"Abominable. Damn blasphemy against creation!" Korsaro Khan was furious. The black shadow that tried to attack him was cut into pieces by the Khan with several knives, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The shadow quickly reorganized and turned into an outline like a space warrior. The shadow-like blade condensed and struck at Corsaro's head.

Nature of subspace? Evil? A technological creation? Corsaro Khan frowned. The force field of the power scimitar did not destroy anything, which surprised him.

In the combat report, he also knew that the Tau Empire had the so-called Reflection Warriors, a weakened warrior modeled after the Astartes monks. Generally speaking, they wore armor made of iridium alloy and were inferior to them in terms of reaction and speed. sharp.

Khan and his Eagle Society have also killed many of these reflection warriors, but the thing in front of them seems to be slightly different from other reflection warriors.

From the transformation and elusive nature of this shadow, Corsaro Khan thought of the silent guys of the Raven Guard.

The appearance of these shadow warriors disrupted the battle. They jumped across the battlefield, and every time they formed, several soldiers died in their hands.

The forces brought by Khan were entangled in the shadows, allowing Shadowsun's battlesuit assault troops to catch their breath in the counterattack.

"Is this the new force invested by Director Yongtan?" Yingyang straightened up. There was a hole made by a bomb on her arm. It seemed that she used her arm to block Khan's bullet aimed at her head.

Lin Fan looked at the shadow with confusion. Called Rebecca's comm, "Can you see these amorphous shadows?"

"You can see it, I'm analyzing it." Rebecca answered, and then there was an exclamation.

"What's wrong!" Lin Fan turned the hammer in one hand and knocked away a rail cannon shell, while asking about Rebecca's situation.

"A deep pit suddenly appeared on the battlefield, and many reflection warriors rushed out of it. The battlefield network was interfered with!"

Rebecca jumped out of the hidden bunker, and several reflection warriors jumped right on top of the bunker. They shot through the top of the bunker with their guns pointed downwards.

The Reflection Warrior aimed at Rebecca's figure and fired dozens of ion clusters. Rebecca drew her hands through the air and threw out part of the nano-bug swarm to weave defense in the air.

The nanoworm swarm quickly absorbed the energy of the ion cluster, leaving only some shining bright spots that fell on Rebecca.

After absorbing the energy, the next step is to release it. Rebecca retracts the swarm of nano bugs into her body, pretending that the body under the skin is overloaded, and her whole body is extremely fast.

Rushing in front of the reflection warrior and dodging the sharp blade, Rebecca put her hand on the reflection warrior's body and released a large amount of electric energy in an instant.

This strong electric shock burned the Reflection Warrior to ashes in an instant. Rebecca also ordered her palm to separate part of the nano-worm swarm and enter the interior through the gap. She wanted to know what was under the armor.

She always felt that there was something wrong with the so-called strong Tau man. He could not fit perfectly with the armor at all, and was more like a shrunken product used to hide secrets.

"Let me see. Flesh. Aggregation. More than one set of genes. Oh damn, this thing reminds me of what Gemo saw." Rebecca's face turned ugly. This thing may not be made by the Tau. from.

Inside this thing is a twisted monster, a wailing creature wrapped in sutures of the blue skin of the Tau. Every breath and struggle can make some holes in the stretched skin, and Rebecca can burst from it. A hundred pairs of hateful and painful eyes could be seen in the gap.

It wasn't the Tau manipulating the armor, it was the Tau who were the vessels, their flesh binding something.

The shocked Rebecca was punched in the chest, and the reflection warriors who had been roasted by the strong electricity became active again. The flesh that had been ripened and burned by the lightning actually began to decarbonize. In other words, it was resurrected.

"Ouch." Rebecca felt the dent in her chest and created more nano-bug swarms to maintain 100% body integrity.

Then she saw Priest Delia rushing towards him like a cannonball. The equipment all over his body was heavy and terrifying. The fully armed Priest Delia was even larger than the xv88 bombardment combat suit.

"For the God of All Machines!" Priest Delia held a hammer in his left hand and an ax in his right hand. With one hammer, he knocked the reflection warrior's head into his chest. The ax cut into his waist and abdomen and dismembered him into two pieces.

And Rebecca stared intently at the torn flesh. Just as she thought, the flesh bound under the blue skin of the Tau was quickly disappearing.

It is not a disappearance caused by fire burning to ashes and the wind blowing the ashes away, but a more complete disappearance, as if nothing has ever existed under the blue skin.

"Things from subspace?" Rebecca thought. She had to find Lin Fan to get the answer, but the noise affecting the entire battlefield meant that when she connected to the communication channel, she could only hear the endless sound of scratching the blackboard.

Priest Delia chopped the Reflection Warrior into minced meat and looked down at Rebecca, "I came here with Serena, Castine, and Kane, where are Soap, Old Jock, and Erica? "

"He rushed to the front, and I lost his coordinates. Erica and Old Jock's troops were already on the front line, why did you come so late?"

"Commissar Kane was ambushed. We rescued him first before coming here."

"Okay." Rebecca nodded and saw Commissar Kane rushing from the rear position. He still had a confident smile on his face, but the damaged political commissar coat and slightly trembling legs on his body could prove that he was My heart is not that stable.

The soldiers accompanying him had experienced bloody battles, with traces of blood and mud on their bodies, and their faces showed reverence for the political commissar.

Rebecca could clearly hear the soldiers' exchanges with her own ears. It was probably about how prophetic Commissar Kane was, predicting the direction of the enemy's attack, showing his loyalty and bravery to the Emperor, and destroying all incoming enemies.

"Then I'll send α to check the situation." Delia saw Kane and his team coming soon. She let the rocket engine behind her fall off, fell to the ground and quickly transformed into a mechanical dog.

The mechanical dog accepted Delia's order and ran towards the front of the 37th Regiment's position.

"I have to say that these things are very convenient and save me a lot of space to install weapons." Delia thanked Rebecca. All the weapons in her body were assembled instead of integrated into her body.

She made many mechanical toys in her spare time. For example, the huge power hammer in her left hand was transformed from a mechanical cat.

Delia is holding the cat's tail in her hand now.

But there was no mention of mass production in the end, or whether the Tau people would become genetic warriors now. Maybe? I didn’t look too closely at the Damocles part.

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