Feeling a dazzling light coming, Skashi covered his eyes with his hands, leaving only a small gap. An illusory hazy shadow is standing on the distant horizon.

Perhaps it was because the shadow was so huge that it was difficult for Ska to see how far they were from the shadow.

All I could do was watch the shadow stretch out its four-fingered hand to collect the wounded battleships, and use the magnificent light to sweep away the nightmares on the ships.

"You. You? What is it?"

An Fen was dumbfounded. She stared blankly at the hazy shadow, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The shadow showed no signs of anger or madness, and just held the survivors in his hands.

Two eyes shining like stars emerged from the shadows, "Hello, children."

"Are you a god?"

"I am and I am not."

"Then what are you?"

Shadow was silent for a while, and then answered the survivor's question in a brisk tone, "I am the Greater Good and the God of the Greater Good."

The survivors were in an uproar, and the Guvisa knelt down and prayed in the hands of the shadow, offering their piety to the God of Goodness.

But the Tau people did not learn from Guwesa. There was no such hypocritical concept of gods in the education and social traditions they received.

Skashi cursed at a Guvisa, scolding them for besmirching the great concept and ideal of the Greater Good.

"Damn you! Why did we take you in in the first place! You bastards will only contaminate the Greater Good with religious superstition! I will destroy you beasts for the Greater Good!"

"Wait a minute, Captain!" An Fen hugged Ska Shi. It was obvious that as an Earth caste, she could easily restrain Captain Ska Shi, who was born in the Qi caste.

"We should listen to what this god of good will say." Long Ke also came up to persuade. After all, this ghost place is too dangerous. If the shadows give up protecting them, these demons and nightmares will rush up and tear their bodies apart. .

But Skashi clearly disapproved of this. He cursed loudly and greeted everyone with the curse words of his clan.

"Why don't you identify with the God of the Greater Good?"

These words brought Skashi's attention back to the shadow, "God is fake, it is a childish idea of ​​spiritualism!"

"Then what do you think I am?"

"I.I don't know."

"Is there a possibility that I am a materialistic god?"

"How is this possible? A materialistic god?" People from the Water and Earth clans questioned in unison. They racked their brains and couldn't think of such a thing.

A materialistic god? This is so nonsense.

Shadow stretched out his four fingers, revealing a face that looked like a Tau's, but it still looked a little stiff.

"The reason why God does not exist is because there are those who use the name of God to cheat and win people's hearts. Dialectical materialism tells us that as long as we can recognize and understand it, it is part of the world. Then you can see God, God I am here to communicate with you, so who will use scientific means to prove that God does not exist? "

"This... seems to be the truth." Some people from the Water clan were a little shaken in their thinking, "It's like those magic sticks in ancient times. They said that they were the spokespersons of gods, but they couldn't prove to anyone the existence of gods. They Religion can only be maintained by relying on illogical stories and ridiculous miracles.”

"It's like the history before the ethers appeared. So will the ethers be the spokesperson of God?"

Are the etheric teachers the spokesmen of God? Are they extensions of the will of the Greater Good?

Before the Tau Empire took its true path, they were killing each other, burning, killing and looting between farming civilization and nomadic civilization.

Pollution and uncontrolled development after entering industrial civilization, the huge gap between rich and poor, and the poor living environment.

Trapped in a world-wide war in the Dark Age of Strife, everyone struggled in fortresses and city defenses, until two mysterious men appeared on the battlefield of Feotau.

They have an elegant and calm aura and an unrivaled sense of authority. The war madmen, who wanted to throw a large number of shells at the enemy's head, hugged each other and vowed never to draw swords on people of the same kind.

The mysterious people are the Ethers. They are born leaders. They use their profound wisdom to promote the importance of peace and understanding to all Tau people, and to promote an idea worth fighting for to everyone - the Greater Good.

The Greater Good looks like a utopia that the best philosophers could construct, where everyone has his or her part and everyone has something to contribute to society.

The concept of "everyone for one, one for everyone" is implemented throughout society.

The Aether uses their wisdom and unquestionable authority to guide the Tau towards a better tomorrow.

Guide the people of the Fire Clan on the path of warriors, allowing them to become warriors who protect the weak and their compatriots. Each one has a strong sense of self-dedication and sacrifice.

Guide the people of the Earth clan on the path of science and technology, allowing them to climb the tree of science safely without setting themselves on fire and becoming victims of technology.

Set goals for the people of the Water Clan to travel among countries and tribes of different races and spread the idea of ​​the Greater Good to more people.

Teach the secrets of navigation to the people of the Air Caste, and point them to safe routes in the violent air and whirlpools.

More than a thousand years of peaceful development have allowed the Tau Empire to advance by leaps and bounds and conquer the stars.

Starting from one planet and ending in the entire universe, until everyone is united under the banner of ether and under the great ideal of the Greater Good.

This is the history and destiny that all Tau people know, as if it is engraved in their genes and cannot be forgotten.

But the Aether is so great that there will always be some dissenting voices within the Tau Empire.

Some people simply view the Ether as a mentor, a supreme leader who must be protected at all costs.

But there are also some people, like the allied races who later joined the Tau Empire, who regard the ether as the spokesperson of the gods.

Although this kind of speech is not allowed in their social atmosphere, it does not mean that some people will not regard ether as the spokesperson of gods in their hearts.

It is obvious that among this wave of survivors, there are several Water Caste people who study history and culture and regard ether as the spokesperson of the gods.

And when they saw the God of the Supreme Good, why wouldn't they confide their doubts?

After hearing this, the God of Superior Goodness just laughed lightly, leaving an unclear answer to everyone present.

"Supreme Ether, Amunwa is dead."

These words put the Tau people into panic. They didn't dare to imagine and questioned loudly.

The Ether clan is the biggest suspicion of the Tau Empire. They know everything but say nothing. They are suspected of relying on mind control to maintain rule.

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