The Tau Empire has also done many bad things, such as coercing and luring other races to join its empire. If they don't join, they will be labeled as enemies of the Greater Good and will be killed directly.

If you really can’t get positive feedback, don’t blame me for opening the country with a railgun.

But they will at least put in a little effort to communicate with the aliens. The human empire is too lazy to communicate now and just kill them.

But you can't blame the Human Empire. During the Great Crusade, the Emperor adhered to a policy of tolerance rather than committing to interstellar genocide.

However, the alien creatures faced by the human empire at that time were so crazy that the two sides were completely unable to reconcile. They only deserve to be crushed to ashes under the tracks of war.

Now the Tau people can only say that they have caught up with the good times. The most dangerous group of aliens have been almost killed by the empire. The surviving old aliens tremble when they see the tracks of the human empire.

The current aliens are either new species, or the threat is too low to be included in the emergency purge list of the human empire during the Great Crusade.

If the Tau Empire was born in the Ghoul Sector, there would be no need for the Human Empire to take action. The demons and monsters of the Ghoul Sector will educate the Tau Empire well.

Because they regard themselves as the destiny of the universe, they regard themselves as superior people and regard people of other races as barbarians.

But this is actually nothing. After all, everyone in the Warhammer universe thinks so.

The only difference is that the Tau Empire wants to be the big brother of others and has the obligation to help more backward races become civilized under the light of the Greater Good. Although the starting point is a bit strange, the results are good.

Others are thinking: Are you the only one who is the eldest brother? I will sleep with your skin covering you today!

The Necron Hearse overturned the gods. As the earliest space hegemony, they were like an old monster in seclusion who buried himself in the grave. Their enemies were wiped out, leaving only a few old enemies' little dolls still jumping on the grave. Disturbing one's dreams.

The Eldar and the Orcs are the offspring of the Ancient Saints. They are like the grandparents who have witnessed the vicissitudes of history. Of course, they are not the kind of kind old people.

When I was young, my grandma was one of the best girls in the Universe Nightclub. She would chop off your fingers and gouge out your eyes with a spoon.

When he was young, my grandfather was one of the best boxers in the universe, a ruthless man who could compete with the old monsters buried in the grave.

Although Grandma Ada is now dying and suffering from all kinds of diseases, she can only lie on the rocking chair handed down from her ancestors, pointing to the tattoos on her body, and telling you how awesome they used to be. And the orc grandfather has Alzheimer's disease, and he runs around the streets all day long, beating up whoever he sees.

A human being is a middle-aged man, the kind of lonely old man who retired from Vietnam and suffered from the sequelae of war. His iron fist hurts and heals, and heals and hurts again. You will never see this strong old man not fighting.

Either I had a fight with the old man in the grave today, or I was secretly kicked by the old woman lying on the chair next door. The old lady even has a little sister, who is even more important. She is so old that she doesn’t want to spend her old age in peace. She still has sex parties every day and pulls out a few hairs of nervous old men to play with her from time to time.

The Tau Empire is just a young kid, at the age of seven or eight, when his hands are at their weakest, he will kick anyone he sees.

But this universe has no tradition of respecting the old and caring for the young, so everyone will just slap you with a few big dicks and tell you to stop bothering us.

So in the original plot, although the third expansion was successful, they also annoyed the empire, and more and stronger counterattacks made the Tau Empire doubt its life.

In addition, the three expansions were comprehensive, and they also provoked the border troops of other forces. The Storm King was merciless in dealing with the new races. The number of orcs in the Red Sun area would make the Tau's artillery overwhelmed.

But you have to keep developing, right?

So began the Fourth Expansion, with experimental warp engines taking the Tau into the unprotected warp.

They saw the truth of the universe and the God of the Greater Good who looked like a human being. The survivors of the Fourth Expansion Fleet began to become obsessed and vowed to eliminate foreigners for the long-term stability of the Tau Empire and the purity of the Greater Good.

Vigorous internal purges began, and the Kroot and Nikasas, old allies, stepped up their surveillance, but they showed no mercy to the humans who were still hostile.

All human beings who do not join the Greater Good will be killed.

Human beings who join the Greater Good Path are tricked out and beaten to death.

In order to curb doubtful speech in the country, the Ether Parliament established a Ministry of Education with the same nature as the Imperial Tribunal. Specially responsible for cleaning up the unstable factors in the Tau Empire.

After the fifth and sixth expansions, the Tau Empire increasingly realized the truth that they were nothing in the universe.

The human empire didn't come to deal with them just because they had more deadly enemies to deal with. The Tau Empire also moved from an expansionary policy to a conservative one.

In the past, when there were planets clamoring to join the Greater Good, the Tau Empire would naturally send out fleets and Water Caste diplomats to publicize and demonstrate the correctness of the Greater Good.

Later, as they received more severe beatings, the Tau Empire was too busy to take care of themselves. They only responded to the planets that came to protect them and maintained a wait-and-see attitude.

Their ambition to conquer the universe was interrupted by the big daddies.

The invasion of the Hive Tentacles put the eastern sector of the Tau Empire under high pressure for a long time. All social welfare and utopian living conditions had to give way under the threat of the swarm.

The Chaos Legion protruding from the great rift was even more incomprehensible to the Tau Empire, and the loving father's big hand stained with mucus and friendliness slapped the Tau Empire in the face.

The Tau Empire can only grit their teeth and accept it. They can't defeat it, so what else can they do?

It can be said that the fourth expansion was the beginning of the Tau Empire's transition from innocence to maturity, and the fifth and sixth expansion were the beginning of the Tau Empire's recognition of its own strength.

They finally learned to breathe carefully in the cruel forest full of bloodthirsty beasts.

However, to say that the Tau Empire is the light of democracy is an exaggeration.

The reason why the Tau Empire is so bright is because the place next to it is so dark that I don’t know how to describe it.

The Tau Empire can provide free medical treatment to all Tau people and ensure that everyone can have a position. Their AI network system can provide good statistics on the people of the country.

But they still have their own problems. Everything for the Tau people is arranged by the government. Where you were born, where you exchanged reproductive fluids with the opposite sex, how long the exchange lasted, and what public facilities the children born after you exchanged should be sent to be raised were all arranged by the government.

The original situation after the completion of the third expansion

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