helmets. Follow the guidance and attack!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Yan Ou walked in the front, with bullets flying overhead, and air burst fragments falling on his head from time to time.

Countless drones dropped into the air are completing their mission of intercepting enemy support artillery. If the human empire's artillery only had those huge physical shells, then they would not want any of them to hit the heads of the Fire Caste warriors.

The complex of trenches is littered with corpses that are burning or melting after being hit directly by plasma.

Some of the corpses were shining with light spots that had not yet been extinguished. The air here must not smell good.

Yan Ou seemed to hear something, turned around and shot at the corpse.

The remaining Fire Caste warriors haven't figured out the situation yet, but their training still causes them to subconsciously spread out and look for cover.

An imperial soldier hiding in the corpse was killed. He was holding a huge melta bomb in his hand. The violent explosion melted the trench. Only two soldiers who were too close to the corpse were half of their bodies instantly vaporized. .

"Stay alert, there are still many such enemies in this trench!"

Perhaps the power of the melta bomb frightened the Fire Caste warriors, so their steps became lighter and they observed the trenches more carefully.

They advanced through the corpses in the front trenches and finally saw the human soldiers who were still resisting. Yan Ou carefully identified the logo on the human body, which read "Casare 1189 Regiment"

With pulse guns in hand at the ready, they tried to break through the trench wall with friendly forces.

Pulling the trigger, a burst of hot plasma shot out from the barrel, crossing a distance of several hundred meters and hitting the people in the wall section. The heavy firepower firing point ceased fire for two or three seconds, and then continued to clean the head out of the trench. A Fire Caste warrior trying to fight back.

Yan Ou was also suppressed by the rain of bullets. He lowered his head in time, only to feel the fragments of the heavy bullet explosion and the dust stirred up covering his armor.

Several soldiers who were unable to dodge were shot through the head. Their helmets were completely unable to withstand such powerful bullets.

The cracked helmet and the hot blood splattering across the trench stimulated Yan Ou's nerves.

"What's the situation up there? The trench is cut off here."

"There was nothing outside but solidified earth, and these soldiers stationed in the trenches never thought of retreating to the rear."

"It's a standard human military style. They don't care about the life or death of their friendly forces." A Fire Caste soldier sarcastically said, "They never know the power of unity."

Yan Ou didn't speak. He was thinking about how to break through the heavy fire.

"We need heavy armor. Where are their locations? Why are they slower than our breakthrough speed?"

"From the communication network, our armored units were ambushed by soldiers in the trenches. There were always some trenches that had not been cleared. They had bombs tied to their bodies and took everyone with them to the sky."

"So are we going to charge to the death? Advance against human firepower?"

"What? Are you scared? I didn't know Sivawe was a coward."

Yan Ou shouted and told the soldiers not to make noise on the battlefield. This was not in line with the way of a warrior.

But he really has no choice. At present, they can only break through here, and then they can only wait for the order from the supreme commander.

Only Yingyang can outline the current status of the attack from the intelligence network.

Yan Ou pressed his hand on the communicator placed on the side of his helmet. He merged into the highest command channel to understand the full picture of the battlefield.

"At present, we have deployed 3 million troops around the giant tower position. We have captured a 500-kilometer-wide position in the outer perimeter in the breakthrough just now. There is currently no progress in the widest middle-level defense line."

"The ground of the middle defense line has been strengthened. The seeker missiles loaded on the Skyray cannot leave any large-scale holes, and the ground drilling vehicle cannot break through the lower rock formation. It seems that there is indeed an energy center that controls the world near the giant tower."

"So how do we break through? What method should we use? The anti-aircraft firepower in the middle level is too fierce. The drones can deal with the artillery shells, but they cannot intercept the rain of bullets. The rate of fire of human anti-aircraft weapons is several times that of our weapons."

Yingyang's face was as serious as iron, and she seemed to be making a decision that went against her conscience. But she finally sighed heavily and issued orders to all the commanders who had access to the channel.

"At all costs, break through the middle fortress wall section."

The Tau Empire and the Human Empire have united to fight against the Tyranids. Compared to other aliens, the Tau Empire has abided by the covenant.

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