Delia's mechanical dog ran to the front line of the battlefield, its electronic eyes recorded the situation. It ejected a hard drive with a rocket engine and flew quickly in the direction of Delia.

Delia caught the hard disk and inserted it into her neck, and saw what the situation was like on the battlefield where contact was lost in front of her.

A huge black sphere exuded a disturbing aura, and it was almost impossible to see what was going on inside. But the fire that could shine through the weak spot showed that the people inside were still fighting.

"It's really tragic." Political Commissar Kane came over to take a look, and his attention was more focused on the surrounding battlefield.

The dead soldiers of the 37th Regiment and their combat uniforms covered the ground. Teams of reflection warriors patrolled around the black ball, sweeping away survivors and dragging their bodies into the black ball, like feeding animals. Same as breeders.

"How many troops do we have now? It doesn't look like it's easy to break through here." Political Commissar Kane asked Castine and Serena.

"The Valhalla Great Company still has more than fifteen thousand people who can go into battle."

"There are still about 8,000 people in the Great Company of the Atonement Army. Reflection's ambush caused us heavy losses."

"Can we call for support? Artillery and fleet?" Kane then asked Rebecca, but received only a negative answer.

"It is suspected that the Eldar participated in the battlefield. From the scrambling code and the underlying code logic of the Tau, I saw traces of the Eldar writing weapon programs." Rebecca spit out a large number of professional terms like a barrage, which made Kane I won’t be able to understand it for a while.

"Um, do you know the technology of alien equipment?" Political Commissar Kane asked cautiously. It is a bit abnormal for a communications soldier to understand alien weapons so well.

Rebecca's eyes rolled around, and then she looked at Priest Delia pitifully. Priest Delia also understood and patted Kane's shoulder gently.

"I taught her everything. Rebecca is a very smart child."

"Oh, is that so?" Commissar Kane smiled. He always felt that something was wrong, but for the sake of his own life, he would rather not ask about these things.

Just like don't question in front of the Catachan people that their muscles are not as strong as their armor, Commissar Kane knows that many of his colleagues have disappeared unexpectedly during spring outings with the Catachan people.

"But we can't contact the fleet, and we don't know what's going on in the void. For the time being, we can only rely on ourselves."

"Okay, for the Emperor." Kane chanted, and asked Castine and Selina to spread their troops in front of the black ball. They needed to break through the defense of the Reflection Warriors.

The Waharal weapons team quickly set up four batteries of mortars and bombarded the area near the black ball. Some of the shells penetrated the surface of the black ball and did not cause an explosion. The ripples disappeared.

These reflection warriors realize that new enemies have appeared on this battlefield. They are not as alert as the Space Marines. In the eyes of Commissar Kane, they are more like strengthened Astra Militarum units.

And he always felt that these reflection warriors were a little stupid and seemed to lack the ability to think. Many of their reactions looked more like subconscious actions of creatures.

"In the name of the Emperor!" Selina held the Broken Holy Sword and a shield equipped with a force field. Although she was not wearing a luxurious and thick custom-made power armor by a nun, she felt a steady stream of energy coming from her body. the power of.

Her body has never felt so comfortable since she recovered from her injury. Serena was followed by atonement soldiers holding heavy shields. Their bodies were covered with scriptures and prayers. These metaphysical things had a very good protective effect under the blessing of strong faith.

But these protections have limits after all. As the scriptures on the armor were burned by the heat of ions and turned into falling ashes, their bodies were penetrated and they fell to the ground and could no longer stand up.

How could other friendly forces sit back and watch the reflected fire massacre their comrades? There are tens of thousands of them here, and the reflection warriors in front of them are only ten or twenty people even if I count too much.

The mortar soldiers trained by the Kriegs quickly calculated their and the enemy's positions. The operator had a thick notebook in his backpack, but he had already memorized everything under the threat of the Kriegs' shovels. data and experience.

Facing a reflection warrior huddled behind a bunker, with only thick shoulder armor and a head exposed, the Valhalla people's choice was to send him to the sky with heavy mortar shells.

Four shells were fired at the same time, and the explosion area covered the land a hundred meters around the reflection warrior. The violent explosion stirred up smoke, and stones and debris flew out of the smoke, leaving traces.

The reflection warrior sprang out of the smoke, with large cracks in his armor. Having lost an arm, he was struck by a barrage of bolters and lay motionless on the ground.

The soldiers at the back used everything they learned to support the battle at the front. Commissar Kane and the others did not disappoint their soldiers. The chain sword in his hand had been replaced by another Broken Holy Sword.

The Commissar's chain sword is really fragile against the Thermal Blade of the Reflection Warrior. Even though Kane knows that keeping a low profile can save him a lot of hatred, he will never be ambiguous when it is time to use powerful weapons to serve the Emperor. .

The holy sword in his hand was swung, and beautiful sparks were produced when it collided with the thermal ion knife. Commissar Kane's eyes were fixed on the movement of the reflection, and he felt like he was back when he was the liaison officer for the angels.

The Space Marines also gave him some pointers, allowing him to feel the combat rhythm of the Space Marines.

At first, he swings his sword carelessly and slowly, allowing you to adapt to his rhythm after being blocked again and again, and then he starts to change his moves quickly after a few strikes. A swift slash that surpasses the previous few blows is enough to catch the weaker ones off guard.

But the adults have said that the battles between space warriors are more deadly. The battles often end without seeing the adaptation process. There are only a few warriors who can sense the strength of their opponents from the moment their swords clash. Only the most powerful champion warriors. Only then can one have such strength.

The moment of the collision, I found out your details. The second slash of the returning sword can exceed the limit of your reaction nerves, and it is a powerful attack that is absolutely unavoidable.

Kane's forehead was dripping with sweat, which was different from when he was training and studying. Kane could not sense the murderous intention of the reflected warrior in front of him, but he could feel his all-out efforts from the numbness in his own hands.

Being able to keep up with this kind of speed is really something to be proud of among mortals.

A heavy sniper bullet hit the Reflection Warrior's helmet, causing his head to tilt slightly. Commissar Kane knew that this was Jurgen providing support for him.

They are aliens! You just did what you had to do! For the Emperor! For the Emperor.

There is a story in the official story about the survival of Big Tou and the girl from the Eldar tribe in the wilderness. They were attacked by orcs. Later, the two of them managed to survive to the camp. Big Tou helped the injured Eldar girl there, and then the accompanying toilet group rewarded the spirit. The clan fired a bomb and told Datou to forget all this.

Such a gentle toilet ball, I cried to death. If it were another group, this guy would be dead.

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