The combat suit pilot was desperately trying to restart, but before they could start, several gleaming bayonets broke through the cabin and impaled him to death on the seat.

Yan Ou blocked the thrust of an imperial soldier with his bayonet, and fired two shots at his waist with the gun in his hand.

"Ah!" The imperial soldier cried out in pain, and he fell to the ground.

But another companion touched Yan Ou's back and raised the hammer high in his hand, ready to smash his head.

"Damn it!" He quickly turned around and blocked the slamming hammer with his bayonet. Yan Ou felt his hand go numb and the bayonet flew away.

He still pointed the pulse pistol in his hand at the enemy. There was no need to think about aiming at such a close range.

Two more shots were fired, but the soldier who should have fallen to the ground did not do what Yan Ou expected. He screamed words of atonement and glory, not caring about his burning internal organs.

With a clang, Yan Ou's helmet cracked, and the white officer's helmet was dented. He endured the pain in his head painfully. He felt that a hole had opened in his head.

With half-squinted eyes, Yan Ou did not feel the pain of his body being destroyed by radiation. Fortunately, the gap in his helmet was not exposed, which was a good thing.

He watched as the Page Hammer struck him again, and saw a series of pulse bullets shattering the Imperial soldier.

The xv104 Riptide Combat Suit and Soldier Bee fighting on the ground finally came down. He struggled and shouted, "Be careful of electromagnetic interference!"

Yan Ou didn't know if this would have any effect, but it was the only thing he could do.

Then what did he see?

He saw an imperial officer rushing towards the xv104 Riptide Battle Suit, holding a huge hammer full of cracks in his hand.

Yan Ou didn't know how a hammer deflected the pulse cannon, nor how the extremely fast rail cannon was knocked away. He could only struggle to get up and look for possible weapons to continue fighting.

Several violent explosions came from behind him. The xv104 Riptide battle suit, which was regarded as the crystallization of technology, was destroyed. A huge hole was torn open in the cabin, and the pulse weapon on his arm was smashed.

The same figure of the imperial officer stood on top of the battle uniform, scanning the cruel battlefield with an emotional look.

"I think it's almost done. With the fight like this, Yingyang will have to believe it even if he doesn't believe it. Put away these combat uniforms. This thing was requested by the sage Kaos."

Lin Fan was holding a huge two-handed hammer that was as high as his body. This thing was still a sacred object of the Gray Knight, but he broke it into pieces and put it back together again.

However, this holy object had the name of How La Hong before. Lin Fan was going to call this hammer "Eighty" because the big hammer was eighty and the small hammer was forty.

But Lin Fan had no control over what other people would think of this number.

"Oh, there is actually a living person." Lin Fan jumped off the xv104 Riptide Combat Suit and ran to the seriously injured Yan Ou.

"Are you going to kill him?" Delia lit up the power gear ax in her hand and asked with her hands on her hips.

"Wait a minute. Look at his logo. This guy is also a ruthless person. He is definitely the protagonist in the book."

Lin Fan clicked his tongue in surprise and flicked away a few pulse bullets with a slap. It seemed that Yan Ou was still thinking about the sneak attack.

Raising his hand to stop the angry Delia, Lin Fan looked at Yan Ou's white helmet and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Sigh. Everyone is trying to survive. I hope there will be something to protect you after you die."

Yan Ou ignored him and just accepted his fate.

Seeing that Lin Fan was a little sentimental, Delia leaned over and asked, "Is there anything special about them?"

"They are the few normal people in this universe."

"So we're going to unite them?"

"Of course, but not now. At least we have to win the current war and make them despair of the empire's strength. We will make the Tau Empire obey our arrangements through overwhelming force."

"Like other demi-races in the empire?"

"Probably." Lin Fan shook his head, "After cleaning up, run away quickly. If the motor here is overloaded, Yingyang will let the fleet bomb."

It took everyone half an hour to collect all the valuable things on the battlefield, and then they withdrew from the area, leaving only a ruins.

In the end, Delia overloaded the motor, triggering a series of devastating reactions, and finally the huge power generation area, which was not connected to any equipment, exploded.

The violent fireball and heat surged toward the surface along the cracks and pits, and the spectacular scene of the explosion could be clearly seen even from space.

Yingyang was also able to see in the command room that the giant tower was covered by a fireball, and the anti-bombing shield covering the surface of the planet was quickly removed.

"Be cautious. It's better to give it a go." Yingyang asked herself. She looked at the communications officer, "How did our troops destroy the turrets on the ground?"

"The Burning Blade squad and battlesuits are clearing the ground. Anti-aircraft guns and missile arrays have destroyed 4,700 units."

"Order all Ambassador-class cruisers and half of the Protector cruisers to engage in planetary bombardment, and the remaining ships will surround the Overseer battleship and be on alert."


The fleets in space began to separate rapidly, and ships flew towards the planet one by one. In order to provide accurate bombing without harming their own people, they must get as close to the planet's orbit as possible.

All the artillery was activated and aimed at the giant tower and cargo assembly area. The Tau troops on the ground were retreating away from the bombing zone and preparing to board the transport plane.

If they are not going to come back to this planet, they will use the most powerful firepower to smash the continent on the surface and send the humans on the planet to death.

Too many teammates died. Perhaps one-tenth of the Fire Caste warriors on the surprise fleet were killed in just over a hundred days. A full billion troops died in the attack.

Now they need to return the remaining hundreds of millions of troops on the planet to the fleet.

Sage Kaos is not in the God's Calculation Tower. He is riding on the magnificent mechanical ark, receiving the endless joy brought to him by the data in the void.

++The work has been completed, it is time to harvest the fruits and prepare to jump to the subspace anchor point for the will of the God of All Machines! ++

The Great Sage of Kaos gave an order, and the entire ship came alive instantly. It is difficult to see real living people on this ship.

The main force is the servitors welded to their posts and the skitarii who patrol the ship forever.

Even fewer mechanical priests are closely following the steps of the Great Sage of Kaos, looking for the miracle of the God of Machines in the endless void.

Mechanical Ark is powerful, extremely precious, and has a built-in hive-level production line. Compared with it, blowing up an entire forging world is nothing.

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