The Space Wolves in blue armor and the Raven Guard in black armor are fighting side by side. It seems that they are fighting in a sealed place.

Bolter rifles tore through the reflection's armor, but the things did not fall, a gaping maw spitting bolts of flesh and bone at the Space Marines.

"Ruth is here!" Kaiser gritted his teeth, holding a shield in one hand and a plasma pistol in the other. He did not take out the ax from his waist. If he rushed forward with his boys here, he would only block his teammates' guns. Wire.

Compared to the wild wolves who yelled and cursed and greeted the Tau family, young and old, the Raven Guard were much quieter. They fired silently, as if they were not surrounded.

Chapter Captain Colvin fired with a composite bolt gun. One armor-piercing bolt penetrated the reflected armor, and another plasma ball shot in from the hole, and the plasma burning gas flame spurted out from the hole. , I didn’t see anything strange growing out of the wound.

Yong Tan watched the battle on the screen with great interest, and did not feel distressed by the large number of reflected corpses lying on the ground.

"The current hate value is good! It's just enough. Thank you Chogoris barbarians~" Yong Tan waved his hands cheerfully, and the screen made of corpses disappeared.

Corsaro Khan's beard stood up in anger, he called on the White Scar warriors to kill all the aliens on the battlefield, and then rode a motorcycle to skin this bullshit director.

The scimitar sparkled on his arm, and Kosaro Khan's scimitar slashed at Shadow Sun. Then a hammer knocked back Corsaro's attack. Lin Fan looked at it for a long time, and he always felt that the director of detective Yong was Amaraja.

The appearance of this flesh and blood creation is not as disgusting and brainless as in Landers' world. At least these things will not eat each other. It seems that Amalaga's technology is also constantly improving.

"Mortal! I respect your bravery, but if you want to hinder a khan! My scimitar will cut it down without reservation!" Khan Kosaro frowned, and his eyes were filled with surprise and cold light at the same time. Just now The blow of the hammer was just right.

This feeling only came when he was fighting against the old Khan in the regiment. There were few people who could control the huge hammer so well, and he was still a mortal officer.

Is it physical transformation? The Khan did not see it, but he swore that if the officer blocked his scimitar from slashing at the alien again, he would kill this mortal as well.

"It's really troublesome." Lin Fan looked at Kosaro Khan's look and knew that he must not be able to explain clearly, and he didn't have much time to explain.

Lin Fan dodged and rushed forward. The Corsaro scimitar slashed at Lin Fan and took off Lin Fan's head. But Lin Fan used the hammer to open Khan's scimitar again, with such force that Corsaro's center of gravity became unstable.

The surprise in his eyes became more intense, and Corsaro controlled his muscles and armor to turn in an unstable direction. The swift fist struck Lin Fan's body.

Other White Scars warriors also reacted quickly. They occupied favorable positions on the battlefield and were alert to the remaining battle uniforms and Astra Militarum troops.

The other two White Scars warriors were walking around Kosaro Khan, their power scimitars ready, ready to seize the opportunity to provide support to the Khan.

This fist still failed to hit Lin Fan. He stepped out in advance and slapped the forehead of Khan Kosaro with the icon in his palm.

"So fast! I can't hide!" Khan was shocked. He tried his best to put his forehead back, loosened the hand holding the knife, put it to his waist, pulled out the pistol, and shot Lin Fan in the body.

The sound of armor exploding and the sound of being slapped on the forehead echoed on the battlefield. Colonel Erica and Old Jock stood aside and watched the battle. All the soldiers had no intention of getting involved in the fight.

"Why did the fight suddenly start?"

"have no idea."

They didn't know what was happening yet. The confrontation between Khan and Lin Fan was so fast that Khan fell to the ground and there was a red double-headed eagle mark on his forehead for only a second or two.

"Khan!" All the White Scar warriors were nervous. The two warriors covering the surrounding area did not expect the strength of the Astra Militarum in front of them. They rushed forward to create an opportunity for Khan to stand up again.

They thought that Lin Fan would never give up the idea of ​​chasing Khan, but Lin Fan had no such idea at all, and he did not want to kill Khan.

He kicked back the charging white-scarred warrior with both feet. The hammer in his hand spun quickly, and explosives exploded on the hammer. None of them could break through Lin Fan's defense.

"Wait!" Kosaro Khan sat up, his face serious, and asked everyone to stop attacking.

Although the double-headed eagle mark on his forehead was still exuding a trace of heat, no one would feel ridiculous about such a thing.

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Kosaro Khan performed the highest etiquette for Lin Fan. He knelt on one knee, held the scimitar in both hands and handed it to Lin Fan, chanting in his mouth.

"Uncle, I will listen to you."

"you saw it?"

"I saw it."

"Any more doubts?"

"Yes. Do you have a token?"

Lin Fan touched his pocket and found that the token that Chagatai had thrown to him was not still with him. The items were all stored in Rebecca's body.

"A book, I'll give it to you when we get out." Lin Fan replied, and Kosaro Khan also nodded, with some excitement and hesitation on his face.

The White Scar warriors next to them were all stunned. At this time, they could only think that Khan had fallen and joined the ranks of betrayers.

But for the hunting masters, their respect for Corsaro's achievements made it difficult for them to make up their minds to shoot at Khan in the first place.

"Khan! What are you doing!" A white-scarred warrior shouted angrily, the gun in his hand already pointed at Khan.

Corsaro was also aware of the possibility of this misunderstanding. He looked at Lin Fan, and Lin Fan looked at him.

The two men suddenly became violent, and the hunting master no longer hunted traitors and aliens, but instead turned to arresting his brothers.

"Brother! You will understand me!" Kosaro Khan locked his brothers tightly, and Lin Fan rushed over and slapped their foreheads with the Aquila icon.

Soon, the heads of all the white-scarred warriors who could move were red, thanks to the anger of betrayal in the hearts of these warriors.

In sorrow, they wailed in pain, feeling sad for the betrayal of Korsaro Khan, and then decided to use their sharp blades to kill the traitor.

If they choose to hide in the black ball's vast battlefield, it would be hard for Lin Fan and Corsaro to push them to the ground one by one and put marks on their foreheads.

In the end, all the white-scarred warriors looked at each other, rubbed their heads in embarrassment, and said in unison to Lin Fan.

"Uncle, I was wrong."

Warp Corrosion (Severe)

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