But the empire also maintained a high degree of restraint towards the lower classes. After all, this place has a small population and is far away from the empire's population areas. There are few colonial ships willing to come to such a ghost place.

Lin Fan has no doubt that if the population of the planets around the Gulf of Damocles is large enough and close enough, the empire will definitely beat these people who are not resolute in resistance as excommunicated and rebellious, and then cleanse the planets one by one.

It can only be said that the empire's weak control over the Far East Sector saved these people who were being held hostage.

Feeling that there was a giant staring at him from behind, Lin Fan sniffed the smell in the air.

"Oh! It's you, Cather White Fang. I thought you old bastard had already sent it."

"Haha! You son of a bitch!" Kaiser White Fang didn't care at all about Lin Fan's teasing. He already had a very good relationship with Lin Fan. If he had time, he could even introduce Lin Fan to Wolf Lord Logan. one time.

After taking the mead from Kaiser White Fang, Lin Fan asked him if there was anything wrong with him.

Kaiser White Fang laughed and squatted down next to Lin Fan in a very graceless manner, "Is it true what you just said, that Commissar Kane disabled the Tau Army's equipment? I always feel that it was you who did it."

"Ahem." Lin Fan carefully looked left and right, and then quietly told Cather White Fang the truth.

"Kane didn't do it, and it wasn't me."

"Who did that?"

"Um. Secret?"

"Seriously? In this relationship between you and me, there's nothing we can't say."

Lin Fan glanced at Kaiser White Fang helplessly, "I am in love with Slaanesh, and I have Nurgle's soup in my stomach. Will you believe it when I tell you?"

"Priest Delia did it."

"Really? That's great. You have to help me. We have been tortured by alien technological weapons this month."


Seeing Lin Fan's troubled expression, Kaiser White Fang knew that this brat was definitely lying, "What secret are you hiding?"

Seeing Kaiser's white fang eyes shining with faint green light like a wolf, he had no choice but to tell the true situation on the battlefield.

Kane's speech was true, he shouted the charge secretly, and as for the emp who interfered with the Tau Empire's weapons, it was Rebecca who did it.

"Rebecca? That Signal Corps? Why doesn't she become a Mechanic Priest if she's so good?"

Lin Fan held Kaiser White Ya's hand and wrote and drew. As the words were written, Kaiser White Ya's pupils shrank, but his face did not change at all.

Rebecca is a golden age hating intelligence!

"Can you keep it under control? This is no small matter."

"No problem, trust me, of course I can control it." Lin Fan patted his chest confidently. He casually dealt with Rebecca's dishonest AI, whose hard drive was full of pornographic pictures.

"How can it be suppressed?" A space warrior wearing dark armor stood beside them, but the two of them were not aware of it at all.

"Ruth, come on! You scared me!"

Kaiser White Fang jumped in surprise, and then angrily pulled out the frost battle ax from his waist. But when he saw clearly who was behind him, the anger in his heart subsided.

The person who came was none other than one of the original chapters, the leader of the Raven Guard Chapter, Colvin Severux, who was known as the first person to sneak under the Primarch.

"I'm sorry, Brother Wolf."

"No, no, no, the wolf respects heroes, and Chapter Master Colvin Severux is a hero."

Kaiser White Fang gave the highest standard salute of the wolves to Colvin Severux Chapter Master, and his mind was running rapidly. How should he answer Colvin's question just now? Let’s change the topic first.

"This mortal colonel is my friend and the friend of all wolves."

"Oh? It's hard to hear an old wolf speak so highly of mortals."

Colvin showed a faint smile. The smile looked stiff and rigid on his pale face, making it difficult to determine whether it was polite or sincere.

"Hello, mortal."

Lin Fan took Colvin's extended hand, took it back and gave him a standard Sky Eagle salute.

These people are truly Corax's cubs, inheriting their genetic father's spirit of liberating mankind, not pursuing glory, and treating others with humility.

And of course their genetic father was taciturn and rarely showed emotion.

Colvin Severux's words just now were extremely brief, and full of the complexity and precise meaning of Gothic language. Each of these warriors walking in the darkness is a melancholy literary young man.

If it weren't for Kaiser White Fang being a Space Marine, he would also have a strong learning ability. Lin Fan had the experience of being personally taught language classes by the Forbidden Army.

They probably really wouldn't understand what Colvin was saying.

"Raven Guard. Chapter Commander Colvin." Lin Fan silently recited these two terms in his heart, filled with emotion.

The Raven Guard never hesitate to defend humanity; they do not fight for glory or the cheers and acclaim of others.

Their goals are the same as those fought by Corax in the past, to break the shackles of mankind and bring them a new future.

Although the light of liberation they were able to shine in these ten thousand years was so small, it did not affect their efforts to fight for the light in the shadows.

It is said that many of the Raven Guard hear the whispers of Corax, and the whispers grow louder the longer they hide from the light.

A small number of people can even feel the cold hands of their fallen comrades long ago on their shoulders, inspiring them to work harder and devote themselves to the war to liberate mankind's deeply bound souls.

They are determined to forge a golden future in which the sacrifices of their predecessors are meaningful. Only in this way can the entire chapter live up to the expectations of Corax's father, shed the heavy burden, and dissolve into the shadows for the last time, returning to peace.

The Raven Guard are small in number and mysterious to others, but their righteous goals are rarely suspected by their allies.

Even the staunchest Heartless would lament the sacrifice of the Raven Guard.

In their shadows lurk the brightest fragments of the Emperor's light, and their struggles bring hope and light to others. And in the terrifying empire, nothing is more important than this.

You can hear these words among the people praying to the Raven Guard.

“See not fear in the shadows, but hope.”

Thinking of this, the corners of Lin Fan's eyes became moist. These Corax's cubs were really miserable. Even this idealistic chapter leader was killed by the Tau army's artillery.

Of course, the worst thing is the Weeper Chapter.

Matt Ward, you bitch! You deserve to die! Lin Fan vowed that he must save Colvin Severux's fate and let this good man live longer.

If he could meet the Weepers in the future, he would also save them.

The Greater Good, is this human being serious? He has a huge body but chooses such a cover. Stupid humans.

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