Traveling through the Warhammer world, but I didn’t cry

Chapter 359: Deceiving the Political Commissar

The meeting for the offensive against the Gulf of Mugurus is over, and the Imperium of Man will let the psykers pick a day auspicious enough to fight.

Lin Fan also faced complaints from Commissar Kane.

Political Commissar Kane folded his arms and looked evil. His big-brimmed hat covered his eyes, leaving only darkness. "Why do you want to give all the credit for supplying World-01 to me! And the credit for Contract Harbor, these two things Don’t even think about leaving until things are clearly explained!”

Lin Fan looked at Commissar Kane's serious look and waved to Delia and Rebecca to go ahead.

"Ahem, it's actually easy to explain. You're already so famous anyway, so many debts don't weigh you down, my dear political commissar."

"Nonsense! My false reputation is now too high to be accepted!"

Commissar Kane became angry when he thought about Lin Fan piling credit on him.

In the Battle of Supply World, they successfully ambushed the Tau Empire fleet and gathered a large amount of alien technology, including advanced things such as the xv104 combat suit, which was captured by the Sage of Kaos.

The remaining Tau Empire troops on the planet were completely killed by the Human Empire. After all, the Empire even raised its own people according to the minimum standards. It couldn't spare scarce supplies to support the Tau people, right?

Ten thousand test subjects were left for Sage Kaos, and the rest were filled into the corpse starch synthesizer to make ration bars.

At the follow-up meeting, where merit was rewarded and the soldiers discussed who was the key person in promoting the ambush, Lin Fan stood up and said that this was all the result of Commissar Kane.

Just as Kane was about to deny it, Sage Kaos spoke.

"Commissar Kane is indeed the biggest contributor to this battle. It was his words that suddenly awakened my mechanical heart."

When everyone heard that even the sages of the Mechanicus had said this, they naturally applauded fiercely, and the sage of Kaos also asked the servo skull to distribute a large number of supporting documents, without even giving Kane a chance to explain.

The genius who pulled this ambush, the Eternal Vigilant who discovered the Tau stealth team, the fearless warrior who relied on the Emperor's wrath to tear apart xenos creations.

Anyway, no matter how outrageous it is, all the credit goes to Kane.

Even the xv104 battle suit that Lin Fan smashed with a hammer was written as Commissar Kane tore it apart relying on the loyal muscles given by the emperor.

"Ahem. Sage Kaos is optimistic about you. What does that have to do with me?"

Lin Fan felt guilty sweat dripping from his forehead, and he swore that he was definitely not the one who asked Sage Kaos to do this.

"Oh? You bastard! What about the attack on Pact Harbor? The report you handed in said: Commissar Kane, when faced with the siege of the Tau Empire armor cluster, his face was as calm as Terra Santa. He walked out The bunker, standing on the most conspicuous ground, looked at the titanium armor cluster with contempt and ridicule. Facing the awe-inspiring righteousness of Commissar Kane, their systems all collapsed. Our army was led by the invincible Commissar Kane to victory. . You even wrote a song and handed it in!"

As soon as Kane finished speaking, he heard the sound of a group of soldiers approaching. They saw that Commissar Kane was extremely excited and loudly sang a new song that had become popular these days.

"Kai! Kai! Kaifas Cain! The great hero of the Empire."

With a stiff smile on his face, Kane sent off the group of loyal soldiers, and used the marker pen he carried to sign his name on the armor of one soldier, as well as a chicken soup quotation encouraging him to serve the emperor well. .

"Where do you want to go? Huh?" Commissar Kane grabbed Lin Fan's wrist tightly, "Don't think you can fish in troubled waters like this."

"Ahem. I didn't write it blindly. Think about it when you were in Contract Harbor and on Highland 489. Did you stand on a high ground without a bunker?"

Kane lowered his head and meditated. He was dizzy by the planet's radiation storm. When the storm passed, he realized that he was already standing on top of the bunker.

"Think again if you gave an impassioned speech to the Tau."

Kane fell into deep thought again. He was the only one standing outside the bunker. Even adjutant Jurgen was in the trench holding his Tanner tea.

As for the speech, he just felt that he was being stared at by all the soldiers and was very embarrassed and it was a subconscious move made by others.

After all, you have to find an excuse for being outrageous, right? So Kane faced the Tau Army's powerful charged artillery and laughed, although at that time he had already thought about how tall the grass on his grave would be next year.

"Then think about it again. Did you order a charge and all the weapons of the Tau army failed under your aura of loyalty?"

"Didn't you shout that during the charge?"

"Oh, what's yours and mine, why are you dividing it so carefully? Think carefully about whether what I said is right."

Kane fell into deep thought again. It seemed that after he finished his speech, the enemy's weapons did indeed malfunction. According to Priest Delia, it was the machine soul of the enemy weapons that was persuaded by Political Commissar Kane.

Lin Fan looked at Kane's doubtful look on life and knew that he already slightly agreed with his statement, so he struck while the iron was hot, put his arm around Kane's shoulders and started talking nonsense again.

"Do you understand now? It's not me, brother, who's harming you. It's Commissar Kane, you're too strong!"

"Is this... like this?"

"Of course! How can this be false? The report of the Ministry of Military Affairs is clearly written in black and white."

Lin Fan called over a soldier and told him that Commissar Kane was feeling unwell and asked him to take Commissar Kane to find a medical soldier.

The soldier was very excited to hold Commissar Kane's shoulders. This is simply a legend like the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves, the plasma not being too hot, and drinking in front of the political commissar without getting whipped.

Lin Fan happily sent Kane off, secretly exhaling, thinking that he had finally fooled Kane.

After the Supply World War, everyone in Contract Harbor knew that Shadow Sun's surprise attack on the rear was a disastrous defeat. Although there is no clear news, the problem can be seen from the increase in the Imperial fleet and the disappearance of the Tau Imperial fleet.

The unsteady merchant army on the planet collapsed on the spot. They wanted to mutiny and survive by sacrificing the heads of the Tau.

But they also know the empire's style very well.

You want to engage in trade with aliens, I say no, but I can turn a blind eye.

You want to engage in cultural exchanges with aliens, I say no, but I don’t have time to take care of your world.

But you said you wanted to pull the people of the planet to defect to the aliens, and you also wanted to cut off the taxes donated to the throne.

Then you are dead and no one can save you.

As a result, the merchant army on the planet was miserable, and the upper-level generals and big businessmen committed suicide in despair.

You wish to join Chaos and escape the shitty life of the Imperium, but fellow pink space marines say you have a pretty mouth

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