"Very good!" Lin Fan put his hands on his hips and pointed at Yingyang and continued, "Are you still thinking of peeling off the skin of this alien, beheading it, making it embalmed and stuffing it into your pants for collection?"

"Uh, us." Corsaro Khan scratched his head, recalling what he had just seen at the Golden Throne.

He was first shocked by the majesty and sanctity of the throne and worshiped by the emotion of the great power of the Sky Khan. He laid his whole body on the ground, Tian Khan showing his most loyal and respectful side.

Tian Khan sat on the throne, surrounded by pillars filled with various heads. The horizon in the distance is lined with various motorcycles, painted in beautiful white paint and decorated with red gems and gold.

Just one look at Corsaro's heart made him unable to suppress his desire to ride. He dreamed of showing off his superb motorcycle skills to Tian Khan.

The integration of man and car that he has mastered in the sharp-skulled stone forest of Chogoris will surely make the Heavenly Khan nod his head and praise him.

“Obey His word, and His will be my will.”

But Tian Khan had no intention of letting him show off his motorcycle skills and pushed Kosaro Khan out with his hands.

"Who is that person?" Kosaro Khan finally asked boldly in the direction of Tian Khan.

The corners of Tian Khan's lips raised slightly, as if he was suppressing a smile, "He is Chagatai's brother. You can call him uncle. You must also listen to him when it comes to dealing with the Tau aliens."

Brother of our great Primarch Father? Someone who has fought against the stars with the Great Khan? One of the descendants of the Great Khan? What an honor!

Kosaro Khan thought so excitedly that even if he passed the hunting trial and became a master with the approval of the powerful Juba Khan, it would not be as happy as what he saw today.

The same is true for the rest of the White Scars warriors. The faces under their helmets are full of fanaticism and conviction. It is simply the most glorious thing to have a brother of the Great Khan to lead them.

"Uncle, I, Kosaro Khan, and the Eagle Society under my command, will dedicate our loyalty to you!"

"" Lin Fan felt that it was a bit strange for a group of people older than himself to call him uncle, but he had also had the experience of calling a child uncle according to his seniority, and he felt that he could accept it.

"Treat the injured soldiers, as well as the soldiers who have fallen into the corruption of subspace. Just beat them until they can't resist. Don't kill them. Then send them here and I will deal with them."

"Okay, uncle." Kosaro Khan walked away with everyone, and Erica and the others treated the wounded, and also brought the crazy soldiers over.

In order to prevent these crazy soldiers from hurting others, everyone's choice was to break their limbs with weapons first, and then take the soldiers who were unable to resist to Lin Fan and slap him in the face.

Lin Fan rescued the person with a slap while chatting with Yingyang who was sitting on the ground at a loss.

"And you, hurry up and get the rest of you alive."

"Me." Yingyang looked at the battlefield. The battle suit troops that were originally covering the sky were basically wiped out. Only these few battle suit pilots were still controlling the machine and wandering blindly. They had no intention of attacking. idea.

Yingyang looked at the black ball that was still covering them and called the communicator, but all he got was noisy sounds.

She could only activate the xv22 battle suit, walk towards the other subordinates on the battlefield, knock them down ferociously, and then drag the driver out of the cabin.

"Corsaro, you also go and help."

Kosaro Khan's face was stiff. He stared at Yingyang and said some dirty words about Chogoris.

"Go quickly, they are still useful to the Empire, think about the swarm."

Lin Fan's urging gave Corsaro no choice. He could only do this kind of thing reluctantly with his battle brothers.

"I really want to pull out all the heads of you aliens." Corsaro tore open the battle suit with a machete and took out the driver who was shaking like a chicken inside.

"You can do this after I kill Director Yongtan. If you don't do it, I will kill him myself!" Yingyang didn't care about Khan's threat. She was now filled with hatred for Yongtan. He How could one use such cruel means to treat the Supreme Ether?

"Oh?" Yingyang's attitude made Khan a little curious. He then asked, "Is Director Yongtan the alien on the screen just now?"

"Yes, he also researched the Reflection Warrior."

After hearing Yingyang's answer, Corsaro narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was another name in his hunting manual.

Then the black ball was destroyed by Jurgen's untouchable characteristics, and Lin Fan and the others also saw Kane and his team rushing in from outside.

If no one saves them, Lin Fan will go over and smash the black ball to pieces, but it is more important to save people first. It is not easy to train educated soldiers.

"So we are going to fight the traitors of the Tau? Are we in alliance with them again?" Commissar Kane asked with a frown as he watched Lin Fan finally wake up the two crazy soldiers.

Shadowsun and her men were a little uneasy. Without their battle uniforms, they were so weak and powerless in front of the Astra Militarum and Space Marines.

Kosaro Khan and the others also looked at Lin Fan. Although they didn't say anything against him, their attitudes showed that they hated the aliens.

"Wait a moment, Rebecca will take out the motorcycle repair book." Lin Fan did not rush to answer their questions, but glanced at the timer.

Five minutes had passed since they knew that the Raven Guard and Space Wolves were surrounded. Lin Fan was ready to talk about what he was going to do after rescuing the people.

Handing the book that Rebecca took out of her bag to Khan Korsaro, Lin Fan asked Kane to go to other places to see if there were any living people. Based on his understanding of Almaraga's methods.

As long as this guy chooses to take action, the place where he is is basically a dead place.

Maybe the enemy troops in the Titanium Fortress have been killed, and even the frontline troops are almost dead.

"You go to other fronts to see what the situation is. Save people if you can. I'll go and kill the mastermind behind the scenes."

Lin Fan patted Korsaro on the shoulder, "Don't be stunned, complete the task. Let's go and kill the director of the Yongtan, and then we will discuss it slowly."

Kansaro and other White Scars woke up from their obsession with flipping through books. The cover of this book was written with the words "Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance".

Korsaro only needed to see the font on the cover and smell the faint scent of ink to know that this thing was made by Chagatai Khan.

This feeling that is integrated into the genes, this throbbing feeling that has never appeared before but is extremely familiar, is the best proof.

The words jump in the minds of the White Scars, outlining the elegant scene when the Khan writes with a brush.

The internal perspective of the Space Marine

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