Several low-flying battle suits were exploded by a series of bullets, blue flames and black smoke balls mixed together, but the ground was so hot that these smoke balls floated upward, forming a cloud of smoke that obscured the sky.

Even if it rains here, it's always black rain that smells like smoke.

Yan Ou drew out his sharp blade and stabbed an imperial soldier to death. He had captured this sharp knife from the battlefield, but he did not bring out the melee weapons he should have.

To be honest, he didn't even think he had a chance to use melee weapons. This is a damn interstellar war. Why would a sharp blade become the main weapon?

Like all Fire Warriors, he despised the brutal and primitive close combat, but as he saw more and more teammates being approached by inexplicable enemy forces, his view completely changed.

With only rifles in their hands, they were chopped to pieces. He finally put aside the pride and contempt in his heart and removed a bayonet from the corpse of an Imperial Guard.

It can be said that as a war clan, all the training and education of the Fire Clan are for war. Under the torture of the battlefield, he recalled the subjects that were not taken seriously in school.

Hand-to-hand combat.

"Ha!" The bayonet in his hand pierced the chest of a soldier, and Yan Ou's pulse pistol in his left hand fired repeatedly, knocking down other soldiers who rushed up.

"I am becoming more and more like them." Yan Ou sighed. He felt like a so-called imperial political commissar, holding a gun in one hand and a blade in the other, intimidating the enemy with his brutal roar.

The soldiers around him were also engaged in close combat with the enemy. These Imperial Guard soldiers forced themselves in front of them with pulse rifle volleys.

Fortunately, he hasn't met a robot for a long time, which is the greatest comfort.

Yan Ou saw a Fire Caste warrior dodging under the onslaught of bayonets. The long pulse rifle in his hand was no better than a fire stick.

All the Kroot who accompanied them had long since died, and he could only rely on himself now.

The rifle in his hand was cut into two pieces by the bayonet, and the imperial soldiers in front of him were about to take his life.

After a few gunshots, the Fire Caste warrior saw several burning holes in the Imperial soldier's chest, and then fell helplessly on top of him.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Follow this." Yan Ou didn't pay much attention to the soldier and just threw a bayonet at him.

He is still busy helping others, who are now at the foot of the giant tower. He can see the towering gate of the giant tower and the skeleton gears on the gate.

The sections of those gears are so huge and wide that if used as a decoration, this thing is really exaggerated. It can be used to take off and land aircraft.

Yan Ou felt a little dangerous. He squatted on the ground and used his thick shoulder armor to block his body.

A series of laser blasts exploded on his broad shoulder armor. He emerged from the underside of the shoulder armor and moved while counterattacking, always keeping the shoulder armor in front.

Enemy troops were pouring out of the gate in a steady stream. They huddled together on the wide avenue, singing loud and loud military songs and wearing tall fur hats.

Firing from rail and pulse weapons opened holes in their dense formation, but they only responded with more ferocious volleys.

With each salvo, hundreds of Tau warriors died, and one after another severely damaged combat uniforms fell to the ground.

"Attention! Filthy aliens!! This is the Blade of Glory! The pioneer of the Quadkan sector! The protector of the Endless Street! The enforcer of Omnissiah's will! The lord of the Imadok family! Talon Hawk Lord Del!"

A huge announcement sounded throughout the battlefield. A nine-meter-tall knight mecha stood on the battlefield and cleared the battlefield with six consecutive heavy explosive bombs mounted on its arms and chest.

"If you like long-range! Then let your flesh and blood be torn apart by the rain of bullets!"

The violent rain of bullets exploded the ground inch by inch. Yan Ou watched helplessly as the deadly wind rushed towards him. He quickly observed the area covered by the bullet rain, lowered his body and ran quickly, praying that there would be no gaps in his armor.

He jumped up and lay on the ground with his head in his hands, feeling the constant tremors of the earth and the tinkling sound of shattered shrapnel falling on him.

He had survived the hail of destructive bullets. Without any systematic instructions or auxiliary AI judgment, his own intuition would always save his life.

He looked at the huge figure of the knight. The pulse pistol and bayonet in his hand were simply useless. He deeply felt the powerlessness of an infantryman on such a battlefield.

The xv104 combat suit also noticed the knight mechas. The smart missiles on their bodies fired volleys, drawing beautiful and complex trajectories in the air to affect the enemy's aiming.

The fusion cannon on the arm was aimed at the knight and fired, along with several supersonic projectiles from the rail gun.

The missile was destroyed by the logging gun on the knight's mecha chest and exploded in mid-air. The fusion cannon and supersonic projectiles landed on an illusory shield without making any waves.

"Face me!"

The knight's mecha fought back ferociously, severely damaging one battle suit after another, leaving a series of ugly scars on the body of the xv104 Riptide battle suit. As for whether it was penetrated or not, and whether the pilot in it was still alive, Yan Ou said Not sure anymore.

"Activate the Nova Reactor! This Imperial weapon must be destroyed!"

The few remaining complete XV104 Riptide Combat Suits have activated the prototype reactor. This thing can strengthen all the equipment on their body. The only problem is that it will emit a large amount of radiation and kill the driver alive.

But now it seems that if they don't break through the defense of this armored giant, they will die sooner or later.

In order to cooperate with them, the xv95 ghost combat uniform quickly approached the knight's feet, cleaning up the robots and imperial guards around the knight.

The xv46 vanguard void suit was soaring in the sky, attracting firepower from the battlefield to shoot at them.


I don't know who yelled. Their current communication network has long been closed due to the electromagnetic ball, and all communication relies on shouting and gestures.

But the cry of charge is indeed so inspiring and loud.

Yan Ou didn't know what he could do if he rushed forward, but he knew that he couldn't do anything if he didn't rush forward. Holding a pulse pistol in one hand and waving a bayonet in the other, he and all his comrades headed towards the gate of the giant tower. Attack.

The shield of the knight mecha was overloaded, and he staggered suddenly, and then several railgun rounds shattered the armor on his body.

The energy of the fusion cannon melted the internal structure of his body. The knight fell to the ground with a crash, and the nuclear fusion reactor under his body began to flash with a dangerous light.

In a burst of destructive self-destruction, Yan Ou only felt a tremor under his feet, and then fell into the overwhelming surface.

The Tau Empire is fine against the Knights, but they lack the power to compete with the Titans. They can only rely on Manta or saturation firepower to kill them.

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