"I will definitely contribute more to the Greater Good." Yongtan greeted Yingyang and Anwa, and watched them board the Orca transport plane. As for the Reflection Warriors, they will go to the battlefield to cooperate with Yingyang in the battle.

Yongtan curled his lips. He originally thought that being able to collect some gene seeds on the battlefield was a good harvest. Now seeing the interaction between Anwa and Yingyang, it seems that there are more interesting things waiting for him to dig.

Walking in the corridor, passing through the heavy glass cabins and processing rooms, Yongtan entered a secret room. Hundreds of Reflection Warriors were holding their guns, aiming at several Raven Guards fixed on the wall.

It is unknown how these Raven Guards sneaked in. Their war skills and the abilities given to them by the original gene seeds can make the detection methods ineffective. Even if the detector shows the figure of the Raven Guard, the personnel observing the instrument will choose to ignore it, and the perception is disturbed by the energy of the subspace, thinking that there is a little problem with the instrument.

But Yongtan knows the Raven Guard very well, or he knows the Space Marines and the Human Empire very well. If there is something in this universe that he doesn't understand, only the oldest Necrontyr Overlord and the youngest Tau Empire don't understand it.

"You are angry and confused, but I am not going to explain anything to you."

Yong Tan said this to the silent Raven Guards, and then his blue skin began to wriggle. Amidst the violent expansion and roar, the flesh and blood showed metal structures, and several drills equipped with mining devices were generated, just like the medical equipment used by pharmacists.

The Raven Guards were surprised. They felt the breath of chaos, and they didn't notice the alien in front of them until they broke through the flesh. This was incredible.

"I don't have time to waste, so I will act quickly. You should feel lucky."

Yong Tan stabbed the drill into the chest of the Raven Guards, killing these powerful Space Marines in almost an instant, and put the complete gene seeds into the storage tank.

These seeds can be split and mixed, and more reflection warriors can continue to be cultivated. However, Yong Tan prefers to call these reflections degraded bodies. Although the output is high, the individual strength is far worse than that of real Space Marines.

However, he has two research results, the Hate Virus and the Annihilation Virus, and the uterine cultivation technology stolen from the Iron Warriors. It is not that he needs the so-called gene seeds too much. If one degraded body cannot defeat it, then thousands or tens of thousands of them can be used.

The energy of the subspace is endless. As long as Yongtan can cultivate more viruses, he can let his troops overwhelm everyone.

But now there are new problems. Yongtan asked the reflections to retreat. These warriors said that they were integrated with AI technology, but the essence under the armor was a mass of filthy flesh and blood, not some superb mechanical technology.

Yongtan dared not use the advanced AI. The Iron Man Rebellion of the Human Federation was vivid in his mind. He did not want an uncontrollable variable to appear in his plan.

Listing the list of cultures, Yongtan checked the real-time information on it and read it line by line. When he saw the control test group Z-99, his excited pupils shrank to a point.

"It's great! The skin and gene sequences of these Tau people have good isolation from the subspace!" Yongtan shouted excitedly, shaking the documents in his hand vigorously, as if he was showing off to someone, but no one in this secret research facility without living people could listen to his excitement.

But Yongtan didn't seem to care about these. His body pressed against the wall, quickly turned into a part of the wall, and appeared in a sealed place without a passage.

This sealed area is deep underground, and no one except Yongtan can easily reach it. There are tens of thousands of experimental subjects arranged here, each of which is carefully controlled by Yongtan, and looking for the connectivity between the annihilation virus and the subspace creation.

Walking through rows of twisted and abnormal monsters, they roared at Yongtan and poured hateful firepower on him with crude weapons made of annihilation virus. But Yongtan just snapped his fingers, and these mice who tried to kill the experimenters turned into a pool of blood.

Z-99, an annihilation virus cultivated in the body of a Tau people, did not show the madness and disorder of other experimental subjects, but maintained a completely obedient posture waiting for Yongtan's orders.

Look at this precious example of success. There is no warp contamination of human numbered subjects, no uncontrollable genetic mutation of Kroot numbered subjects, no suicidal tendencies of Eldar numbered subjects, and no stupidity of orc numbered subjects.

The skin and gene sequences of the Tau people are indeed special. They can well block the pollution in the warp, so that the chaotic hatred of the annihilation virus will not overwhelm the instinctive obedience suggestion set by Yongtan.

"I thought it would take consciousness to use it. I didn't expect it would work unconsciously. It seems that you are still useful." Yongtan showed a creepy smile. He thought that restrained subjective consciousness was needed to make the skin and gene sequences of the Tau people effective. This is why he used Yongtan's body for the earliest experiments.

If all the experimental groups fail, then Yongtan will have to think about retaining part of the consciousness of the experimental subjects to counter the pollution of the warp. He doesn't want the troops he has shaped to be intercepted by the creations of the warp.

But now it seems that he can skip many steps. Once the Gulf of Damocles is closed, no one will be able to save these Tau. At that time, he can harvest and cultivate them in the Tau Empire, create a huge army in the isolated place of the universe, and search for the truth throughout the galaxy.

It's perfect. The Hate Virus provides endless biomass for the creation of troops. The Annihilation Virus provides the troops with powerful weapons that do not require ammunition supplies. The skin and genetic sequence of the Tau are isolated from the contamination and control of the warp demons. The Space Marine's Gene seeds make it possible for Yongtan to create more powerful warriors.

Thinking of this, Yongtan laughed happily, and then cut open his stomach, and a Tau man whose extra limbs were cut off and only one head remained fell out.

"Come, do your daily investigation, let me see your hateful eyes."

The Tau man with only one head left opened his eyes and screamed silently at Yongtan, his eyes full of hatred and pain.

"The hatred indicator is enough." Yongtan nodded with satisfaction after seeing the appearance of the head, and came out of the underground secret room with the head. He threw the head to a degraded body.

The originally neat and clean, high-tech armor had a bloody mouth open, like petals in bloom.

The only sounds left here were the sound of the degraded body chewing bones and the sound of Yongtan walking briskly.

(The author has an exam in the morning and has no time to illustrate)

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