After eating, everyone quietly dispersed. Wodehouse walked into his lounge and sat cross-legged on a piece of fur.

His big hands held various bottles and jars, and he dipped his long teeth into the liquid and powder in the bottles, carving mysterious runes on the ground.

These runes were discovered by generations of wolf priests and passed down through special methods. Basically, a new generation of priests has mastered this method, which means that the previous generation of old priests has passed away.

"If what he said is true, then I can see the dream he said."

Wodehouse took a small jar and inhaled sharply through his nose. His head tilted back, his eyes turned pure white, and he had entered an ethereal state.

A majestic shadow. An overwhelming shadow. They have a ferocious appearance and an insatiable appetite.

It was the Swarm, advancing beyond the light of the Star Torch and driving their vanguard towards the edge of the Tau Empire.

Wodehouse saw the scene of a bloody battle between the swarm and the Tau, saw the glowing blue pulse gun being chewed up by the swarm's gluttons, and saw the scene of countless Tau being desperately overwhelmed by the swarm.

"It's true." Wodehouse broke away from the dream and felt the passage of time. This perception took him three days and three nights to complete.

He walked out of the lounge and summoned the wild wolves of the expedition. With the expressions of Kesel White Fang and Bennett already knowing, he announced the arrival of the Tyranid swarm and explained the reason why the Tau Empire could not be eliminated now. .

But Wodehouse's prophecy was just the beginning. More and more psychics were awakened when they fell asleep. They were sweating coldly, and their already unpleasant voices became even hoarse.

They reported what they saw to their superior officers and political commissars over and over again, and used the Emperor's Tarot cards to predict future blessings and misfortunes over and over again.

"It's a sign of great misfortune." A group of high-ranking people gathered around the table, watching the psyker use the Emperor's Tarot cards to calculate the fate of the fleet again and again.

When the Tau saw this scene, they would definitely say that this group of humans actually chose to believe in the random combination of several cards.

But those who are truly knowledgeable know that the Emperor Tarot Cards are one of the few ways for the Empire to communicate with the Emperor. Although the cards have many metaphors, the things displayed by the Tarot Cards can be interpreted in many ways.

How difficult is it to explain this thing? It's probably like asking a mortal who has never learned writing to read about the combat process of the psychic titan of the Order of Omen.

"Although I can't understand this thing, but the cards are full of death and a broken world, I can tell that something is not good."

A white-haired old imperial general gave his opinion.

"We have used different methods of tarot divination within the empire. No matter how we shuffle the cards and change the rules, the answers we get are always the same."

The people from the Tribunal added something.

"Think tanks are jointly predicting that the fleet's goal will be determined by them."

The leader of the Space Marines replied.

After a full thirteen days of joint predictions by the think tanks, the think tanks of all the war groups walked out of the sealed fine gold door. Although they were painted in different colors, their faces were all the same heavy and unwilling.

"The omen is very likely to be true. The insect fleet is wandering on the edge of the alien empire. Our attack on the alien empire will be delayed. We should prepare for defense in the coming days."

When everyone heard the answers from the think tanks, they all sighed. They have to let go of this new alien empire again. The last time it was because of the insect swarm's invasion of the empire, this time it's because of the insect swarm's invasion of the empire, but they have to invade the alien empire first on the way.

"I don't think we need to push the alien empire too hard, as this will weaken their ability to resist the swarm." Captain Redel, the captain of the Execution, stood up at the table.

He saw that no one objected immediately and continued to explain his reasons.

"If the alien empire is crippled by us, they will be completely defeated by the Tyranid swarm's attack. It's better to let these aliens fill the Tyranids' belly first."

"I agree, the current resistance of the Alien Empire is quite fierce. They should be able to resist the Tyranids for a while, and the Empire will form a defense line along the Gulf of Damocles."

"What about the planet's resources? Do we want to give up the space hundreds of light-years beyond the Gulf of Damocles?"

Faced with the voice of opposition, Captain Reidel felt that it was better to ask the Kaos Sages to answer this kind of matter. After all, their expedition team had been responsible for exploring this part of the area.

After connecting to the communication of the Mechanical Ark Sunshine Miles, everyone saw the busy figure of Sage Kaos on the screen.

"Ah! Ah! You monster! You monster!"

"Very good, the necessary data has been obtained and pushed into the next experimental subject."

Sage Kaos turned his back to the screen indifferently, and his huge body unfolded a large number of sophisticated surgical instruments. Along with the screams of the Tau people, he hummed a hymn in praise of the God of All Machines.

"Sage Kaos, are you busy right now?" Captain Reidel said cautiously.

"Huh?" Sage Kaos seemed to have just reacted. He turned his head behind his back and stared at the screen with his dimly shining electronic eyes.

"What's the matter with you? Tell me quickly."

"We would like to ask if there are any strategic resources in the Alien Empire's area."

"Hmm." Kaos Sage's body shook for a while, and then a tape stretched out from the cabin on his back.

The Kaos sage slowly sang a hymn, shook some incense against the record tape thousands of years ago, and finally inserted the tape into the reader.

"According to the exploration of the planetary expedition team eight thousand years ago, the star area where the Alien Empire is located does not have important strategic resources, and there is not even a planet that produces fine gold. If you want me to develop it, I will definitely be too lazy to do it. of."

"Ah. Thank you Sage Kaos for clearing up the confusion. We have no more questions. Please continue with your work."

"You're welcome." Sage Kaos turned his head away and then turned off the screen. He didn't want anyone to see him dissecting the alien.

"Then it seems that our goal has to be changed. Conquer the Gulf of Mugulas and cut off the alien empire's hand in the Gulf of Damocles. Then we can wait for the invasion of the Tyranid fleet."

"That's right. If that's the case, then our Idmos sector fleet will retire first."

"Our Anders sector fleet has also returned."

The star sector fleet generals resigned one after another, and some Space Marine Chapters also submitted reports to the Expedition Fleet Commander-in-Chief, Captain Raeder, and they returned to the sectors where they were stationed.

Big bricks flying

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