The highest ether, amunwa is dead.

Who dares to believe this?

The owner of immortality, the speaker of truth, the father of all nations, the illustrious leader, the light of glory.

Among the revered Ethereal Clan, High Etherium Va is also the eldest and wisest being.

Throughout the history of the Tau Empire, the silent hands of Amunva are behind many great successes. Although the Aethers have lived far longer than other clans, the Aethers have also experienced far more time than other Aethers could imagine.

The empire is the empire, and the empire is the empire.

Just like every race is equal in the Tau Empire, but some races are more equal. The Supreme Etherium also receives far greater reverence than the other Aethers.

Every word was treated as law, for the words of wisdom he spoke would prove to be the best course of action in the years to come.

A respectable leader does not live in a magnificent palace, but lives among his people.

A small suggestion can double the output of a local Earth caste factory, and a small visit can trigger commemorative events that span the entire planet.

He led the Tau Empire to drive out the Reiks from the Sikoa system, and pronounced the fate of the Orc tribe on Mount Cylon.

Always correct, always wise, always kind and gentle, guarding the people of the empire.

They all remember the speech given to them by the Supreme Etherium Watt before the third expansion.

It begins with Manifest Destiny conquering the stars and ends with the Greater Good illuminating the darkness.

Nun'wa's words echoed in the huge square, and trillions of people throughout the T'au Empire bowed to N'un'wa as one.

The Earth Caste technicians remember Aun'Va's admiration for their new invention; the Water Caste diplomats remember Aun'Va's praise of the etiquette of the alien allies; the Air Caste remember the mysterious image of Aun'Va's space flight that he gave them; the Fire Caste remember Aun'Va's departure Lower the hanging platform to pay tribute to the loyal soldiers with the ancient hunter's ritual.

Facing the leader, they could only sob and cry in emotion, and vowed that they would complete the goal of the third expansion and make the Supreme Ether proud of them.

But is it really possible now?

The survivors fell into deep worry and self-blame. The human empire not only launched a fierce frontal offensive, but also left so many mobile troops in the rear.

Moreover, the human emperor's expedition made everyone feel uncertain. The body sitting on the throne stood up?

That terrifying existence that is like a god in all human literature.

Could it be the same existence as this so-called God of Greater Good?

"This. This is impossible. The Supreme Etherium Wa will not die!" Ska broke down and yelled. He stared at the God of the Supreme Good with red eyes.

"The fate has been decided. It's time for you to go, but before that, please remember these words."

Shadow had no intention of talking to the survivors. With a tap of his fingers, the ships were reassembled, and he also loaded all the survivors into the ships.

"The Greater Good is not only the Tau, but also humans. We are caught in contradictions and fail to see where the real enemy is. Remember the meaning of the Good."

As the shadow drifted, he removed the protection of the ship. The Warp once again became violent and frenzied, with substantial malevolence arising and haunting the God of the Greater Good.

Skarshi was breathing heavily. He lay down at the window and watched the God of Greater Good driving away the incoming evil while tearing open the gaps for them.

"Go, child. Go and find the Chosen One of Goodness, who walks among all races, ignoring pain and corruption."

The God of Greater Good was swallowed up by the overwhelming malice, and used his last strength to push the ship out of the rift.

The only twelve remaining ships left the subspace, and they returned to the real universe.

Ska sat on the ground blankly, holding his head and sobbing loudly. He is grateful to have survived from the nightmare-like hell, but also confused about the existence of the God of the Greater Good.

At this moment, An Fen was the calmest and calmest person. She quickly observed the current space coordinates, constantly compared them with the existing star maps of the Tau Empire, and connected the communications of all ships.

"We are now. We are in. Farsight Enclave!"

An Fen exclaimed, they were in the land of the traitor, the notorious one, the only one who disobeyed the orders of the Supreme Ether.

Traitor vision.

"Captain Longke, please comfort Captain Skashi. I will establish contact with the fleet right away."


Gunner Longke found the emergency medical kit and gave the collapsed Skashi a shot of sedative. Looking at the sleeping Captain Skashi, Longke breathed a sigh of relief.

"Survivors, can you hear me? This is the Anfen Observer, and we are currently in the Farsight Enclave."

"This is Tuoshan technician."

"This is Captain Burning Blade, Vastrix."

The ships responded in turn, but it could be heard that they suffered heavy casualties in the subspace, and even most of the professionals who could operate the ships were killed.

Not to mention Guvisa and the others. As people with sensitive psychic powers, they died in large numbers without Geller's position. It can be said that there are only a few people who came out of the subspace alive.

"What should we do? The ship's power system is approaching collapse, and we lack technicians to maintain it."

"The God of the Greater Good. We have met the God! Hahahaha!"

"He left a mission for us! It's time for us to complete his mission!"

"Amunwa. Supreme Ether. Woo woo woo."

Chaotic communications assaulted Anfen's ears. She could hear that people from different clans were thinking about different issues. Of course, some people might be on the verge of collapse of their worldview, just like Skarshi.

"Everyone, please be quiet. What we need now is not meetings and discussions, but how to keep the survivors on the fleet alive. We need to contact Commander Shadowyang and let her know what happened."

An Fen's words silenced everyone, and they were ready to see what else An Fen, the observer, could do.

"We should contact the Farsighted Enclave and ask them to come to our rescue."

They should have gasped in surprise at An Fen's bold suggestion. But what they experienced today was too surprising, and no one had too many emotional fluctuations for these words.

"But Vision is a traitor. A traitor appointed by the Supreme Ether. Who knows what a traitor will do? They all say that Vision has turned his back on the Greater Good."

"But there are no current records of Farsight attacking the Tau Empire. Perhaps he is still abiding by the warrior's law of fire."

"We have no choice. Observer Anfen, do what you have to do."

The fourth expansion, the Tau fleet struggling in the subspace

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