"This." Yingyang wanted to say something, but Yongtan just told her more data and gave more examples. Yingyang couldn't find any loopholes to question. Are you going to question the Honor Ether who has worked hard to research technology with your unfounded suspicion?

"As long as we can defend Mugurus Bay, we can stop the war outside Damocles Bay. Commander Yingyang, you don't want human boots to set foot on our beautiful home world."

"Of course not. How can we defend it? Without the containment of the void fleet, we suffered a lot of naval artillery attacks. I really don't know how to support it."

"Enough! Yingyang!" The Ammonium Scepter tapped the ground, making a crisp sound, "You are a commander! A trusted general! Think about your master Qingxi! If he sees his proud student being scared by the enemy! How disappointed he will be!"

Yingyang was a little ashamed. She really shouldn't let her heart be filled with worries about the human army. An excellent general should pay attention to tactics and despise the enemy strategically.

"But don't blame yourself too much." Anwa's voice became softer, and he made a gesture to the honor guards. These loyal warriors who served and protected Ether immediately understood what Anwa meant.

A customized killer whale transporter quickly rushed here. Under Yingyang's observation, in addition to being equipped with weapons and stealth generators, the killer whale transporter also had its external armor thickened a lot.

"Please let me show you the latest achievements of Tu-Xiaowak. The key to our ability to defend Mugura Bay." Anwa sat on a suspended chair and floated in front, followed by Yingyang and Yongtan.

The killer whale transporter activated the stealth generator and flew deep into the Tau Ring Nest Fortress, where a pile of uncleaned building debris, dead buildings and hideous steel skeletons were intertwined.

Yingyang only needed to look at the screen, and she felt that the terrain here was quite complex and dangerous. The narrow passages and various crumbling building ruins made it difficult for any armored forces to show their fists and feet.

Perhaps only a high-temperature bomb that melts everything can make this area empty and flat.

The Orca transport plane flew to the depths of the ruins, and the entire surface began to unfold, pulling out a huge circular pit. The Orca transport plane entered it, and then the ruins closed again.

Yingyang looked at the solid facilities around her in surprise. There was never such a place recorded in her combat book.

"Supreme Ether, where is this?"

"This is the Tu-Xiaowak Frontline Research Institute. In order to conceal the secret weapons, we need to maintain the highest level of confidentiality. No Tau people participated in the construction of the entire facility, only the builders, the drones and the Gusavi." Yongtan answered Yingyang's question.

"But I didn't see any Guvisa." Yingyang continued to ask.

But Yongtan didn't continue to answer. He just glanced at Yingyang, and then wiped his neck with his hand.

Yingyang understood that those Guvisa responsible for the construction must have been cleaned up, but this did not meet the requirements of the Greater Good. The Guvisa performed very well in the war. They did not waver in the face of the offensive of the Human Empire, but fought back with more fierce shooting.

"We can choose a more civilized way to keep secrets."

"No, the human empire has various ways to spy on secrets. Only the dead, only those who have been crushed to ashes and not even a trace of them left can keep secrets."

"This is not in line with the Supreme."

"For the Greater Good, the ancient Visas have no regrets, Yingyang." Anwa glanced at Yingyang lightly, and all the doubts in Yingyang's heart disappeared, and his eyes became fanatical and obedient.

"I understand, Supreme Aether."

Yingyang and Yongtan bowed to Anwa, and Anwa nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and continued to look at the magnificent project underground.

"For the Greater Good." Yingyang closed his eyes and muttered to himself, without any sound. Yongtan was thoughtful, and followed Yingyang to chant words like "for the Greater Good".

As the killer whale transport plane went deeper, they got on and off the ship on a suspended gravity platform.

"I have never seen a factory here." Yingyang looked at the automated factory area, where only the maintainer drones were active. Thousands of cylindrical glass cabins were picked up by mechanical claws and sent to a square processing plant.

What is in this glass cabin? Yingyang wanted to take a closer look, but she was stopped by Yongtan just after she took a few steps forward.

"Why not witness our secret weapon? I think the Supreme Aether is also interested in this."

"That's right, let's not waste time." Anwa nodded in agreement, and Yingyang had to give up the idea of ​​investigating what was in those opaque glass cabins.

One layer of solid doors after another opened, and Yongtan quickly entered the complex password that made Yingyang feel irritated at a glance. Huge drones wandered in every corner, equipped with various heavy ion weapons.

The security measures in this place are even stricter than Yingyang's headquarters. There is no such type of drone in her command room. Is it a recently developed prototype? But seeing that Anwa is not interested in these drones at all, Yingyang does not think this is the key to their victory over the imperial army.

"Let me show you a surprise. This way it will be more intuitive." Yongtan said something without thinking, and then rudely turned off the lights, and he sank into the shadows and disappeared.

"What are you doing!" Yingyang was very surprised. She activated the xv22 combat suit, and a pulse rotating cannon had already entered the preheating stage. The honor guards also surrounded Nunwa in dissatisfaction, and the long blades in their hands shone with a bloodthirsty cold light.

Amun Wa remained calm and did not feel angry because of Yongtan's impromptu idea. On the contrary, he was curious about what kind of scientific research results Yongtan would use to reverse the current bad war situation.

In the secret report received by Nunwa, he had learned that the third expansion had failed. Even if we don't mention the situation on Yingyang's side, the situation faced by other expansion fleets is also extremely bad.

The eastern expansion fleet achieved nothing, except for the increasingly silent and cold void that made people feel frightened, and the meaningless hissing sound coming from the detector. Many members of the fleet suffered from claustrophobia as they sailed through the long darkness, and many swore they had seen giant monsters beyond reason.

The last news from the Eastern Fleet was heard from them but a low cry.

Chapter Master, the Loyalists have a Titan, what should we do? We sucked up some warp dust, and we blasted the Titans.

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