Everyone saw the door open, and a group of monsters crawling in the darkness approached them. The bloody storm that came was like the saliva and stench spit out by the door.

"Fire! Whatever they are! Fire!"

The captain was the first to react from the shock. The carbine in his hand first shattered the deep light at the gate. The unnatural black spot was too obvious, and the darkness and light in the field suddenly returned to normal.

Only then could they truly see what the attacking monster looked like.

It was a group of twisted Tau people, mixed with a large number of ancient Visars (the human auxiliary army, the Tau army called them ancient Visas). These twisted people had no missing arms or legs.

Instead, extra organs and limbs grew one by one. Some people were made of hands. A pair of hands grew from an unimaginable body and held each other tightly, slowly approaching like a wriggling ball.

Some people's bodies are covered with eyes. Their eyeballs slip from their sockets and bounce on the ground. Every time they bounce, new eyeballs grow on them.

A wall of eternally changing images strikes upon the Tau's psyche.

A Water Caste man couldn't bear such terror and distortion. He covered his mouth, arched his waist, and wanted to spit it out.

But the more nauseated he became, the more he felt like vomiting. His stomach twitched violently, and finally spread to the point where his whole body was shaking.

"Hey! Are you okay! Shooting be damned!"

A colleague saw his abnormality and approached him to give him a sedative, but before he could take out the sedative, the Shui clan member violently vomited it out.

First, he empties his stomach of food, and then spits out the undigested residue in his intestines.

But his vomiting showed no sign of stopping, and his colleagues were so frightened that they forgot to take the sedative in their hands.

Maybe even if he thought about it, he wouldn't think that a tranquilizer could save him from this situation.

The more he vomited, the more fluid he emptied out of his organs. His eyes were already rolling, and his blue-gray skin was pale from the lack of blood.

Finally, he began to vomit out the organs in his body. No one knows how he turned his intestines and stomach bag over and vomited them out and hung them on his lips.

The colleague next to me seemed to be affected as well, and began to vomit violently, starting from food to vomiting out organs.

The captain saw how bad the situation here was within a few seconds. The pulse gun in his hand did not pause at all, and a series of scorching bullets shattered the bodies of the two men.

But even while lying on the ground, the bodies of these two people were still twitching, and their skin, flesh and internal organs were turning over little by little.

What is inside becomes outside, and what is outside becomes inside.

There was no basis for this strange way of death, which made everyone look pale and horrified.

"You go look at these disgusting things! Why don't you block the door with firepower! You losers!"

The captain's roar made everyone react. They forcibly told themselves not to look at the disgusting corpse, and clenched their teeth to resist the urge to vomit.

They only have firearms in their hands, and they only have firearms in their eyes. Only by letting go of your spirit can you find a glimmer of hope in a terrifying place.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The pulse carbine bullets in the captain's hand were getting less and less, but the monster in front of him had no intention of disappearing.

Various grotesque corpses blocked the cabin, and then were squeezed in bit by bit by the monsters behind them.

Several people could not stand this kind of terror and either committed suicide or vomited and turned inside out. Currently, there are only three people left in the entire command room who can still speak.

Captain Skashi, gunner of Longke and correspondent Anfen.

I really didn't expect that a young girl like An Fen could hold on until now. Many strong old people recognized by Ska Shi had died. Only she could still scream in fear while pouring out firepower.

"We can't hold on for too long. Death will happen sooner or later!" Gunner Longke gathered weapons and ammunition from the corpse and threw them to Skarshi and Anfen.

"Correspondent Anfen! Can you contact reinforcements?"

"I don't know. Communications are total chaos!"

"Really." Sika wanted to curse something, but found that he had never learned any decent curse words, so he could only shout, "tmd the greater good!"

After these words were spoken, the monsters in front of them stopped squirming and raised their limbs as if they were worshiping something.

And from the hoarse and vague voices, Ska Shi could hear their words, "For the Greater Good."

"This!" Captain Skashi was shocked by their cries. He panted violently and stared at the monsters with hateful eyes.

"What qualifications do you have to fight for the Greater Good! Stop joking!"

Holding a pulse carbine in each hand, Scar fell into a rage. As he walked towards the monster, he shouted loudly at the group of praying and worshiping monsters.

Gunner Longke looked at Captain Skashi and drew his gun, with a ceremonial sword behind his back. When his weapon runs out of bullets, it's time to chop the monster with his long knife.

"Wait! The ship. The ship is twisting!" An Fen focused more on the ship. She approached the window and kept her distance.

Something was wrong with these windows, with sharp teeth and mysterious flesh growing out of them. She could only observe the scene outside from a distance.

The magnificent subspace showed his malice, and the skull-shaped nebula pinched the ship as if it were alive, as light as breaking a biscuit.

Countless indescribable monsters and nightmares wander among the ships, immersing themselves in the hulls and devouring all living creatures alive.

The more An Fen looked, the more frightened she became, until she felt a softness in the soles of her feet. When she looked down, she saw that the floor where she was standing had opened her eyes, and she was standing in the pupils.

"Ah!" A horrified scream came. Fortunately, An Fen didn't forget the weapon in his hand, and shot hard at the pupils.

The blood soaked into her body, and the strange smell made her grimace but she didn't dare to retching.

"Anyone can come! Save us! Even the emperor whom Guvisa believes in! Anyone can do it!"

An Fen collapsed and knelt on the ground shouting. She felt that her spirit could not hold on any longer.

The hull was punctured, a grotesque tentacle stretched out, and the entire ship was shattered.

Skashi, Longke, and Anfen were floating in the ruins of the ship. They were terrified, thinking that they were going to die in the cold and vacuum.

But they found they were fine and could even keep breathing and communicating.

"Why. Why can this place breathe? I can't even feel the air."


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