The expedition fleet quickly split up, and they prepared to return to their respective star sectors to garrison and report the news of the approaching Tyranid swarm. And train new regiments, waiting for news of the Tyranid swarm invasion.

Although the Imperial fleet seems slow to others, anyone who has experienced the Tyranid Swarm War knows that there is no point in rushing.

Every time the insect swarm invades, the empire must recruit a large fleet to repel the insects.

But it takes time to assemble a fleet. It takes a lot of time. It may take decades to recruit a fleet that is enough to compete with the insect swarm.

The insect swarm is not in a hurry. They attack to eat, so they will eat planets one by one, instead of going to a planet to burn, kill and loot like the Chaos invasion fleet, waiting for the main fleet of the empire to arrive. Run away quickly.

The route of the Tyranid swarm is completely predictable. Whichever planet has the most people and the best natural conditions, these bugs will come smelling it.

Instead of anxiously waiting for the insect swarm at the front, it is better to defend the rear and maintain the stability of the production and transportation lines.

As for the barren planet near the Gulf of Damocles, the dispersed fleet will leave some manpower to garrison on the road.

A hundred years later, when the insect swarm wiped out the alien empire, it would be the newly developed border troops that would delay the insect swarm's invasion.

It’s not too bad, at least the looted alien technology trophies will allow them to exchange some good things with the sages of the Mechanicum.

You must know that the sages of the Mechanicus dislike each other. Everyone's technological secrets will never be shared with others. Even their technological collections are for their own enjoyment.

The current expedition fleet only needs to conquer the Gulf of Mugulas and cut off the Tau Empire's last foothold outside the Gulf of Damocles.

But even the remaining troops are not something the current Tau Empire can handle. They suffered heavy losses in the ambush on the Supply World, and Sage Kaos' Mechanical Ark is still there.

He is said to be interested in environmental modification systems on the Gulf of Mugulas.

One cruiser squadron, two frigate squadrons, one Ark Mechanicus, Space Wolves, White Scars, and three strike cruisers from the Raven Guard Chapter.

This force is more than enough to attack a planet. They only need to wait for the Kaos sage to activate the weather control device to disperse the radiation storm on the planet, and then they can launch a full-scale attack.

The Wanli Sunshine stopped in orbit at Mugulas Bay, and hundreds of underground forts aimed their guns at the majestic shadow of the Mechanical Ark.

The plasma mass containing huge energy is ready, and they can immediately project the ferocious firepower that destroys the ship.

The Earth Caste technicians nervously adjusted the data, sent a huge amount of energy into the conversion tube, and converted a huge metal body into a plasma mass.

"Prepare to launch! Teach the Human Empire a lesson!"

After the turret was warmed up, the Earth clan technicians pressed their hands on the firing button, and with an order, they snapped it down.

The plasma cluster that was supposed to cover the sky did not appear. Instead, the turrets exploded, and blue mushroom clouds rose up on the ground.

The troops who survived the explosion didn't know what happened. They panicked and used drones and detectors to search for possible enemies.

In the shadows, the Chapter Leader of the Raven Guard, Colvin Severux, was looking at the explosion indifferently.

They had infiltrated their position into a sieve long before the Tau army was alerted. With more than ten thousand years of war experience from the Raven Guard, these Tau still have much to learn.

Sage Kaos also saw the sudden explosion on the planet. He chanted a hymn and activated the weather controller installed on the Mechanical Ark.

This magical technological creation inherited from the golden age has the magical function of adjusting the weather of the local planet.

Although it doesn't sound powerful, after all, the Mechanicus also has many ways to adjust weather changes. The weather on many planets is controlled by the priests.

For example, in Holy Terra, according to ancient sacred books, they learned that the ancient ancestors would celebrate the so-called Christmas on a certain day.

According to the research of the most knowledgeable historians and Mechanicus, they believe that Christmas and Sanguinius' Day are similar.

The Feast of Sanguinius commemorates the sacrifice of the Emperor's greatest son, Sanguinius, for the Emperor.

The Ministry of Military Affairs will distribute free celebratory supplies to soldiers on this day.

A piece of paper with the Imperial Aquila and the Sanguinius Decoration on it, an order note for all to attend, and a notice noting that soldiers who did not cut along the dotted line and have the Sanguinius Decoration damaged would be punished.

Private reports from some Inquisitors have seen soldiers scratch the decorations of Sanguinius in the presence of the Blood Angels because of their clumsiness.

On the spot, several noble adults shouted that they wanted to tear the clumsy soldier to pieces. If the company commander hadn't held him tightly, a bad situation might have happened at the scene.

So the Ministry of Military Affairs later made adjustments. On the battlefield where the Blood Angels Chapter appears, if the Imperial Army wants to celebrate Sanguinius's Day, the Ministry of Military Affairs will distribute Sanguinius decorations that do not require cutting.

In the same way, Christmas must be to commemorate the person Christmas. Like Sanguinius, this person must be one of the emperor's great heirs and sacrificed himself for the emperor.

Subsequently, in order to show respect for Sanguinius and Christmas, the Ministry of Military Affairs expanded the celebration of Sanguinius's Day.

Distributed additional supplies of corpse starch, a paper snowflake produced in the Adeptus Mechanicus factory, and improved images of Archangel Sanguinius in response to the Blood Angels' strong requests.

This allows soldiers to look at the snowflakes, eat delicious corpse starch supplies, and hang images of archangels on trees and other seemingly vegetative enemies in order to bask in the glory of Sanguinius and the Nativity Gaze.

Terra will transport an ice meteorite half the size of the moon, which will be cut and transformed by the Mechanicus to create a snowfall for the entire planet through a weather generator.

Considering that Terra is the most sacred place for all mankind, the snow that falls should be as dazzling gold as the Golden Throne.

But this kind of snowy and rainy weather control is much weaker than the weather control on Mechanical Ark.

The Mechanicus Priests could not quickly stop the radiation storm on the planet that was enough to scratch the Titan's outer armor in just a few seconds.

But Wanli Sunshine did it, and a blue light shot into the edge of the radiation storm. Starting from accelerated particle motion, the lethal radiation begins to dissipate.

Under the operation of the data and codes written by ancient humans, the extremely unbalanced air pressure zone was adjusted, and the storm group quickly disappeared.

The Tau Empire's understanding of Imperial truth

Imperial Truth is very similar to the fundamentalism of ancient Earth.

No no, this is a secular and objective philosophy, the Emperor is an atheist and so are we.

So you call this atheist an atheist even though he seems clearly an extreme version of the Catholic caricature.

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