++There is a loophole in the area of ​​the Divine Calculation Tower, and the load-bearing pressure of the solidified ground is too high. ++

++Repair the damage and prevent aliens from entering the holy land of miracles. ++

++Send Skitarii? ++

++The mission of the Skitarii has been completed. The technology needs to be recovered and cracked, and the 37th Regiment is called to plug the gap. ++

The mechanical priests who were tied to the Divine Calculation Tower felt the damage to the Divine Calculation Tower as if they were their own bodies.

From the outside, they look like heads embedded in the wall. Their glowing red eyes and their endless sea of ​​data prove the fact that they are alive.

An order was quickly passed on and landed on Priest Delia's communicator.

"Colonel, the ground outside collapsed and many alien troops poured in through the gap. The priest of the Divine Calculation Tower ordered us to block the gap."

"Oh?" Lin Fan pulled out the knife from the body of a xv95 ghost-covered combat uniform, "It seems that the sage of Kaos did a good job. The long time I spent chatting with him was not in vain."

"Acting?" Commissar Kane was a little confused. He used the bolt pistol in his hand to kill several Tau who were still struggling.

"Yeah, acting. Yingyang is a very cautious and cunning commander. If the acting doesn't look like it, she won't bring all the troops up."

Lin Fan told Commissar Kane the significance of defense on the planet.

The first was the counterattack of the Skitarii, which caused huge damage to the Tau army, and they had never seen the Imperial Mechanicus take action.

Then Yingyang will definitely think that the giant tower is the core of the empire's defense, and she will continuously send more troops to the battlefield.

The Imperial Air Force and various anti-air missiles will affect the Tau Empire's transportation efficiency as much as possible, preventing them from investing too many troops at once and swamping the smaller Skitarii.

"It's like adding fuel to the fire, but we manage the spout of the can."

"Yes, my dear political commissar, not only that, our active retreat in some positions made the Tau army's attack slow, but it will eventually bear fruit. Otherwise, you know, the tradition of the imperial army will definitely make these Tau troops retreat in spite of difficulties. "

Kane nodded and replied, "Stick your ground and don't take a step back."

"So Yingyang will be like a gambler. She can see herself getting closer to the final goal and winning little by little. Of course, the real battlefield still requires some surprises. The Tau always think that they are the chosen ones."

"So. Sage Kaos blew up the ground?"

"That's right, and there happens to be a generator unit down there. We will let the Tau Empire destroy this unit. After all, Gear Head has better ones."

"better one?"

"The ball at the top of the tower, a permanent magnet power generation device."

Lin Fan wiped the blood on the knife and asked Rebecca to notify the men of the 37th Regiment to attack the hunting ground.

When they rushed to the underground power generation unit, Lin Fan could already see the Skitarii stationed at the power generation unit fighting against the Tau troops rushing in.

Kroot climbed on the complex metal pipes. They attacked under the faint blue light produced by the generator. Their powerful muscles and the blade of the shotgun allowed them to cut off the strengthened waist of the Skitarii.

Hundreds of combatants used their weapons to interfere with the shields of the generator units. It could be seen that some generators had exploded, leaving a huge explosion crater.

"Alright! Everyone, take a tablet of the All-Protecting God of All Machines! Don't be killed by the wrath of the God of All Machines!"

Lin Fan asked his men to quickly take an anti-radiation pill. There would always be high-intensity radiation around the generators and skitarii.

Who knows how these anti-radiation drugs distributed by the Ministry of Military Affairs are effective? If a piece of raw meat is thrown onto the ground where the Skitarii walk, it will become hot and black within a few seconds, and finally turn into a pool of bubbling liquid.

Lin Fan decided not to think about such outrageous things. He ordered Rebecca through his earphones, "Interfere with the operation of their equipment!"

"Okay!" Rebecca pretended to activate the backpack behind her. She didn't need to go to such trouble to interfere with the Tau Army's equipment.

There is no unit in the Imperial Guard that can conduct electronic warfare, not even defensive electronic warfare. The advanced direction of their equipment is completely off track in Rebecca's eyes.

The Mechanicum's troops were able to conduct electronic warfare, but the operating principle of their equipment made Rebecca not know what to say.

Every time they use an emp attack, their brains wrapped in steel will be roasted, and then they will be controlled by the tape installed in the body and the more backward clockwork.

After all, you can't use electromagnetic interference to attack a piece of steel that relies on a mechanical structure. The Mechanicus' method is simply ridiculously stupid and does not consider the feelings of any friendly forces.

See how the nano-worm swarm performs electromagnetic interference!

Rebecca opened her eyes, and there was light shining in her eyes. She could see the lines of communication equipment communicating with each other in the air, and she could see the compact lines under the iridium alloy armor of the combat suit.

Although the Empire's things are stupid and thick, they always leave enough room for possible damage. Although the overly sophisticated equipment of the Tau Empire has improved combat effectiveness and efficiency, as long as it suffers a little trauma, it will greatly affect the performance of the body.

All Rebecca had to do was insert electromagnetic interference and death loop codes into the communication network, and the nanoworm swarm emitted a directional magnetic wave.

Incorporated into the Tau Army's communications network, it spread throughout the Tau Army's equipment like a spreading virus.

Many Fire Caste warriors' helmets malfunctioned, and they could not see various combat parameters, including the sights and ammunition numbers displayed on their helmets.

The equipment they managed to recover from the electromagnetic ball interference once again became a decoration.

They could only rely on the helmet's eyepiece to observe the battlefield environment with their naked eyes. Many soldiers who failed to react missed their shots several times and were subsequently killed by the incoming arc and current.

The situation of the combat suits was even worse. They shut down directly due to Rebecca's interference, and only an emergency searchlight illuminated their dark cab.

"The whole army attacks! The Tau people are farsighted! Without the auxiliary aiming of helmets, they are blinder than flies with their heads chopped off!"

Lin Fan roared loudly, and the soldiers of the 37th Regiment drew out their bayonets and swords and followed Lin Fan's footsteps.

The Kriegs use their shovels, and the Atonement Army uses their page hammers. It can only be said that these people have their own unique melee weapons.

"Prepare for hand-to-hand combat!"

Yan Ou roared and drew out his weapon suddenly.

Some Fire Caste warriors had melee weapons. They did not leave their long blades in the cabin, and they did not ritually draw a blade pattern on their shoulder armor.

More Fire Caste warriors do not have any reliable weapons. They either use their guns as clubs, or they draw short blades from their waists that are no different from daggers.

In order to deal with monsters and monsters, the Tau Empire specially developed the KX139 Supreme Armor to fight against Titan-level units, but in the current timeline they do not have it

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