The clearing of the radiation storm made the situation on the ground particularly clear. This desert selected as the landing area had countless Tau ambush troops.

Originally, this desert would have become a slaughterhouse to destroy the Imperial armored forces, but Lin Fan found Sage Chaos and used the power of the Face Fruit, so he reluctantly used the weather controller.

The captains of each ship saw the Tau army ambushing in the desert from the auspicious instrument. The bombing of the fleet left these hunters in the desert with no chance to escape.

A shell landed around the hammerhead shark ambush team, and the violent explosion shock wave lifted a large area of ​​sand and soil, drowning the hammerhead sharks like a tsunami on land.

Thousands of tons of hot sand buried teams of hammerhead sharks, and the Tau pilots among them tried to create a way out with the railgun.

The impact of the electromagnetic projectile dissolved the sand, turning it into a hot slurry that dripped on the armor. They would not be able to get out from under the sand for a while.

The Astra Militarum was sent to the desert, and Lin Fan and the 37th Regiment quickly got off the transport plane.

The sky was unusually clear, and the radiation standard had reached a level that the human body could accept. The endless sand dunes created an amazing view, but the macro cannons and light spears that fell from the sky from time to time made tons of sand fly into the sky, destroying the picture.

Feeling the wind created by the shock wave bringing fine sand, Lin Fan put on the gas mask given to him by Colonel Erica with a bitter face.

The feeling of washing your face with sand is not pleasant.

Transport ships sent troops to various locations, and they would form a circle of encirclement to surround the Tau city outside the desert area.

That place was rebuilt according to the nest city left by humans. After all, the Tau Empire did not have much time to rebuild.

Lin Fan looked at the dead desert and asked Rebecca to send his orders to all class combat units.

"This is the commander of the 37th Regiment, Colonel Soap. Remember what we taught you in class. If you encounter any suspicious situation, immediately submit it to Rebecca, the communications soldier."

As a nano-insect swarm, Rebecca naturally would not receive the feedback from the soldiers one by one like an ordinary communications soldier, but could process all the soldiers' broadcasts in an instant.

With her own wide-band detector, she could construct a three-dimensional image of the entire battlefield in her mind for analysis.

Not only that, she and Lin Fan had finally taught the soldiers of the 37th Regiment how to report points professionally.

Any non-commissioned officer can submit credible intelligence to Rebecca, instead of learning from other uneducated soldiers.

As soon as they asked, they said: We are under heavy attack! We need help! There are too many enemies! Such a false description.

Commissar Kane was surprised more than once at Rebecca's efficiency in handling battlefield information. He did not hesitate to praise Rebecca and believed that she was likely to become the youngest female general of the Imperial Star Army.

But Lin Fan knew that Rebecca only looked young. This nano-insect swarm was a ghost of how old it was, but its mental age was not young.

A huge container cut through the air and fell into the battlefield. The container was equipped with buffers and fixed stabilizers, so that the box did not sink into the sand.

The container opened on all sides, and sixteen channels were extended to the ground. Several teams of Leman Russ tanks were put into the battlefield and prepared to join Lin Fan's attack force.

But do you think that's the end? The real heavy troops are still the super-heavy tanks of the Empire. The poison blade tanks were not put into the container for protection, but were directly smashed to the ground from the fleet in the void with their members.

Fortunately, Lin Fan and his troops had quickly laid out the landing field on the ground, and these super-heavy tanks without buffers did not sink into the sand.

But the price paid by these tanks was just a little dizziness for the drivers.

"These things are really great." Lin Fan stood under the poison blade tanks. The height of these tanks was six meters away, plus he was more than one meter away from the ground. The tank stood in front of Lin Fan like a building.

A battle cannon, even if the huge and heavy shells did not explode, it could collapse an entire building.

The secondary turret is an automatic cannon with six heavy crossbows. The firing range of each gun is carefully designed by the mechanical priests, so that there is no blind spot in the whole vehicle except the chassis.

Even if the enemy can break through the blockade of heavy firepower, they will also face the average thickness of 200 mm steel alloy plates on the whole vehicle.

These steel alloy plates are made of the best materials. Considering that Titan support is not always available, the Imperial Guard needs a super-heavy armor cluster to make the enemy's Titan kneel in front of the Imperial Army.

Three to five poison blades are enough to make any Titan fighting alone feel difficult.

"Hello, Political Commissar Kane! Colonel Soap! The Cadian Forward Hell Tank Regiment greets you! We will cooperate with your attack! This is the commander of the Forward Hell Regiment, Colonel Dektar!"

"It is my honor to command such a powerful force." Political Commissar Kane greeted Colonel Dektar who leaned out of the turret.

"I don't like these tanks. They are too slow, 25 kilometers per hour. That's stupid."

Rebecca secretly complained to Lin Fan about her feelings, but Lin Fan just shrugged, saying that this was the style of the Empire's tactics.

The Imperial Guard is a moving Great Wall. They only fight in the front. The rear raids are all left to the Space Marines.

The Tau Empire are great at ambushes, but how long can they last? Sooner or later, there will be a head-on battlefield with the empire. The imperial army doesn't care if you attack a few tanks in a ditch and kill hundreds of people.

When the Great Wall stands in front of you, you will realize that the fruits of the ambush are really insignificant. The ancients said: Accumulate small victories into big victories. But with the size of the empire, you have to accumulate big victories into big victories.

And the Space Marines will not sit back and watch the lack of maneuverability of the Imperial army being ambushed by the aliens. This is simply an insult to their war dignity.

Look at the Raven Guard, falling to the ground without anyone knowing, blowing up enemy turrets without anyone knowing.

And the White Scars may be racing somewhere, fighting guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines.

The Space Wolves may just be a pack of hidden wolves, using their hunter's instinct to target their most valuable targets.

But Lin Fan thought it was quite ridiculous. These space warriors said they had different tactics, different styles and preferences, but in actual fighting they were all similar.

Surprise attacks, beheadings, taking off helmets to perform unparalleled battles, this is the daily life of Space Marines.

It's nothing more than the Raven Guard suddenly appearing by relying on the tactics of shadow, the Wild Wolves suddenly appearing by relying on the cunning of wolves, and the White Scars suddenly appearing by relying on flying speed.

Blue-eyed void dragon. I summon the dark tomb artificer

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