"They are going to attack, and they are coming towards Kane." Rebecca sat next to Lin Fan and quietly told him this fact, "Should we move our troops forward?"

Lin Fan took a sip of the hot soup and stirred the food in the bag with a fork and spoon. "If it were based on the past, I would definitely put the troops on the front line. But now it's hard to say."

"Is it because of the reflections?" Rebecca asked, putting her finger into the soup and taking a sip.

"Indeed. They appeared a little too early. They shouldn't have appeared at this time. It's only 963 now? Counterfeit Astartes like Reflection should have appeared around 999, and there were only a dozen or so prototypes. Product." When he said this, Lin Fan lost his appetite for food. He thought that this war would force Yingyang to surrender, and when the treaty was signed, Slaanesh would rush out and tear Amun Wa into pieces.

In the end, the Human Empire and the Tau Empire shared the same hatred and jointly eliminated the minions of Slaanesh. Commissar Kane and Lin Fan explained the horrors of the universe to Shadow Sun, and took Shadow Sun and her loyal men on a circle of warships. After learning a lot, Lin Fan finally slapped the Tau tourists who had their sanity down to 0 to wake up, and this war could come to an end.

As for the opinions of the Space Marines, Lin Fan learned about the revelation brought by the Emperor from Wodehouse's statement, which is the so-called Emperor's dream. At present, it seems that the Space Marines have become much less interested in completely wiping out the Tau Empire. These warriors still know the priority and the urgency. They are more willing to see how long the Alien Empire can delay the Tyranid swarm.

However, the emergence of experimental Astartes warriors made the Empire highly vigilant. The Space Marines who originally had a wait-and-see attitude and thought of returning after the battle believed that the Tau Empire had created replicas of the Astartes. It was a kind of blasphemy. They chanted the slogan of killing all the scientific researchers of the Tau Empire and vowed to launch a chapter expedition.

Lin Fan felt that if the Emperor did not come out and shout, this expedition would probably penetrate into the Tau Empire. They would not be able to let out the sigh in their hearts until the Space Marine strike cruisers fired a cyclone torpedo on each Tau Empire planet. .

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time." Lin Fan sighed, "How is Colonel Serena recovering from her injuries?"

"The stuff you spit out is quite effective, just put it on and it'll be fine." Rebecca answered.

Colonel Selina and her Atonement Regiment were the first troops in the Thirty-seventh Regiment to face the ambush of the reflection. At that time, the Atonement Army was investigating the ambush in the Carbon Flat Passage. According to the analysis of the reconnaissance team and Rebecca's access to the legion's communications, they believed that a stealth force was active and did not choose to evacuate.

At that time, Lin Fan and Commissar Kane were busy driving through the enemy's frontal defense line. The thick armor of the super-heavy tanks of the advancing Hell Regiment could withstand the railgun's fire, allowing more troops to enter charging distance.

So Selina met the Reflection Warriors. At first she thought that the noble Space Marines had come to deal with the situation. Many people in the Atonement Army were already ready to kneel down and salute.

Fortunately, Lin Fan taught Selina how to identify the canned Empire, and asked them to look at the decoration of the armor to identify which war group it was.

Serena didn't see the golden eagle on the chest, nor the painting on their shoulder armor. Moreover, the whole armor lacks curved surfaces and is mostly slightly inclined planes.

Such a difference made Serena alert. She felt sick about being deceived by demons in the religious world of Landers. She drew out the broken holy sword that Lin Fan gave her and struck it with one blow.

The Reflection Warrior who couldn't dodge was chopped into two pieces by the violent Selina. Seeing the bluish blood spurting out of the armor and a blue-skinned Tau man with a deformed body, Selina swung her sword at the angels in her heart. The worries disappeared in an instant.

"They are not the Emperor's angels! They are disgusting aliens! Destroy them!"

Selina shouted, and the Atonement Army soldiers followed closely behind. The weapons in their hands fired at the reflection warriors, and the accompanying Chimera armored vehicles also used automatic cannons to support the battle.

Fifteen of the Reflection Warriors were killed, but their gyrating ion cannons took out many more, and even penetrated the frontal armor of a Chimera armored vehicle in overdrive mode.

In the end, Serena was hit with several ions that were enough to evaporate her body. It was not known whether it was the emperor's blessing or whether her body was really strong. When Lin Fan returned to the headquarters, he saw that Serena was dying with only her torso and head left.

Lin Fan ran to the enemy side where there was no one around, vomited out some life essence from his throat, and then sprinkled it on Serena.

It can only be said that the effect is amazing, limbs can be regenerated and wounds can be repaired visible to the naked eye. The granulations and tumors that keep growing out of the skin are quite troublesome. I can only say that this product is a bit too supplementary.

Serena is currently staying with Delia, using a laser scalpel to cut away useless sarcomas and other weird things. Although the scene was very bloody, Serena's self-healing ability has become extremely strong, and Delia has not given her a blood transfusion.

"We will face a full-scale counterattack by the Titanium at the weekend. Is there no problem with your interference?"

"As long as the underlying logic code of their weapons and equipment remains unchanged, I can crack the new code in a short time." Rebecca answered.

"As long as we know this kind of thing, we must know that the Empire has been cracked into pieces by the Tau Army. Leaking the news to other armies will only change the Tau Army's offensive." Lin Fan stood up and patted his butt. dust.

The attack time set by the Tau Empire soon arrived, and a strong interference wave was emitted from the Titanium Citadel, which completely disabled the Empire's monitoring of the Titanium Citadel.

Then several new light missiles were fired into the sky, creating a shining light like the sun setting on the ground. The fleet in the void felt that the light emitted from the surface was so dazzling, as if the planets moved away and the light of the stars pierced the darkness.

Under the cover of light and interference waves, Yingyang's assault team cut through the sky, and the combat uniforms flew over the heads of the Star Army, looking for the location of the 37th Regiment.

"See! The flag of the 37th Regiment!" Yingyang adjusted the spectrum reception to weaken the dazzling light so that the electronic eye could scan things on the ground.

She captured the flag of the 37th Regiment in the complex positions and the moving crowd. It was a red flag with wheat ears, flowers, gears, cities and a fat white bird embroidered on it. Except for the skull in the center, it was out of tune with the flags of other Star Army Corps.

This flag did not prove how powerful their troops were, but looked like a sightseeing group out for a spring outing.

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