Kane took advantage of the reflection being shaken by the heavy sniper bullet and let his weapon graze the thermionic blade. He felt his breastplate being sliced ​​open by the thermal ion knife, and the heat was transmitted to Kane's body through the inner armor.

But the adventure was ultimately fruitful. Kane successfully penetrated the reflection's shoulder with the holy sword. The force field on the holy sword destroyed the iridium alloy armor layer by layer, cutting off one of Reflection's arms.

It seemed that the reflection was not painful. He used the ion cannon to slap away Commissar Kane with his backhand, and a series of ion shots hit him.

"Oh." Commissar Kane's chest throbbed, and he felt like his bones were about to crack.

Kane fell to the ground and rolled quickly to avoid the attack. He didn't know if he could do it, but he had to try in order to survive.

The chirping sound of the ion weapon hitting was heard, but Kane did not see the molten hole beside him where the ion ball hit. Instead, a huge shadow covered him.

Kane looked up and saw Priest Delia standing in front of him, holding the reflection warrior's head in his hand.

"Phew. Thank you so much."

"If you are willing to accept transformation, I can strengthen it for you."

Commissar Kane looked at Delia's current appearance and politely refused.

"I think I'm good this way."

Delia laughed, and then used the weapons conjured by the mechanical animals on her body to kill.

What a bunch of weirdos. This is the only thought in Kane's mind. Thinking about the past days, he was involved in the melee of various monsters, and he was always the unlucky one in the center of the battlefield.

Although I am still unlucky now, my shine is no longer so conspicuous. His colleagues seemed to be more powerful than him.

Kane looked at Priest Delia, who was killing everyone in the enemy group, with the heavy hammer and power ax in his hands without stopping. There was a heavy stance generator placed on the back, something Commissar Kane had seen once on the Executioner vehicle.

Can this thing be installed on the body? Kane doesn't quite understand the transformation levels of these Mechanicus members, but Delia is much more normal now than before.

Fortunately, I don't cover my face and talk to others coldly with a scary metal skull.

"My day!" Kane, who was distracted, suddenly saw Colonel Selina being thrown over. He subconsciously hugged Selina and was brought to the ground by the huge impact.

"Well, it hurts." Serena was lying in the arms of the political commissar. She felt that her bones had been broken, her stomach had been cut open, and her intestines were constantly slipping out of the wound.

"How are you?"

Kane looked at Serena's injuries and subconsciously asked.

"Ah, let me take a breath, and you can hold me back for a while."


Kane's hair stood up in shock. He swung out the holy sword in his hand and bounced off the ground. As for whether Serena's injuries would be more serious after falling to the ground, he could no longer care about it. Four or five scarred reflections rushed towards Kane.

"Jurgen!" Under the siege of four or five reflection warriors, Kane could barely avoid being sliced ​​by the thermal ion knife. He shouted Jurgen's name, hoping that he could save him from the crisis like before. .

Jurgen no longer used his heavy sniper rifle to cover Commissar Kane. He shook out his military uniform, put the Tanner tea in his trouser pocket into a marching kettle, and then pried open the energy clip to allow it to quickly overheat, providing enough energy to boil a pot of water. heat.

Completed in one go, flowing like clouds and flowing water. After Jurgen finished all this, he drove a four-wheeled motorcycle over quickly. Commissar Kane was extremely uncomfortable with his rampant driving style. During the first few years of his partnership with Jurgen, Kane complained more than once that Jurgen's driving skills were even scarier than those of an orc.

But now it seems that Jurgen's terrifying driving skills have also become a deadly weapon.

Commissar Kane could no longer hold on any longer. He was panting as he kept dodging and blocking, and many wounds began to burn on his coat.

Just when he was about to be decapitated by the reflection's thermal ion knife, Jurgen's motorcycle was bounced off the bumpy ground and flew into the air. The vehicle hit the rushing reflection warriors and forced them back.

Thermionic knives slashed through the car body, and what awaited them was the Jurgen gunner's melta muzzle, the fiery fire rushing into their armor.

The armor melted and burned rapidly and mixed with the parts of the car body. Finally, their chests melted into a pool of molten iron. Only their heads and limbs were still intact and fell into the molten iron.

"Tanna tea? Sir?"

"Ah" Commissar Kane blankly took the Tanner tea from Jurgen, wondering how Jurgen had become so powerful.

Ignoring the stench coming from Jurgen's body, Commissar Kane took a sip of tanner tea to relieve his nervousness.

"Thank you, political commissar, I think I'm better."

"Holy shit!" Commissar Kane heard Serena's voice and was startled. He choked on the Tanner tea he poured down his throat.

Kane looked back and saw that Serena's injuries were completely healed, and she seemed to be in great spirits, with no major problems.

"You weren't just now." Kane pointed at Serena. He clearly saw that Serena had a gut piercing, so how could she be fine so soon?

And what’s with the puddle of intestines and stomach-like things on the ground behind?

"Oh, this is the mark left by the Emperor on me." Serena looked solemn as she explained the repair status of her body to Commissar Kane.

Serena said that she fell into a deep sleep with serious injuries last time, and after waking up, she had powerful self-healing ability. Although she was able to be rescued and had a strong resurrection ability due to Nurgle, Lin Fan felt that it was better to rely on the Emperor, which would reduce a lot of trouble.

But this regeneration ability also has a shortcoming, that is, the repair ability is a bit too strong, so that Serena will have huge tumors and cell cysts that divide very quickly.

In the end, the solution given by Delia and Rebecca was to let Serena perform self-harm, such as cutting off her legs today and cutting her throat to bleed tomorrow.

In short, Serena needs to ensure that she is injured so that Nurgle's life-repairing ability does not turn into extreme swelling of the body.

After hearing this, Lin Fan called him a pervert, but after thinking about it carefully, Serena, as a nun, longs for physical repentance. Maybe a body that can be continuously injured without affecting the combat effectiveness will make the nun happier?

So Lin Fan said: The emperor's eyes have fallen on you. He hopes that your sins will be alleviated, but he does not want to lose a loyal warrior.

It was clear that Serena was truly excited, her passion for the Emperor and desire for atonement transcending the pain of self-mutilation.

No matter where it is, there is always someone working

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