The fleet expanding eastward is already in danger.

The fleet expanding southward saw a large number of orc fleets. The originally clueless civil war of the orcs suddenly found a target, and a warlord quickly emerged from the orc tribe, shouting that he would capture the noseless bean sprouts and drink them.

The entire southern expansion fleet was forced back to the border by the violent orcs, and the entire southern home world resisted the orc invasion and entered a wartime economic system. Even the new fleet that was urgently summoned by Nunwa was sent to more than half of the southern theater. After all, the human empire still needs to cross the Gulf of Damocles to directly enter the territory of the Tau Empire. The orcs in the south really spread the war to the most important The family world is gone.

The Northern Fleet said that they encountered some interesting creations during the exploration phase of the planet. The accompanying Tu clan technicians called it a black stone, but they had no clue. All research methods were ineffective when faced with the mysterious black stone. Even mining and cutting became a luxury.

The Earth Tribe technicians believe that this is a legacy left by the previous civilization. They feel that as long as the black stone is cracked, the technology of the Tau Empire will make a huge leap forward.

But it was too slow to become a productive force that could feed back the Tau Empire. Amunwa really didn't have time to wait for them to figure out the secret of the Black Stone.

After learning about the fiasco of Shadow Sun from the secret intelligence agency, all the Ethers felt even more troubled. They held meetings all night to discuss countermeasures. In the end, everyone decided to block the news, reduce the production rate of consumer goods, and called on the clans to work together to overcome the difficulties.

At this moment, the Tu-Pinwak Research Institute, which claimed to have cracked the secret of the subspace engine, took the initiative to contact Ether, claiming that they had developed a new war weapon that could become the key to the Tau Empire's conquest of the stars.

Although such good news broke out at this time, there is some suspicion. But the ethers had no other choice but to believe in Tu-pinwak's research.

They have developed even larger combat drones, as well as instruments that can create space disturbances. As for this final decisive weapon, Yongtan is mysterious, but only tells the ethers that it is definitely worth the money.

Nunwa watched the movements of Yingyang and the honorary guards, waiting for what kind of surprise Yong Tan could bring him.

It was so quiet here that Yingyang felt like he could only hear his own breathing. Several exclamations came from behind him, and Yingyang turned around suddenly, only to see a giant wearing silver-white armor standing behind him.

The honorary guards brandished their swords and fought with the giant, but the giant just evaded and did not take the initiative to attack. He placed his hands at his sides and moved quickly. His huge body did not make him bulky, but showed a wonderful flexibility.

"A Space Marine of the Human Empire? Rebellion? Capture?" Yingyang asked herself. She was clueless and didn't even know whether to activate the weapon to fire.

The Honor Guards seemed to have noticed the enemy's strangeness, and formed a formation vigilantly. They did not choose to continue the attack, wasting their energy.

The giant in silver-white armor knelt on one knee and saluted the supreme ether. "Offer allegiance and respect to the Supreme Etherium."

Nunwa stared, not knowing what to say. As the supreme leader of the Tau Empire, he also knew the Space Marines of the Human Empire. These human warriors are extremely powerful, and every troop that has fought against the Space Marines will be surprised by their outstanding individual combat prowess.

"Is this a surprise? A Space Marine inspired by the Greater Good? Director Yongtan, I am indeed happy and surprised by this, but I don't see how this can turn the tide of the war."

"No, my beloved Supreme Ether. These are not inspired Space Marines, but our own Space Marines." Director Yongtan lit up the lights of the place.

In that field, there were thousands of silver-white armored giants standing behind Director Yong.

This sight made Amun Wa intoxicated. He controlled the suspended seat to float next to the giant, and carefully observed the equipment on the giant.

They are very similar to the Space Marines of the Human Empire, both in terms of physique and the general structure of their armor.

Has heavy shoulder armor and a helmet with an articulating grid. But there are subtle differences. Most of the eyepieces of the Space Marines of the Human Empire shine with red light, which looks dangerous and scary, but the eyepieces of these giants' helmets are shining blue.

There are also many differences in the details of the armor. The armor of the Empire is often based on an arc armor, with the Imperial Golden Sky Eagle as the logo on it. The shoulder armor is painted with unknown images and is attached with wax-sealed strips of cloth. On top of the armor.

Like all the technological products of the empire, they appear crude and backward, like a group of knights left from ancient times to the present.

But the armor of these giants does not have too many ornaments. Their iridium alloy armor only has numbers written on it, and there are miniature signal lights to indicate that the armor is working well. The square armor lacks a curved surface, and only has large flat blocks that make up the whole armor.

"After collecting the corpses of the Space Marines and conducting reverse engineering research, I successfully mastered their genetic enhancement technology and was able to integrate it with the most advanced AI technology of the Tau Empire."

Yongtan introduced his scientific research results to Nunwa and showed him what kind of equipment these warriors have.

Each warrior is equipped with a jump backpack on the back, which is almost the same as the flying equipment of the xv8 crisis combat suit. It allows these warriors to stay in the air for half an hour on a complex battlefield. If they want to fly, they will consume more energy. According to tests It can only fly at top speed for about five minutes.

Equipped with a rotating ion target-type diffusion cannon, this rapid-fire heavy weapon can vaporize large numbers of infantry with high-impact ion streams. The overloaded firing mode can make these weapons threaten the survival of heavy armor.

The melee weapon does not use pulse blasters, but thermal knives specially developed by the Tu-Pinwak Research Institute.

By extending the thermal ion cluster on the Motonium alloy, a high-heat blade is obtained, just like a welding gun that can slash. It can melt all common metals in just a few seconds, and the damage to fine gold is still being tested.

"That's great." Nunwa looked at these powerful warriors, filled with ambition to conquer the stars, "Do these warriors have names and titles?"

"What do you think of reflections? Shadow of Damocles."

"Reflection. It's indeed a good name."

With a wave of his hand, Nunwa shook his robes and made a sound of blowing in the wind. He decided to hand over these powerful warriors to the command of Shadow Sun, and Yongtan's mission was to provide more reflection warriors for the Tau Empire.

Shadow of Damocles, Prototype Astartes Warrior

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