"Damn it! Colonel Erica! Tell the troops to stop charging! Stop where they are! Stay with Old Jock and the others!" Lin Fan shouted loudly towards Erica. No one in this world except him could defeat Ke. The Rieger stopped.

The shadows violently absorbed souls, and they were connected together, like sticky asphalt filling the sky. The battlefield was extremely dark, with black gas-like substances dripping from time to time.

These gas-like substances stretched out their blades and hooks, dragging the stunned soldiers in. With the painful wailing sound, the flowing gas column became thicker.

Scarlet eyes opened one after another, staring at each living body with undisguised hatred.

"What a fat ass!" Korsaro Khan exclaimed, and then a whistle as sharp as an eagle's roar came out of his mouth.

All the White Scar warriors quickly moved closer to Khan, observing everything on the battlefield vigilantly. And used their firepower to drive away the deadly shadows rushing towards them.

The battlefield was so chaotic. The dark space was illuminated by the firelight of weapon fire. The light of various lighting units stretched out in long tubes. Lin Fan could see the dust floating in the light.

The Tau were frightened when faced with such a bizarre phenomenon. Their battle suits were at a loss as they took off one by one in an attempt to avoid the shadow attack.

But in this case, taking off may not be an option. The black dome flashed with brilliant lightning, hitting the battle suit, and the yellow armor became rusty, as if they had experienced the baptism of time for tens of thousands of years.

The lightning became more intense, and the light became more beautiful and weird. The heavy, despairing black and the nauseating colors were mixed together, and the dome cracked like glass, revealing the appearance of the universe.

"My day" Lin Fan looked at the crazy cosmic projections. These things did not reflect the characteristics of any evil god.

The magnificent crystals of Tzeentch, the blade-lined gardens of Slaanesh, the flaming brass of Khorne, the phlegmous fungi of Nurgle. Lin Fan didn't even see it. The biggest feeling this subspace brought to him was that of a dying area.

There are buildings that have been turned into ruins, and there are endless black and dry corpses, bloodless and fleshless. The dark sky is kneaded with colorful silk threads, supported by the corpses of civilization, and traces of void whales swimming through the broken time shine.

"Ah!!!" Yingyang shouted in horror. She fell to the ground and backed away desperately. Her weapons and high-tech armor are completely unable to stop this crazy mental attack. The soldiers of the empire still have strong faith to maintain their sanity.

But these Tau people were trapped in unextricable fear, as helpless as lambs waiting for the harvest.

"This thing should be an invisible abyss, an area beyond the power of the Four Gods. But why?" Lin Fan said to himself. He rushed to Yingyang's side and slapped her.

This slap may have been a bit too hard, causing Yingyang's blue skin to turn purple. Lin Fan shouted to the dazed Yingyang, "What have you done?"

"We didn't do anything!" Yingyang didn't understand what happened just now. A second ago, she was still tortured by illusions and fear, and even her brain felt like it was boiling.

Now she suddenly saw an Astra Militarum Colonel tugging at her armor and asking questions that she didn't even know.

"Damn, this is completely different from what I thought." Lin Fan left Yingyang in annoyance. From this guy's eyes, Lin Fan could tell that she had lost her fighting power. She was frightened by the horror of subspace.

Reflection warriors jumped out of the airflow column one by one. They no longer looked like the high-tech they were just now. Blood was constantly seeping from the gaps, and the loudspeaker grille of the helmet roared with mixed screams.

"Ha! Chaos warriors in disguise!" Korsaro Khan curled his lips. In the eyes of these space warriors, nothing is scary. If the minions of Chaos want to get involved, Khan doesn't mind giving it. Hetian Khan offered more heads.

But Lin Fan felt that these things were not Chaos Space Marines. The smell of chaos on their bodies was not as strong as the smell emitted by the airflow columns. Lin Fan smelled more like Tau people.

Khan and his warriors interpreted the Emperor's truth with explosive bombs, accurately hitting the heads of the Reflection Warriors, but the blasphemous creations whose heads were penetrated did not fall, but lost control and moved towards Khan's The team rushed.

Erica and Old Jock covered Khan's flanks, and various heavy weapons blocked Reflection's charge.

There were also many reflections rushing towards Lin Fan. The hammer in his hand swept across the reflection warriors, knocking them away and sending them directly into the black barrier.

The projection of the invisible waste abyss disappeared, the sky became pitch black again, and the flowing air pillars no longer poured out more reflection warriors.

Kosaro Khan chopped up the crawling reflections with a scimitar. These things were quite tricky, so hard to kill that they could clump together with other corpses.

There were some holes in his armor, and the wounds that were originally bleeding healed under the repair of powerful body functions, leaving only dry scars.

Some soldiers fell to the ground, their chest armor cracked, and pharmacists were providing emergency treatment.

"Look what else we have here!"

The corpses piled into a hill gathered together and then opened into an oval shape like a mouth. Bioelectricity surged through it, creating an illusory screen amid the buzzing sound.

"Director Yongtan!" Yingyang couldn't believe the figure on the screen. She stared and didn't know what to say.

"Oh ho ho! My dear commander, you are still alive? You are so lucky." Director Yong Detective looked at Ying Yang with contempt on the screen, admiring the massacre he created.

Lin Fan always felt that this guy's tone was familiar, but he did not speak immediately but hid himself. He lay on the ground and prepared to observe the situation.

"Thank you for your persistence. I successfully activated the disruptor. Now the Human Empire cannot cross the Gulf of Damocles."

"And look what is this? The Ether you are loyal to, I have to say that there is something about him that I am very interested in." Director Yongtan turned sideways, revealing a Tau man whose chest was opened.

The still-beating internal organs proved that the old Tau man was still alive, as if he was Amunwa who had been tortured to the point of death.

"Carry out a hatred test. It's still a little short. Oh! My Corsaro Khan! Come and have a look! Your battle brother is in my research room!"

Director Yongtan inspected a machine on his wrist, then used a giant drone to reveal the fate of the other warriors.

Delia's daily appearance

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