The combat-suited troops fell to the ground together with Shadow Sun, accompanied by various types of drones, from shield bees to sniper bees.

As soon as they landed, they faced counterattack firepower. Several rockets destroyed several Shield Bees on the spot. At the same time, the incoming heat melt opened a hole in an On the bee's shield.

"Look for Commissar Kane! Capture him!" Yingyang took the lead. The optical camouflage stance of xv22 was activated. Yingyang almost blended into the air. Only the slight twist and the difference in dust falling on it could tell where Yingyang was. .

The pulse cannon's bullets hit the bunker, leaving a series of scorching holes. The soldiers of the 37th Regiment operated heavy weapons, but their weapons were penetrated, and several soldiers were injured by heat flow and broken iron fragments.

But they are undeterred by such an attack, simply because they are accompanied by the invincible Commissar Kane and the equally outrageous Colonel Soap.

Rebecca squatted in the bunker and quickly cracked the underlying codes of these combat uniforms. These Tau people had been interfered by her several times, and they also knew how to update and prepare for electronic protection.

This delayed Rebecca for a while, but only for a moment. Although the computing power of the nanoworm swarm is not as good as one ten thousandth of the most powerful quantum optical brain created by the golden humans, there is still no problem in bullying these upstarts who are only 8,000 years old.

"It's so touching." Rebecca cheered for the technological equipment of these Tau people more than once. She felt that her knowledge of science was still correct.

She couldn't understand the Necron stuff, the Eldar stuff was too confusing, the Orc stuff had nothing to do with science, and the Human Empire's stuff was mixed with science and metaphysics. She cracked the science, and metaphysics could push a tank. Then run.

She has seen too many examples of this. The tanks have obviously been blown through, and the engine block and power transmission system cannot be used. The mechanical priests are kowtowing and praying, but this tank is still trembling. After moving the tracks twice, Rebecca said it couldn't happen.

Rebecca quietly inserted the death loop code into it, and Yingyang also quickly discovered that there was an extra meaningless command in the combat system.

"Their electronic jamming is coming again! Activate the anti-jamming system written by Director Yongtan!"

Yingyang gave an order, and before the death loop code took effect, all combat suit pilots activated the anti-interference code provided by Yongtan. Rebecca suddenly felt a sudden increase in pressure. A new code with completely different logic from the code written by the Tau was blocking her invasion.

It's like all programs written in binary code suddenly turned into decimal. It is complex, majestic, and ever-changing, making calculations particularly difficult for Rebecca.

"Why does this thing become more familiar the more it is cracked? I feel like I have seen this kind of programming logic." Rebecca thought hard and had to tell Lin Fan that they now need to solve the battle suit situation on their own. She needs time.

Lin Fan learned that Rebecca was temporarily unavailable and did not blame her. After all, he did not understand electronic warfare. If she said it was difficult, then it could only be said that the Tau people's technology exploded from somewhere. Like their reflection warriors.

Holding the sledgehammer "Eighty", Lin Fan took the lead and danced with the hammer in an airtight manner. Eighty defeated the incoming plasma group, but the burning sensation could not be eliminated.

Lin Fan braved the fire and rushed to the side of the combat suit. The pilot of the xv8 combat suit was obviously surprised by his close combat skills. He activated the emergency jetpack to distance himself, but Lin Fan quickly grabbed the feet of the combat suit with his hands.

"Come down!"

With a little force, Lin Fan pulled off the xv8 battle suit and pressed it into the ground. He used his sledgehammer to remove all his arms and head, leaving only a cockpit buried in the soil.

After crushing the backpack on the back of the xv8 combat suit, Lin Fan saw all the combat suits around him taking off in an emergency. The pressure Lin Fan put on them was a bit too much.

"What is this?" Yingyang approached quietly under the cover of optical camouflage, and she was about to fire a fusion cannon at Lin Fan's back.

But Lin Fan was also aware of the hostility behind him, and kicked the head of the newly removed battle suit away, which happened to be embedded in the muzzle of the fusion cannon that was about to be fired.

One of Yingyang's weapons exploded, and the damaged fusion cannon burned with blue flames. Repair Drones floated in to extinguish the flames and quickly repaired the damage.

"This prey belongs to me!" With a bold shout, several white motorcycles flew over and ran over a flying combat suit on the road, bouncing to Yingyang's side.

A white scarred warrior riding a motorcycle slashed Yingyang's head with a scimitar in his hand.

It was difficult for Yingyang to see clearly what the person on the motorcycle looked like, and she couldn't react to such a fast attack, but fortunately there was something faster than her reaction speed.

The shield bee who wrote the rescue agreement moved towards the incoming scimitar, letting the knife that struck Yingyang float upward.

But the motorcycle rider didn't just attack this time. He pushed the motorcycle to rotate with his backhand, just like a person using his belt to swing his legs with all his strength. The rear end of the car with the impact head slammed into Yingyang's body.

"Damn it!" Yingyang opened fire in desperation, and the fusion cannon hit the head and the rear of the car. The shock wave generated by the explosion pushed her body away, and the melted rear of the car sprayed onto the shield on the surface of the armor.

Shadow Yang flew out far away. Although xv22 provided good defense, she still felt pain all over her body. The life-saving stimulants and tranquilizers suddenly penetrated into the body from the inside of the armor, which allowed Yingyang to relax from the stiff state.

She looked up to see who her attacker was and saw a Scimitar-wielding Space Marine approaching her.

"Damn it. Aren't the reflections in place yet?" Shadowyang was extremely anxious. Her battlesuit troops suffered heavy casualties under the joint attack of Space Marines and Imperial Guardsmen, and she didn't even see the shadow of Commissar Kane.

Kosaro Khan looked at Yingyang and quickly stepped forward to chop her with a knife. The alien finally dodged his attack and blew up his motorcycle, which really made Kosaro Khan a little angry.

But he suddenly felt a pain in his temples, and something more dangerous was approaching.

He raised his pistol and pointed it at Yingyang's head, firing a bomb. Without checking the result, he turned around and slashed into the air with his knife.

There was a clanging sound, and Khan saw a dark shadow suddenly appear in the air, ready to attack him.

In the original novel, Cato Sicarius fought against these experimental Astartes, but he didn't recognize them when he saw them, thinking they were some kind of sub-group.

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