After the polite greetings ended, Colvin turned his attention to the topic just now, "So, what can be suppressed?"

"He can control his romantic partners." Kaiser smiled with white teeth, looking quite lewd. "This boy has good luck with romance. Both the Mechanic Priests and Signal Corps members in the regiment like him."

"Oh?" Colvin raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Fan's face with a hint of disgust.

It was over. As soon as Lin Fan looked at Colvin's face, he knew that this impatient old man had no good impression of him, but what could he do? He could only follow Cather White Fang's words to cover up the fact that Rebecca was an AI.

"Ahem. I just have a slight favorable impression, a slight favorable impression."

"I'm telling you. They are first. Then. Finally. Do you understand?"

Colvin took a deep look at the beaming Kaiser White Fang, and sighed secretly, thinking to himself, no wonder this soldier could chat with the wild wolves.

Before these wild wolves became interstellar warriors, they might have been powerful warriors of a certain tribe. They did not have any concept of monogamy and loyal love. They were simply the strongest men who enjoyed the most women.

There is nothing more to ask. It is better to think about how to penetrate the enemy's position.

Colvin disappeared lightly, which startled Cather White Fang again. In his eyes, Colvin suddenly disappeared in an instant, leaving only him and Lin Fan in the corridor.

"That's true." Kaiser White Fang shook his head. These Raven Guards are always like this, elusive. Even their Chapter Master has this kind of virtue.

If they were invited to Fenris for a feast, they would definitely appear lightly, finish their meal quietly in the shadows, and then disappear lightly.

He only left a note to express his gratitude for the hospitality and express his literary accomplishments, writing a poem or something.

"You're ruining my reputation too much."

"Haha~ It's okay! Let's go first! Wodehouse and Bennett have cooked the barbecue, and we're going to have a meal!"

Kaiser White Fang laughed loudly, and patted Lin Fan's shoulder vigorously with his hand. According to mortal standards, this force was enough to break his bones, but Lin Fan did not move.

It seemed that Cather White Fang wanted to find a safe place to continue the conversation. Lin Fan nodded and followed Kaiser White Fang.

After passing through the maze of ship cabins, they found Wodehouse and Bennett in a kitchen.

They were devouring the sizzling and greasy steaks. Next to him stood a fat mortal wearing a greasy apron. This must be the chef.

"The adults' love for food is the best recognition of me." The fat chef wiped the oil on his hands with a cloth.

"Hey! I'm here!" Cather White Fang also sat over, and with quick eyes and hands, he snatched the piece of meat that Bennett wanted to grab, threw it into his mouth, and chewed it with relish.

"You piece of shit! Stealing my flesh again!"

"Keep your voice down! Don't let others know, we came here secretly to eat."

Wodehouse was very dissatisfied and used his psychic powers to push Bennett down onto the seat, while looking at Cather White Fang reproachfully.

Lin Fan was speechless. A wolf priest, a wolf priest, and an old wolf, three well-known figures in the wild wolf war group, actually sneaked out to start a small business.

"Let me tell you, this place is absolutely safe. We have eaten here many times and have never been caught. The chef is also very skilled and the barbecue he makes is absolutely delicious."

"Haha! Your Excellency is so complimentary." The fat chef did not feel flattered by Cather White Fang's compliment, but accepted it calmly. It seems that the relationship between them is also very good.

"The little one's name is Wei Ji Xian, and he comes from the planet Totole-01."

"Totole Planet? What is this place?" Lin Fan was delighted. This name was really novel and interesting.

"A barbaric world with extremely backward technology and rich in spices. Many rogue traders go there to trade."

Cather White Fang explained to Lin Fan while glancing at Wodehouse. Wodehouse understood it and used his spiritual power to hint Wei JiXian out.

Wei Jixian's eyes became a little dull, and he walked out of the door carrying a plate. He would become an alarm. Once something came close, the psychic power left by Wodehouse would make him drop the plate.

"Okay, now we can have a good chat. What are you trying to do to praise Commissar Kane so much? I also know Kane. He does have a lot of achievements, but compared with you, he still has a lot of achievements. Almost."

Kaiser White Fang handed Lin Fan a thigh. Lin Fan tore off a bite of the meat and found that it tasted really good. It must have been a unique secret recipe of extremely delicious taste or something.

"I am powerful, but am I famous? I mean am I a well-known figure within the wider empire?"

"Obviously not. My achievements are relatively clear to you people, but the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Tribunal have sealed my files. Not to mention that those golden corns are using my existence to seduce traitors and engage in internal affairs. Clean up.”

"But Commissar Kane is different. He is already very famous, even in the Tau Empire. Many leaders of the Tau Empire know who Kane is."

"So. Is this your plan? Do you want Commissar Kane to become an irresistible hero in publicity? Affect the alien's combat effectiveness?" Wodehouse asked.

Lin Fan just shook his head and continued, "In fact, our offensive goal against the Tau Empire cannot be achieved. It's not that our fleet is not enough to penetrate the Tau Empire, but we don't have that much time. You know better than me , Facing an alien empire hundreds of light years in size, how much effort will it take for us to clear it out?

"It will take a long time, at least two centuries, to complete the complete cleanup." Kaiser White Fang responded.

"Then do you think the Empire has two centuries to clean up an alien empire? You must know that around the Tau Empire, there are either orcs or Necrons who are about to awaken, and there are even a large number of dead species that were not cleaned up during the Imperial expedition. ”

Lin Fan told them about the situation of the Tau Empire, "You must know that according to the original... ahem, according to the prophecy, the Tau Empire will launch a fourth expansion after the third expansion. As they continue to expand, what will happen to them? The understanding of the universe becomes deeper.”

"So they went from an empire that thought about civilization and progress to a nervous regime that engaged in purges and extermination. My evaluation is that their style of painting finally meets the requirements of this universe."

Baneblade super heavy tank and human size

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